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A level Biology OCR A
> 10.7 Adaptations > Flashcards
10.7 Adaptations Flashcards
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A level Biology OCR A
(103 decks)
3.2 Water
3.3 Carbohydrates
3.4 Testing for Carbohydrates
3.5 Lipids
3.6 Structure of Proteins
3.7 Types of Proteins
3.8 Nucleic Acids
3.9 DNA Replication & Genetic Code
3.10 Protein Synthesis
3.11 ATP
5.1 Structure & Function of Plasma Membranes
5.2 Factors Affecting Membrane Structure
5.3 Diffusion
5.4 Active Transport
5.5 Osmosis
6.1 Cell Cycle
6.2 Mitosis
6.3 Meiosis
6.4 Organisation & Specialisation of Cells
6.5 Stem Cells
7.1 Specialised Exchange Surfaces
7.2 The Mammalian Gaseous Exchange System
7.3 Measuring the Process
7.4 Ventilation & Gas Exchange in Other Organisms
8.2 Blood Vessels
8.3 Blood, Tissue Fluid & Lymph
8.4 Transport of Oxygen & Carbon Dioxide in the Blood
8.5 The Heart
9.1 Transport Systems in Dicotyledonous Plants
9.2 Water Transport in Multicellular Plants
9.3 Transpiration
9.4 Translocation
9.5 Plant Adaptations to Water Availability
10.1 Classification
10.2 The 5 Kingdoms
10.3 Phylogeny
10.4 Evidence for Evolution
10.5 Types of Variation
10.7 Adaptations
11.1 Biodiversity
11.2 Types of Sampling
11.3 Sampling Techniques
11.5 Calculating Genetic Biodiversity
11.6 Factors Affecting Biodiversity
11.7 Reasons for Maintaining Biodiversity
12.2 Animal & Plant Diseases
12.4 Plant Defences Against Pathogens
12.5 Non-specific Animal Defences Against Pathogens
12.6 Specific Immune System
12.7 Preventing & Treating Disease
13.2 Neurones
13.3 Sensory Receptors
13.4 Nervous Transmission
13.5 Synapses
13.6 Organisation of the Nervous System
13.7 Structure & Function of the Brain
13.8 Reflexes
13.9 Voluntary & Involuntary Muscles
13.10 Sliding Filament Model
14.1 Hormonal Communication
14.2 Structure & Function of the Pancreas
14.3 Regulation of Blood Glucose Concentration
14.4 Diabetes & Control
14.5 Coordinated Responses
14.6 Controlling Heart Rate
15.3 Thermoregulation in Endotherms
15.4 Excretion, Homeostasis & the Liver
15.5 Structure & Function of the Mammalian Kidney
15.6 The Kidney & Osmoregulation
15.7 Urine & Diagnosis
15.8 Kidney Failure
16.1 Plant Hormones & Growth in Plants
16.2 Plant Responses to Abiotic Stress
16.3 Plant Responses to Herbivory
16.4 Tropisms in Plants
16.5 Commercial Use of Plant Hormones
17.1 Energy Cycles
17.2 ATP Synthesis
17.3 Photosynthesis
17.4 Factors Affecting Photosynthesis
18.1 Glycolysis
18.2 Link Reaction / Oxidative Decarboxylation
18.3 The Krebs Cycle
18.4 Oxidative Phosphorylation
18.5 Anaerobic Respiration
18.6 Respiratory Substrates
19.1 Mutations & Variation
19.2 Control of Gene Expression
19.3 Body Plans
22.1 Natural Cloning in Plants
22.2 Artificial Cloning in Plants
22.3 Cloning in Animals
22.4 Microorganisms & Biotechnology
22.5 Microorganisms, Medicines & Bioremediation
22.6 Culturing Microorganisms in the Laboratory
22.7 Culturing Microorganisms on an Industrial Scale
22.8 Using Immobilised Enzymes
24.1 Population Size
24.2 Competition
24.3 Predator-Prey Relationships
24.4 Conservation & Preservation
11.8 Methods of Maintaining Biodiversity
4.1 Enzyme Action