1.3.2 Branding and promotion Flashcards
What is promotion?
use of marketing to bring products and services to the attention of potential buyers
What are the 4 types of promotion?
Personal selling
Sales promotion
What is personal selling?
A marketing technique that involved direct, face to face interaction with potential customers
-sales person must be trained on specific techniques
-builds trust and improves customer satisfaction
What is a drawback to personal selling?
Can be expensive to invest in training and salary
What is advertising?
(Inc examples)
Reaching a large audience to increase brand awareness and create specific brand images
Eg- leaflets, radio, tv, print
What’s a drawback of advertising?
What is publicity?
(Personal relations and sponsorships)
Public relations- aims to build relationships between the business and public to create a favourable corporate image
Sponsorships- positive association of a product/service with a celeb/sport
What is a drawback of publicity?
The business has less control over what’s said
What is sales promotion?
Encourages purchase of a product/service by offering temporary incentives or discounts
(Inc, samples, giveaways, discounts)
What’s is a drawback of sales promotion?
Can be expensive when heavily discounting
What is above the line advertising?
Inc examples
A mass media method for targeting larger, more general consumers
(Radio, Tv, Billboards)
What are 2 advantages and 2 drawbacks of above the line?
A- Reach mass audience sp get max exposure to potential consumers
A- Build brand awareness
D- Expensive
D-May not appeal to right demographic
What is below the line advertising?
Inc examples
Directed to reach a small, targeted audience
EG- flyers, social media
What are 2 advantages and disadvantages of below the line?
A- easy, cheap
A- more targeted at segments, focused
D-Training in social media may be needed
-Need deeper understanding over buyer behaviour- more market research
What is branding?
A characteristic, name or symbol that distinguishes one product from another suppliers
(How a customer perceives a product)
What are 4 benefits of having a strong brand ?
Adds value
Makes the product recognisable
Charge premium price
Builds trust
Why is it a benefit to add value?
Because making a cheap addition to a product eg branding, increases its awareness and distinguishes it from other brands which may lead to customer loyalty
Why is it a benefit to build trust?
Because this will lead to repeat purchase and consumers will maintain which inc erases rev
What is manufacturer branding?
Using a company’s name and logo to promote their products/services which are sold in retailers
What is an advantage and a drawback of manufacturer branding?
A- strong brand recognition
D- If one product is a ,scandal, can demolish trust of company range
What are own brand products?
When retailers produce their own products and use their own name as a label to promote their products
What is an advantage and a disadvantage of own brand products?
A- more affordable products
D- often lower quality
What are some methods of branding?
What 4 ways can you build a brand?
Social media
How does a USP help a brand?
Helps differentiate the brand and gives it a unique identity which helps increase brand recognition
How does advertising help build a brand?
IT increases visibility by creating awareness and shaping perceptions. It can communicate brands identity and message
How does a sponsorship help build a brand?
It helps by associating the brand with a specific event.It can increase positive brand association and help reach a larger audience
How does social media help build a brand?
It allows the brand to connect and engage with their target audience which increases brand awareness
How was social media affected branding?
By viral bran ding and emotional bran ding
What is viral branding?
A sales technique that relies on word of mouth for info on products that will cause it to rapidly spread
What is emotional branding?
It seeks to create a bond between the consumer and the product by provoking an emotional response to the ad.