1.2.4 Flashcards
What are the roles of muscles in movement? (Antagonistic pairs)
Muscles can only contract; the antagonistic pair needs to relax to allow movement to occur. The biceps and triceps, hamstrings and quadriceps, are examples of antagonistic pairs.
What is the function of the muscular system?
Muscles are attached to bones; when muscles contract they allow MOVEMENT. (Also body shape and posture)
Muscles in the muscular system:
Trapezius, deltoid, pectorals, bicep, tricep, abdominals, latissimus Dorsi, gluteus Maximus, hamstring, quadriceps, gastrocnemius.
What are the short term effects of exercise on the muscular system?
Isometric contraction:- a contraction of a muscle which increases tension but length stays the same.
Isotonic contraction:- a contraction of muscle which results in movement.
Muscle fatigue:- reduced ability of muscles to produce a force, may be cause by strenuous exercise or poor training prep.
Lactic acid:- produce in the muscles quickly during intense anaerobic exercise.
What is Rest?
Time allowed for the body to recover and adaption to occur.
Muscles need to repair and grow following exercise. Rest is important in any training programme.
What does diet do?
Helps the recovery process.
Carbohydrates replenish energy stores. Proteins repair and build muscles.
Water replaces fluid lost through sweating.
How do performance enhancing drugs effect the muscular system?
Despite the risk of being banned and health, many athletes still use them. Anabolic steroids will build muscles and develop strength. They also speed up the recovery process.
What is rice?
What are the long term effect of exercise on the muscular system?
Hypertrophy:- increased muscle size and strength. Results in a firmer looking body and good posture. Stronger tendons and ligaments also reduce risk of injury.
Atrophy:- loss of muscle mass and strength. Caused by stopping training due, perhaps to injury.