1: Breast Exam Flashcards
Organization of breast
- Clusters of secretory cells and myoepithelial cells in lobules
- Lobules in 12-20 lobes
Major role of E and progesterone in breast
- E: growth of adipose tissue and lactiferous ducts
2. Pro: growth of lobules and alveolar budding
Two most common breast complaints
Breast pain, mass
Next step if pt has a palpable mass
Biopsy - fine needle aspiration, core biopsy, or excision biopsy
How much sooner can a mass be seen on mammography vs palpable
2 years on average
Screening vs diagnostic mammogram
- Screening: no complaints -> 4 images (2 craniocaudal, 2 mediolateral)
- Diagnostic: complaint or mass -> screening mammo + contralateral breast imaging
BI-RADS category 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
0: need additional imaging
1: negative
2: benign
3: probably benign
4: suspicious
5: highly suggestive of Malignancy
6: known malig (Bx-proven)
What is breast US useful for (4 things)
- Inconclusive mammo
- Age <40 or with dense breast tissue
- Differentiate cystic vs solid lesions
- Guidance during core needle biopsy
Breast MRI: two major uses
- Post-CA dx for further eval of staging
2. Women at high risk, Iike BRCA carriers
Fine needle aspiration bx: what to do if clear vs bloody fluid
- Clear: no further eval
2. Bloody: sent for cytology, need mammo or US
Sx relief n pts with mastalgia
Proper fitting bra, weight reduction, exercise, decrease caffeine, vitamin E supplements, primrose oil
Three things that can cause bloody nipple discharge
Intraductal carcinoma, invasive ductal carcinoma, benign intraductal papilloma