10.2 Flashcards
theory of death and dying based on interviews with dying people and those caring for them, people pass through five basic steps as they move toward death
denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance
people resist the idea that they are going to die
mad and god, people who are healthy, etc..
dying people try to negotiate their way out of death, they might swear to dedicate their lives to the poor if god saves them
realizing that the issue is settled and cant be bargained away they have a deep sense of loss
reactive depression
the sadness is based on events that have already occurred- loss of dignity, goals unachieved
preparatory depression
people feel sadness over future losses, they know that death will end their relationships and that they will never see future generations
not giving up or feeling defeated by the illness, increased self awareness, virtually no feelings
living will
legal documents designating what medical treatments people want or do not want ti they cannot express their wishes
health care proxy
a specific person to act as their representative for health care decisions.Health-care proxies are authorized either in a health- care directive/personal directive or in a legal document known as a durable power of attorney.
the practice of assisting people who are terminally ill to die more quickly
passive euthanasia
removing respirators or other medical equipment that might be sustaining a patients life, to allow him or her to die naturally
voluntary active euthanasia
caregivers or medical staff act to end a person’s life before death would normally occurs
palliative care
care provided for the comfort and support of the dying
home care
an alternative to hospitalization in which dying people stay in their homes and receive treatment from their families visiting medical staff