12 Flashcards
Pull through
دوام اوردن و زنده ماندن
Hegot virus infection once he was 9 day-old but he was strong enough to pull through
As their parents we need to put structure and freedom at the same time in place for them
Behave(=behave yourself)
Please behave while I am not hear
درست رفتار كن
ترسيده و نگران واعتماد به نفس ضعيف شده
His interaction with kids made me abit intimidated thinking I may not be as good as he is
with kids
I found interview questions abit intimidating most times
I have been pampering them since their birth
I pamper myself with a cup of coffee and a book to read
تصميم گرفتن اينكه چكار ميخوايم بكنيم طوري كه برنامه ريزي قطعي براش انجام بديم
There was so many discussion around who is staying and who’s gana go ,after 30 minutes we came to a
conclusion and it was settled
Put things into perspective
باعث ميشه يه بازنگري بكني
I saw their problems and it really put my own problems into perspective باعث شد به مشكلات خودم يه بازنگري بكنم ببينم آيا همونقدر كه كن فكر ميكنم جدي و ازار دهنده هستند
To clarify, appraise(evaluate), or assess the true value, importance, or significance of something.”
Having said that
اينم بگم كه….
He has been a very respectful teenager, having said that we always respected him
Pull oneself together
احساسات خود رو به زور كنترل كردن كه رفتار عصبي يا ترسيده يا غير قابل كنترل نداشته باشي
After the incident it took me a little while to pull myself together and decide what would be the next step
She eventually pulled herself together
It would be an absolute/sheer
insanity to take this risk
شييِر (خالص)
سازگار كردن
You can reconcile these two beliefs يعني راهي پيدا كني كه دوتاش با هم كار كنه
Be Reconciled with sb =make up
آشتي كردن
Two sisters were reconciled after many years
Two sisters made up after many years
پیش بینی کردن(فکر کردن یا دانستن)
I don’t foresee any problems
It had been foreseen before پیش بینی شده بود از قبل
He had foreseen that the oil prices would rise up steeply
پیش بینی کرده بود که قیمت نفت باشیب زیاد
بالا بره
No one foresaw what he was planning هیچ کس پیش بینی نمیکرد
پیش گویی کردن
Unemployment is predicted to increase increase to 700,000 by the end of the year پیشگویی میشه
He predicted this before
I can’t predict !
پیش بینی نشده
Due to unforeseen circumstances we have had to delay the opening of enrolments