11.1.1 - Aerodynamics and Flight Controls Flashcards
Name thr Primary Flight Controls
Which control surface is used to control an aircraft longitudinally about the lateral axis?
What is the purpose of a variable incidence stabiliser?
Angle of Incidence is the angle between chord line of wing and longitudinal axis of aircraft.
variable incidence stabiliser means that the full stabiliser can be moved to change the angle of incidence.
It is usually for the horizontal stabiliser and the elevator is still part of it.
Used for trimming purposes
What is a canard?
Any aircraft that has the equivalent of two lifting surfaces, instead of the conventional horizontal stabiliser that provides a down load, can be classified as a canard.
The canard is the forward surface, and frequently is also a control surface.
Where does an aircraft get it directional control from?
Directional control is achieved by the rudder.
Directional control about the vertical axis
What is a Ruddervator?
The two fixed surfaces act as both horizontal and vertical stabilisers, while also the movable surfaces are connected through a mixing-type linkage that allows in and out movement of the control wheel to move both surfaces together
The rudder pedals move the surfaces differentially.
What are the 2 ways of controlling spoilers?
- Arm the spoilers with the lever (cockpit)
- When flaps retracted, the side stick will move them to roll the aircraft instead of the ailerons
What is the purpose of a slot?
To improve the airflow conditions at high angles of attack and slow speeds
A slot is fixed
What effect does extending the slats/flaps have on angle of attack?
Changes the chord line decreasing angle of attack
(approx normal 16/17 degree to 25 degree)
Briefly explain ‘‘Adverse Yaw’’
The movement of the nose in the wrong direction at the beginning of a turn is called adverse yaw
Adverse yaw is the natural and undesirable tendency for an aircraft to yaw in the opposite direction of a roll. It is caused by the difference in lift and drag of each wing
Describe breifly the purpose of a stall strip (stall wedge) and its operation
It is extremely important that an aircraft wing stall progressively from the root out to the tip, so the ailerons will be effective throughout the stall.
If a wing does not naturually have this stall progression characteristic (washout), it is possible to place stall wedges on the leading edge of the wing in the root area.
Explain the operation of a Servo Tab
- How operated
- Movement relative to control surface
- Purpose
A Servo tab is integrated into the flight control
It moves in the Opposite direction to the control surface
Assists or provides the force for moving a primary flight control. Aerodynamically positions control surfaces that require too much force to move manually.
What are anti-servo tabs (anti-balance tabs)?
Moves in the same direction as the control surface
Increases force needed by pilot to change flight control position. De-sensitizes flight controls.
What is the purpose of a spoiler mixer?
Takes 2 inputs
- aileron
- (spoiler) lever position in cockpit
determines what overall spoiler position should be
Explain how a vortex generator operates?
Small Venturi like system on top of wing at transition phase.
Vortex generator re-energises airflow to keep laminar flow for longer
What is the purpose of a trim tab?
(how Controlled?
What direction relative to control surface?
also purpose)
It is independently controlled linkage system set from the cockpit
Moves in the opposite direction as the control surface deflection
Reduces the force needed to move a primary control surface (Allows for ‘‘hands off’’ flight)
What will happen to control surface whose CG is behind the hinge line during flight?
Control surface will move ‘arse-down’
Will pivot it down where the CG is (will create a tendency about the hinge line)
The aileron that moves upwards travels a _____ distance than the aileron that moves downward.
Large transport aircraft have two ailerons on each wing. For high-speed flight the _____ aileron is locked in place and does not move
When the ailerons of a large transport airplane are deflected, the flight spoilers on the wing with the ____ (up or down) aileron extend automatically.
Flight spoilers may be extended the same amount on each wing to act as ______
Speed brakes
The movable control surfaces on a V-tail airplane act as both elevators and rudders. These surfaces are called ______