1 Adverbs Mar 9 2014 Flashcards
adverbs of manner are usually formed by adding -ment to the feminine of the adjective
fem adj adverb
facile facilement
lente lentement
Adjectives ending in -ant and -ent change to -amment and -emment
adj adverb
constant constamment
intelligent intelligemment
the ending -ment is added to adj ending in a vowel other than a silent e
adj adverb
vrai vraiment
absolu absolument
an é is added in the place of a silent e
adj adverb
précise précisément
adverbs are placed after the verbs they modify
travaille bien
adverbs are placed before adjectives
C’est vraiment intéressant
adverbs are placed before other adverbs for emphasis
il est important de répondre très poliment
short adverbs are placed between the auxillary and the past participle in compound sentences
dans pareils cas, j’ai souvent utilisé l’ordinateur
in such case, I often use the computer