1 Flashcards
Get a hold of someone
پيدا كردن كسي و با او صحبت كردن
If I can get a hold of him I will talk to him
Stick around
در جايي كمي طولاني تر بماني و منتظر چيزي باشي تا اتفاق بيوفتد(مثلا جلسه اي تمام شود)
I stuck around to talk to her after the meeting
for your own good
براي خوبي خودت
I am just telling you all of these just for your own goodبراي خودت
For the sake of something
For someone’s sake
به خاطر اینکه
به خاطر…..
He reads his book just for the sake of reading
اون ميخونه فقط براي اينكه بگه خوندم
وگرنه با دقت نميخونه
I increased my knowledge around relationships just for the sake of having a healthier
We left Iran for our children’s sake
پر محتوا
This book is a very informative book
از روي عادت
I am a morning habitual tea drinker
Resentful =bitter
احساس ناراحتي خشم يا حسادت كني به خاطر اينكه فكر ميكني عادلانه باهات.رفتار نشده
I felt resentful when my parents bought some share for my brothers and not meدلخور
He complained bitterly با دلخوري
The penny dropped
بالاخره فهميد
بدون دليل و اغلب unfair دل به خواه
Most courts in Iran take
arbitrary decisions
Arbitrary arrest of political protesters
By any means
Not at all اصلا به هیچ وجه
I didn’t have any intentions to offend you by any means
عجيب و مشكل براي فهميدن
مثل خوابِ
مثل رويا
بد بياري
I call them adversity
Subside(intransitive)no object
فروكش كردن ( فقط براي درد احساس یا صدا به كار ميرود)
The pain has subsided but I am still unwell
My earthly body
For a Short while
I worked with him for a short while براي يه مدت كوتاه
Quite a while
زمان نسبتا طولاني
Wind breaker
Its all or nothing
قانون همه يا هيچfor my husband its
يا خوب انجام ميده يا اصلا نميدهall or nothing
Middle ground
Lets take middle ground بياين وسطشو بگيريم
بي تحرك
My new job is more of a sedentary
This technique is very primitive
تضعيف كردن
I dont want to undermine
He gradually and over time undermined her confidence
To get back a head
جلو انداختن
Please help him in the morning to get back a head
زير ساخت
After coming a new government it take a while to make a new financial infrastructure
In Iran infrastructures are not good
Misogynous regime مِساجِّنِس
رژيم زن ستيز
طوري كه در مورد چيزي فكر ميكني
دريافتت از موضوع
Children perception of their parents alteres as they grow
My perception of human body changed when I read this book
با درايت و تدبير
She is very tactful
كسي كه مردم را ناراحت و خجالت زده نميكنه
Tenacious تِنِيْشِسْ
Ali is very tenacious سرسخت
از ايده خودش كوتاه نمياد و كاري رو تمام ميكنه حتي اگر به دشواري برسه
سر سختي
Getting depressed
افسرده شدن
Get along
كنار اومدن با كسي يا چيزي
It’s such a business
اينم برا خودش يه پروژه اييه
Give my love to him/her
عشق من بهش برسون
Remember me to him/her
منو بادشون بيار
Say hello to them/him/her
سلام منو بهشون /بهش برسون
I had to wear a drab old dress and wellies for that play
رنگ و رو رفته
پرز دادن -تًُل شدن
My sweater is pilled تُل شده
My swater is pilling تُل ميده
Pls shut the door
The door is not quite shut
در كاملا بسته نشد
Drink fountain
كش مو