11 - Flight Management, Navigation Flashcards
- How many GPS receivers are installed?
- Are IRS outputs independent of external navigation aids?
- What is indicated by a white ALIGN light on the IRS panel?
The respective IRS is operating in either the;
- ALIGN mode
- initial ATT mode
- shutdown cycle
- What is indicated by a white flashing ALIGN light on the IRS panel?
Alignment cannot be completed due to;
-Significant difference between previous and entered positions, or
- no present position entry
- What does an illuminated FAULT light on the IRS panel indicate?
A system fault affecting the related IRS ATT and/or NAV modes. IRS System Annunciator and MASTER CAUTION also illuminate
- What does the illumination of an ON DC light on the IRS panel indicate?
The related IRS is operating on DC power from the switched hot battery bus
- How long can the right IRS operate without AC electrical power?
5 minutes
- How long does a full IRS alignment take?
5-17 minutes, depending on aircraft latitude
- What is Automatic Navigation Realignment (ANR) and when does it activate?
When a fast realignment is initiated or the aircraft parks after a flight and remains
motionless for at least 7.5 to 15 minutes with the ADIRUs still in the NAV mode and valid
GPS data available, the Automatic Navigation Realignment (ANR) mode will perform a complete realignment automatically.
- What does the illumination of the ILS light on the IRS panel indicate?
A failure of both ILS sensor units
- Do the FMCs operate independently?
No, with the FMC source select switch in the NORMAL position, the primary FMC (left FMC by default) is responsible for synchronizing with the secondary. Data from both FMCs is combined to determine a composite position and velocity.
- Where do the FMCs receive their inertial data from?
Usually, the FMCs receive inertial data from their on-side ADIRU. If the on-side ADIRU malfunctions or it is in ATT or ALIGN mode, the FMC uses data from the other side FMC
- How is FMC position data calculated with the loss of GPS inputs?
First, the FMC uses radio navigation. If radio navigation is not available, the FMC uses IRS position
- How is takeoff thrust reduced from maximum takeoff thrust?
First by a derate of 10% or 20%. Then derated trust can be further reduced by using assumed temperature
- Where does the FMC receive fuel quantity information from?
- Fuel Quantity Indicating System (FQIS)
-Engine(s) - Manual entries on the MCDU
- What are the sources of position data to the FMC?
-Navigation radios
- Which input has the highest-weighted priority for FMC position?
Hybrid GPS
- What criteria must be met for LNAV to engage?
• LNAV engages when laterally within 3 nm of the active route leg
• outside of 3 nm of the active route leg, LNAV engages if on an intercept heading of 90°
or less and the intercept will occur before the active waypoint
- How is a VNAV descent path calculated by the FMC?
The descent path starts at the calculated T/D point and includes waypoint altitude
restrictions. The path is based on:
• E/D point
• idle thrust
• speedbrakes retracted
• descent wind speed decreasing with decreasing altitude (or loadable winds)
• applicable target speed