10. Personality Flashcards
Honesty-humility, emotionality, eXtraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness
lexical hypothesis
we can tell personality traits are the most important by paying attention to language ppl use to describe themselves and others
individuals that manipulate others in their quest for power and money
narcissistic personality type
inability to recognize own emotions
person-situation debate
the situational side said that situational factors affected behaviour, w ppl reacting consistently to similar situations
active person-environment transactions
occur when individuals select specific environments that are consistent w their already existing personality characteristics
reactive person-environment transactions
occur when individuals react diff to the same external stimuli bc of their personalies
evocative person-environment transactions
occur whenever individuals elicit certain kind
hostile attribution bias
when individuals interpret social interactions as being aggressive, disrespectful, or antagonistic
all psychometric tests aim for
- reliability
- validity
- standardization
objective tests
involve standard set of questions answered using a limited number of responses
self report
asks ppl to describe themselves: can ask for single words, or short phrases or sentences
“high stakes” testing
where test scores contribute to important events
self-enhancement bias
where individuals downplay their less desirable traits while emphasizing their more desirable traits
reference group effect
where individuals compare themselves to others in their social circles
informant ratings
asks someone who knows the individual to rate them
how broad or general: some personality tests assess broad, general traits, like Big 5, while others give more specific scales
rational approach
based on theorist concept of the trait
empirical approach
previous research has shown that the item was responded to diff by ppl known to differ in that trait
myer-briggs test
E - xtraversion
S - ensing
T - hinking
J - udgement
projective tests
- Rorschach Inkblot Test: requires looking at blobs of ink and saying what you see
- Thematic Apperception Test: requires looking at a picture of ppl and making up a story based on that picture
implicit association test
people react quickly when they believe that 2 words are associated, longer reaction time
what is the MMPI an assessment of
personality and psychological disorders
creative and imaginative
also quite insecure
during stress, tends to overreact
how would he score on a Factor 5 personality test
high on openness, high on neuroticism
ur examining bullying behaviour
children have diff responses and you need a way to measure their reactions
what approach should researcher take?
develop a sys that codes each behaviour
ur participating in a research study:
questions like -
“i often feel anxious when trying new things”
“i prefer individual sports”
“i find it hard to rely on other ppl”
what kind of test?