Foreign bodies on the surface of the cornea constitute about ____ of all ocular injuries
- 25%
- 50%
- 75%
- 100%
The foreign body may be seen by careful inspection of the cornea, preferably aided by ________ or a ________
- Aspirin and Analgesics
- magnification with loupe
- magnifying glass
- magnification with loupe
* magnifying glass
Sterile fluorescein strip or solution instilled in the eye stains the ________ (layer of cornea) and demarcates body in the cornea
corneal stroma
Foreign body at the _____ can always be removed with irrigation, a spud, or a cotton-tipped applicator.
- cornea
- conjunctiva
- intraocular
________ foreign bodies are present in injuries in which small particles penetrate the cornea or the sclera.
- cornea
- conjunctiva
- intraocular
____________ may introduce infection that causes a severe purulent panophthalmitis within hours.
- Wood or plant foreign bodies
- Small metallic foreign bodies
Wood or plant foreign bodies
_________ are sterilized by the heat created by their high velocity
- Wood or plant foreign bodies
- Small metallic foreign bodies
Small metallic foreign bodies
________ is an acute inflammation of the eyeball involving all its structures and extending to the orbit
- Contact Dermatitis
- Panophthalmitis
A procedure that uses high-energy sound waves to look at tissues and organs inside the body. The sound waves make echoes that form pictures of the tissues and organs on a computer screen (sonogram)
- ophthalmoscopy
- ultrasonography
- soft tissue roentgenography
- computed tomography
A procedure that uses high-energy sound waves to look at tissues and organs inside the body. The sound waves make echoes that form pictures of the tissues and organs on a computer screen (sonogram)
- ophthalmoscopy
- ultrasonography
- soft tissue roentgenography
- computed tomography
a diagnostic imaging test used to create detailed images of internal organs, bones, soft tissue and blood vessels.
- ophthalmoscopy
- ultrasonography
- soft tissue roentgenography
- computed tomography
computed tomography
Foreign bodies in the anterior and posterior chambers and the lens are removed through an incision at the ________
- cornea
- sclera
- corneoscieral limbus
corneoscieral limbus
Foreign bodies in the vitreous cavity are removed by a combination of ______________
- computed tomography and ultrasonography
- vitrectomy and suction
vitrectomy and suction
outer ______ of the eyelid
- one sixths
- five sixths
five sixths
inner ______ of the eyelid
- one sixths
- five sixths
(ciliary) margin
one sixths
outer five sixths of the eyelid
- (ciliary) margin
- (lacrimal) margin
(ciliary) margin
inner one sixths of the eyelid
- (ciliary) margin
- (lacrimal) margin
(lacrimal) margin
the placement of the first suture through the gray line of the eyelid to align the eyelid margin.
- Ciliary margin
- Lacrimal margin
Ciliary margin
placement of a stent through the canaliculus in hope that it will remain patent
Lacrimal margin
closure of the laceration
- Ciliary margin
- Lacrimal margin
Lacrimal margin
prevention of traction by the orbicularis oculi muscle located lateral to the laceration.
- Ciliary margin
- Lacrimal margin
Lacrimal margin
Lacerations of the inner one third damage the trochlea of the superior oblique muscle.
- Ciliary margin
- Lacrimal margin
Lacrimal margin
Damage to the superior oblique muscle (CN IV) or the trochlea
- Ciliary margin
- Lacrimal margin
Lacrimal margin
Damage to the superior oblique muscle (CN IV) or the trochlea may impale depression of the eye when ____
- adducted
- abducted
Lacerations of the bulbar conjunctiva that do not involve the globe are rarely severe enough to require surgical closure
- Conjunctiva
- Cornea
- Sclera
The eye is uncomfortable, but there is no loss of vision.
- Conjunctiva
- Cornea
- Sclera
Lacerations of the _____, unless puncture type or beveled, are followed by prolapsed of the of a Iris, which closes the wound.
Lacerations of the _____ , unless puncture type or beveled, are followed by prolapsed of the of a Iris, which closes the wound.
- Conjunctiva
- Cornea
- Sclera
A characteristic teardrop distortion of the pupil is present
- Conjunctiva
- Cornea
- Sclera
______ lacerations are much more likely to produce severe damage to the eye than those that involve the cornea only.
- Conjunctiva
- Sclera
Sympathetic ophthalmia is also known as ____________
- sympathetic traumatic hyphema
- sympathetic uveitis
sympathetic uveitis