06a_Attachment Flashcards
Internal Working Model
Mental representation of self and others that influences future relationships
Signs of Attachment
Social referencing
Separation anxiety
Stranger anxiety
Social Referencing
Looking toward caregiver to determine how to respond in new or ambiguous situations
e.g. 1yo’s willingness to cross a visual cliff depends on mother’s facial expression
Secure Attachment
Mildly upset when mother leaves
Actively seeks contact upon her return
Mothers of securely attached children
Emotionally sensitive
Responsive to their babies’ cues
Insecure Ambivalent/Resistant Attachment
Alternates between clinging and resisting mother
Becomes very disturbed when left alone with stranger
Ambivalent upon mother’s return
May become angry and resist attempts at physical contact
Mothers of insecure Ambivalent/Resistant children
Inconsistent caregiving
Insecure Avoidant Attachment
Little interaction with mother
Little distress when she leaves the room
Avoids or ignores her when she returns
Display similar reaction to mother and strangers
Mothers of avoidant children
One of two extremes:
Very impatient and unresponsive
Provide too much stimulation
Disorganized Disoriented Attachment
Fear of caregivers
Dazed or confused facial expression
Variety of disorganized behaviors
*80% with this attachment style have been mistreated by caregivers
Disorganized Attachment:
Increased risks
Hostile and aggressive behavior
Low self-esteem
Low academic achievement in childhood
Effects of Insecure attachment:
Best predictors of future adjustment
Improvement of parent caregiving skills
Development of strong bonds outside immediate family
Key contributor to secure father-infant attachment
Caregiving activities (vs maternal sensitivity)
Especially vigorous physical play
Prolonged Separation:
Effects of age at time of separation
Prior to 3 months: no negative consequences
9 months or older: extreme reactions
Effects of prolonged separation at 9 months or older
Feeding and sleeping problems
Social withdrawal
Increased stranger anxiety
Physical rejection of new mother or excessive clinging to her
Children initially raised in institutions:
Bonding with adoptive parents
They re able to develop a close bond if they are adopted by 6 years of age
Three classifications and Adult Attachment and associated attachment styles of their children
Autonomous (secure children)
Preoccupied (resistant/ambivalent children)
Dismissing (avoidant children)