1.4.3 organisational design Flashcards
hierarchy definition
ranking workers according to level of importance or status in a business
job roles:
- chief executive officer (CEO)
- senior managers/directors
- managers
- supervisors
- operatives
- trainees/apprentices
tall structure definition
where there are lots of layers of management responsible for relatively few employees
flat structure definition
where there are few layers of management responsible for lots of employees
chain of command definition
the reporting system from top to bottom- the rout by witch information travels through the business
TALL= long chain of command
FLAT= short chain of command
line manager definition
every employee in the business will report to someone above them
martix structure definition
a temporary structure where staff work in project teams that are cross functional
advantages and disadvantages of tall structure
+ less mistakes as everyone is closely supervised
+ clear management structure with clear defined roles
+ more opportunities for promotion
- workers may not feel like they ae trusted
- higher management costs as salaries are bigger
- communication and decision making can be slow
advantages and disadvantages of tall structure
+ allows faster communication and decision making
+ less levels of management so cost of management salaries is less
+ less supervision so employees get more flexibility
- lack of promotion opportunities
- managers may loose control of the workers
- managers may become overburdened with work
advantages and disadvantages of matric structure
+ break down traditional department barriers which should increase communications across the business
+ allows individuals to use their particular skills in a variety of contexts
+ lining departments together should avoid delays in getting things done
- divided loyalties if employees have two managers
- clear line of accountability may not be present (like a traditional structure)
- difficult to coordinate
centralised structure definition (+&-)
decision making power and control remains in the hands of the top management levels
- less autonomy (freedom) for managers
+ good for consistency for customers
de-centralised definition (+&-)
decision making power and control is delegated to workers lower own in the hierarchy
+ allows decisions to be made locally- closer to customers
- may be less consistency
- managers have more responsibility and authority
advantages and disadvantages of centralised structure
+easier to implement common procedures and practices for the whole business
+ prevents each part of the business from becoming too independent
- head office is less likely to know local needs compared to local managers
- lack of authority down the hierarchy may reduce motivation of managers
advantages and disadvantages of de-centralised structure
+ good way of training and developing junior managers
+ may motivate managers if they are given authority to make their own decisions
- may be some diseconomies of scale e.g. duplication of roles
-harder to achieve total financial control as there is a risk of departments going over budget
efficiency definition
reducing unnecessary resources to produce a given amount of output
motivation definition
the interest, drive and desire to want to work
what can lead to lack of efficiency
- poor communication: mistakes being made
- duplication of tasks
- tasks being overlooked and so not being completed
- departments not working together efficiently
what can lead to lack of motivation
- little ability for workers to show initiative
- little delegation to subordinates from line managers
- little responsibility and therefore authority
- not receiving all the information required to perform a task
- little opportunity for promotion