13-advance with a sense of purposesness Flashcards
inner voices
understand your calling , your inner voice:
you are already dead when you only seek from one high to another just to kill time
literal interpretation
the interpretation can always be literal or many steps above literal; this depends on the state of mind and the environment
power of love-easy vs hard path
inner conflicts of MLK and his father; he did resist the easy path and changed city opposed to father to montgomery-
used the power of love to change people
mission is about
you always think about the mission not what you want but what you need to accomplish to go no the next level
JFK and MLK clash lead to 1964 civil rights law that called into question progressive move towards desegregation and equal rights
power and love
power wo love is reckless and love wo power is sentimental
values at the deepest level
the goal is not to integrate the value into the society/game but to change the values at the deepest levels
afraid vs dead MLK
I rather be dead than afraid; mlk in memphis and then got shot hours later in hotel’s balcony
to seize the moment
sometimes there is no room to backoff you use all the tools to seize the moment-mlk in using children in protests pragmatism
the voice
when you heard the voice it makes you more stratigic, adaptive and whole
we are different at the seed that we need to grow and use ; our uniqueness should be used
two types of armies
two type armies:cause vs money-always acquire knowledge and tools with in a framework
edge to excellence
go as far as you can to the edge and the edge of excellence- this leads to true you and ultimate freedom
higher sense of purpose - time, energy, micro goals, eliminating
-discover your calling
-use resistance to acquire skill:put it out and tight deadlines to avoid tedium and use adversity as energy
-absorb purposeful energy
-create a ladder of ambitious goals: do micro goals to get satisfaction as well
-get swallowed in work to get inspiration and intensified emotions
-eliminate everything to get deep
real purpose
real purposes come fm inside and is upward towards bigger goal but not easy or cheap