10: Radiation Oncology Flashcards
What are direct effects of radiation therapy?
Physical damage that is caused within the cells by the excitation and ionization of atoms or molecules
biological damage that is brought about by damage to critical cellular genetic material
What factors are needed to determine type of radiation therapy?
type/size/location of cancer in the body
proximity of cancer to normal tissues, structures and organs
distance the radiation has to travel
individuals gen health, PMH, age, Performance status
use of other cancer therapies
What are the different types of radiation?
External beam radiation therapy (EBRT) or teletherapy - delivered from outside the body
Brachytherapy or internal radiation therapy - delivered by sealed sources of radiation temporarily or permanently placed inside a body cavity, tissue or surface
Radiopharmaceutical therapy - unsealed sources of radiation to treat cancer systemically
What are the different types of External Beam RT (EBRT)?
3-dementional conformal RT (3D-CRT)
Intensity-modulated radiation therapy (IMRT)
Image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT)
Stereotactic radiosurgery and stereotactic RT (SRS or SRT)
Total Body Irradiation (TBI)
Intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT)
Explain the different types of dosage for EBRT
Normal – standard dose, given once/day
Hypofractionation – smaller doses, more than once/day
Hypofractionation – larger doses, given once/day, often to reduce the number of total fractions
Accelerated Fractionation – doses given in larger daily or weekly doses to reduce the number of weeks in a prescribed treatment
Define Brachytherapy, what are the different types?
Involves temporarily or permanent placement of radioactive material directly into tumors or next to tumors by placing “seeds” in specialized applicators like needles or catheters
Interstitial - placed into the tumor (Breast, gyn, ENT, lung, prostate, rectal)
Intracavitary - source placed directly into a surgical or body cavity near a tumor (Gyn–cervical, endometrial, and ENT)
Contact - placed on external surface (skin)
Acute and Late-Occurring side effects of Brachytherapy - Breast
No known nutrition-related side effects
Acute and Late-Occurring side effects of Brachytherapy - GYN
Acute: N, D, discomfort when urinating
Late: D, bladder irritation
Acute and Late-Occurring side effects of Brachytherapy - Esophagus
Acute: Esophagitis, dysphagia, odynophagia
Late: Esophageal stenosis, Fibrosis, ulcerations
Acute and Late-Occurring side effects of Brachytherapy - Prostate
Acute: discomfort when urinating, D, Cramping/bloating, Flatulence, Proctitis
Late: Urinary stricture, incontinence, D
Acute and Late-Occurring side effects of Brachytherapy - Tongue
Acute: mucositis, Xerostomia, taste alterations
Late: Xerostomia, mucosal fibrosis, ulcerations
Acute and Late-Occurring side effects of EBRT - ENT
Acute: fatigue, hair loss, mouth changes (dysgeusia, oral mucositis, xerostomia), skin changes (erythema, pruritis, moist desquamation), throat changes (dysphagia, odynophagia, esophagitis), thick saliva, oral infections, stiffness of the jaw, and earaches
Late: trismus, dental decay, permanent xerostomia, alterations in taste and smell, osteoradionecrosis, mucosal sensitivity
Late esophagus: esophageal stenosis, fibrosis, or necrosis
Acute and Late-Occurring side effects of EBRT - Breast
Acute: fatigue, hair loss, skin changes (erythema, pruritis, moist desquamation), tenderness, and swelling of breast
Late: no significant late
Acute and Late-Occurring side effects of EBRT - Pelvis/Rectum
Acute: D, fatigue, hair loss, sexuality and fertility changes, skin changes (erythema, pruritis, moist desquamation), urinary and bladder changes (frequency, cystitis, incontinence) and rectal bleeding
Late– Urinary: hematuria, cystitis
Sexual organs: changes in menstruation, symptoms of menopause, infertility, erectile dysfunction
Acute and Late-Occurring side effects of EBRT - Brain
Acute: fatigue, hair loss, N/V, skin changes (erythema, pruritis, moist desquamation), headache, and blurry vision
Late: headache, leukoencephalopathy (cognitive impairment and change in memory/attention), dementia
Acute and Late-Occurring side effects of EBRT - Chest
Acute: fatigue, hair loss, N/V, skin changes (erythema, pruritis, moist desquamation), throat changes (dysphagia, odynophagia, esophagitis), cough, and dyspnea
Late: Esophagus:
Pulmonary: dyspnea, cough, pneumonitis
Cardio: angina on exertion, pericarditis, cardiac enlargement, congestive heart failure
Acute and Late-Occurring side effects of EBRT - Stomach and Abdomen
Acute: D, fatigue, hair loss, N/V, sexuality and fertility changes, skin changes (erythema, pruritis, moist desquamation), and urinary and bladder changes (frequency, cystitis, incontinence)
Late: GI - D, malabsorption, chronic enteritis or colitis, intestinal changes (stricture, ulceration, obstruction, perforation, fistula), proctitis