1 cell biology Flashcards
What is the function of the nucleus?
controls the metabolic activities of the cell as it contains genetic information in the form of DNA
What is the nucleolus?
area within the nucleus that is responsible for producing ribosomes
What is the function of mitochondria?
site of production of ATP in the final stages of cellular respiration
What are vesicles?
membranous sacs that are used to transport materials in the cell
What are lysosomes?
specialised forms of vesicles with hydrolytic enzymes that break down waste material in cells. they contain the enzyme lysozyme which breaks down the cell walls of certain bacteria.
What is the role of the cytoskeleton?
controls cell movement, movement of organelles within the cell, and provides mechanical strength to the cell
Name the three types of cytoskeletal filaments
microfilaments, microtubules, and intermediate fibres
Give two types of extension that protrude from some cells
flagella (whip-like protrusions) and cilia (tail-like protrusions)
What is the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)?
a network of membranes enclosing flattened sacs called cisternae
What are the functions of the two types of ER?
smooth ER – lipid and carbohydrate synthesis, and storage
rough ER – synthesis and transport of proteins
What is the function of the Golgi apparatus?
plays a part in modifying proteins and packaging them into vesicles
what is the smooth ER function
lipid and carbohydrate synthesis and storage
what is the rough ER function
protein synthesis and storage
What is the formula to calculate magnification?
magnification = size of image/actual size of object
why are cells stained before being viewed with a light microscope
staining increases contrast between different cell components, making them visible and allowing them to be identified.
what is an eyepiece graticule
a glass disc that fits on top of the eyepiece lens that is marked with a fine scale from 1 to 100
what is a stage micrometer
a microscope slide with a very accurate scale in micrometers engraved on it
what is a scientific drawing
a labelled line drawing that is used to highlight particular features and does not include unnecessary detail or shading, it should always have a title and state the magnification
what is magnification
how many times larger an image is than the actual size of the object being viewed
what is resolution
the ability to see indiviual objects as separate entities
what are living organisms composed of
cells (one or more)
what are the smallest units of life
cells, the basic unit capable of carrying out all the functions of a living organism
what do cells come from
pre-existing cells
what is the cell theory
living organisms are composed of cells
cells are the smallest unit of life
cells come from pre-existing cells
what is striated muscle tissue composed of
repeated units called sarcomeres
what do sarcomeres show under a microscope
a characteristic striped (striated) pattern.
what is distinctive about sarcomeres and their nuclei
it challenged the idea that cells have one nucleus, as the muscle cell (fibre) has more than one nucleus per cell. it’s multinucleated.
how long is straited muscle fibre cell
about 30mm
what is acetabularia
a genus of single celled green algae (gigantic)
how big is acetabularia
0.5 to 10 cm
what does acetabularia consist of
the rhizoid
the stalk
the cap
rhizoid of acetabularia
‘small roots’ at the bottom
the stalk of acetabualria
connects the rhizoid and cap
the cap of actabularia
a top umbrella made of branches that may fuse into a cap
what is attatched to the stalk of acetabularia
whorl of hairs that leave whorl scars
what notions does acetbaularia challenge
that they must be simple in structure and small in size
what are aseptate fungal hyphae
long threads (hyphae) with many nuclei
what are septa in septate fungal hyphae
dividing cell walls
what is the result of septate fungal hyphae
shared cytoplasm and multiple nuclei
what notions does aseptate fungal hyphae challenge
the idea that the cell is a single unit as the fungal hyphe have many nuclei, are very large and possess a continuous shared cytoplasm
how to convert from cm into mm
multiply by 10
how to convert from mm to micrometres
multiply by 1000
how to convert from micrometres to nanometres
multiply by 1000
unit for magnification
x the magnification
unit for size of drawing and actual size
whatever unit the question used or asked for
how to calculate magnification of an image using its scale bar
use a ruler to measure the length of the scale bar
convert this measurement to the same units as the scale bar
divide the image scale bar length by the actual image scale bar length
how to calculate the size of a specimen using its scale bar
measure the length of the specimen in mm
measure the length of the scale bar in mm
divide the length of specimen by length of scale bar
calcualte the size by multiplying the scale bar by the last answer. units same as scale bar
how to calcualte specimen size using magnification of an image
measure the length of the specimen in mm
convert the specimen length to micrometres
divide the length of the specimen by the magnification
metabolism is
the regular set of life supporting chemical reactions that takes place within the cells of living organisms
growth is
an increase in size or shape that occurs over a period of time
response is
a reaction (to a stimulus) by the living organism to changes in the external environment
homeostasis is
the maintenance of a constant internal environment by regulating internal cell conditions
nutrition is
the intake of nutrients, which may take different forms in different organisms. nutrition in plants involves making organic molecules (during photosynthesis) while nutrition in animals and fungi involve the absorption of organic matter
reproduction is
the production of offspring, either sexually or asexually, to pass on genetic information to the next generation
excretion is
the removal of waste products of metabolism and other unimportant materials from an organism
excrete digestive enzymes onto food and absorb the nutrients
make their own food (like plants)
must consumer other organisms
are viruses living
no they do not fulfill the functions of life
paramecium are
unicellular protozoa
what size are paramecium
where are pareamecium found
aquatic environemtns like stagnant ponds
how do paramecium move in all directions
using cilia
picture of a paramecium???
what are chlamydomonas
unicellualr green algae
what size is chlamyodomonas
10 to 30 micrometres
how do chlamyodomonas move
using flagella
chlamyodomonas diagram
which organisms have large SA:V
small organisms
which organisms have small SA:V
large organisms
as a cell grows, its volume increases by the power of
3 cubed
as a cell grows, its surface area increases by the power of
2 squared
if volume increases at 3 cubed and surface area increases at 2 squared, what happens to the SA:V
it decreases as the organism grows
what is ficks law
rate of diffusion = (concentration gradient + surface area) / distance
rate of diffusion =
(concentration gradient + surface area) / distance
why do large organisms have low metabolisms
they have small SA:V, and can hold onto heat and energy longer as they have less relative surface area
why do small organisms have high metabolisms
they have large SA:V and lose heat and energy very fast as they have more relative surface area
what part of a mammalian body is specialised to surface area
lungs, for oxygen
what is the genome
complete set of genes, chromosimes or genetic material present in a cell or organism, every cell except red blood cells
what is cellular differentiation
when an unspecialised stem cell changes and carries out a specific function in the body. cells differentiate to form different cell types due to the expression of different genes
according to WHAT, a complex system has properties that its constituent parts do not have. the whole is more than the sum of its parts
emergent properties
how many genes does the human genome have
Can differentiate into any type of cell including placental cells.
Can give rise to a complete organism.
Can differentiate into all body cells, but cannot give rise to a whole organism.
Can differentiate into a few closely related types of body cell.
Can only differentiate into their associated cell type. For example, liver stem cells can only make liver cells.
when are totipotent stem cells found
basicallynone after birth
when are pluripotent stem cells found
very few in adults
what can multipotent stem cells do
become any cell in e.g. circulatory system
what can unipotnet stem cells do
become any cell in e.g. a heart
what is stargardts disease
an inherited from of juvenile macular degeneration, that causes progressive loss of centrl vision
when is stargardts disease
late childhood to early adulthood
what is stargardts disease caused by
a recessive genetic mutation in gene ABCA4, which causes an active transport protein on photoreceptor cells to malfunction. this ultimately causes photoreceptor cells to degenrate
how does stem cell therapy help stargardts disease
patients are given retinal cells derived from human embryonic stem cells which are injected into the retina. the inserted cells attach to the retina and become functional
stem cells in leukemia
harvesting hematopoietic stem cells (HSC’s) which are multipotent stem cells. they can be taken from bone marrow, perioheral blood or umbilical cord blood. the HSC may come from either the patient or from a suitable doner. the patient then undergoes chemotherapy and radiotherapy to get rid of the diseased white blood cells. the next step involves transplanting HSC’s back into bone marrow, where they differentiate to form new healthy white blood cells.
arguments for stem cells
cell therapy to eliminate serious diseases or disabilites
transplants can be easily obtained without requiring the death of another human or inflicting any kind of pressure on normal body which happens when someone donates an organ
the stem cells are harvested from the embryo at an early stage when the embryo has not yet developed a nervous system and thus it is not likely to feel any pain
how are embryo stem cell cultures harvested
removal of nucleus from donor egg cell
nuclear transfer of host dna from somatic cells
4 cell stage
embryo stem cell culture containing transferred dna from host somatic cells
how are stem cells obtained from bone marrow
blood is taken and stem cells are seperated out
how are egg cells obtained
a woman takes fertility drugs and then an ultrasound guided needle is inserted.
why are adult stem cells less valued
because they have a narrower range of cells they can divide into
arguments for stem cell research (drug research)
more accurate than animals
GM foods
systemic toxication of drugs
arguments for stem cell research (developing science)
could be used in producing regenerated tissue for burns
replacement organs
what is stargardts macular dystrophy
a recessive mutation of ABCA4 which causes the retina cells to malfunction and photoreceptive cells to degenerate. this can lead to poor vision or severe loss of vision (blindness)
how are stem cells used in leukemia
stem cells are removed from bone marrow and frozen.
chemotherapy and radiotherapy is given to stop the body being able to make blood cells. then the stem cells are reinjected.
differences in eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells
Eukaryotic cells have a separate membrane-enclosed nucleus, whereas the DNA of prokaryotes is freely floating in the cytoplasm.
Eukaryotic cells have a complex system of membrane-bound organelles that divides the cell into numerous enclosed regions – known as compartmentalisation.
Prokaryotes do not have any membrane-bound organelles.
what do prokaryotes not have any of
membrane bound organelles
pili function
protein filaments on the cell wall that help in cell adhesion and in transferring of DNA between two cells
70S ribosomes
are the site of protein synthesis
small circles of DNA that carry a few genes, often these give the cell antibiotic resistance and are used in creating genetically modified bacteria
difference in ribosome size between prokarytic and eukarytoic cells
ribosomes in prokaryotic cells (70S) are smaller than ribosomes found in eukaryotic cells (80S).
what do 70S and 80S refer to
sedimentation rate of RNA subunits
steps of binary fission in prokaryotes
The chromosome is replicated semi-conservatively, beginning at the point of origin (shown in red in Figure 2).
Beginning with the point of origin, the two copies of DNA move to opposite ends of the cell.
The cell elongates (grows longer).
The plasma membrane grows inward and pinches off to form two separate, genetically identical cells.
how are mitochondria insides sealed from the rest of the cell
mitochondrial envelope
advantages of eukaryotic cells being compartilised
Greater efficiency of metabolism as enzymes and substrates are enclosed, and therefore much more concentrated, in the particular organelles responsible for specific functions.
Internal conditions such as pH can be differentiated in a cell to maintain the optimal conditions for different enzymes.
Isolation of toxic or damaging substances away from the cytoplasm, such as the storage of hydrolytic enzymes in lysosomes.
Flexibility of changing the numbers and position of organelles within the cell based on the cell’s requirements.
where is dna replicated
in the nucleus
how do you distinguish the golgi apparatus
it is not found near the nucleus
the lines are unattached to eachother
it has no ribosomes attatched
what is exocytosis
where things leave the cell through the plasma membrane
what is endocytosis
where things enter the cell through the cell membrane
what does the vacuole do
store liquid and sap which pushes the organelles against the plasma membrane. therefore the plasma membrane must be strong
what is transcription
copying the dna by synthesising messenger RNA (mRNA) from the DNA base sequences
what is translation
interpreting the genetic code to synthesise proteins (more specifically polypeptide chains) on ribosomes
microscope resolution def
the shortest distance between two seperate points in a microscopes field of view that can still be distinguished as distinct objects
do electron microscopes have a higher or lower resolution than light microscopes
much higher
what is the difference in resolution between an electron and light microscope
a light microscope is 200nm compared to 0.1nm
the ??? the value, the lower the resolution
how many times can an electron microscope magnify objects by
how many times can a light mcirosocope magnify by
compartmentalisation def
the formation of compartments within the cell by membrane bound organelles
which cells are compartmentalised
all eukaryotes where membranes are used to isolate certain parts of the cell from the rest to form separate organelles.
advantages of being compartmentalised
- greater effiency of metabolism as enzymes and substrates are enclosed, and therefore more concentrated for their functions
- internal conditions such as pH can be differentiated in a cell to maintain the optimal conditions for different enzymes
- isolation of toxic or damagin substances away from cytoplasm (like lysozyme)
- flexibility of changing numbers and posisitions
how do prokaryotes reproduce
binary fission
how does binary fission work
- chromosome replicated semi conservatively, beginning at point of origin
- beginning there, the two copies of dna move to opposite ends of the cell
- the cell elongates
- the plasma membrane grows inward and pinches off to form two seperate genetically identical cells.
what causes the fluidity of the membrane
phopholipids, which have the ability to move with respect to each other in the same plane. cholesterol also helps
benefits of membrane fludiity
the cell can perfom processes such as endocytosis nad exocytosis
describe the fluid mosiac model,
phospholipid bilayers with proteins embedded in the bilayer, making the membrane look like a mosaic.
phosphate heads are hydro…
hydrophilic (love water)