02 Fixation Flashcards
first step in histotechnology
chemical process by which biological tissues are preserved from decay
process of preserving cells and tissue constituents in a life-like manner
basic mechanism in fixation
(additive / non-additive)
cross linking fixatives
basic mechanism in fixation
(additive / non-additive)
chemical constituent taken into the cell, forming molecular complexes and stabilizing proteins
basic mechanism in fixation
(additive / non-additive)
formalin, mercury, osmium tetroxide
basic mechanism in fixation
(additive / non-additive)
fixing agent is not incorporated into the tissue
basic mechanism in fixation
(additive / non-additive)
alteration of tissue composition by removing bound water molecule at hydrogen bonds within protein molecules
basic mechanism in fixation
(additive / non-additive)
stabilizes proteins by forming crosslinks after water molecule removal
satisfactory fixation occurs at what pH level?
high acidity ___ (increases/decreases) effectiveness
what is the relationship of temperature to the diffusion into the tissue?
direct (increased temp = increased diffusion)
what is the relationship of diffusion into the tissue and rate of chemical reaction between the fixative and tissue elements?
temperature of fixation of surgical specimens
room temp
the fixation of surgical specimens can be followed by further fixation at what temperature after fixating it at room temperature?
temperature of fixation:
electron microscopy
temperature of fixation:
mast cells for EM
room temp
T/F: nucleic acids easily react with fixatives at room temp
F (do not react)
chemical reactions are rapid at ___ (low/high) temp
what temp?
the thickness of the section to be fixed should be ___
1-2mm for EM
2cm for light microscopy
the brain is usually suspended whole in ___ buffered formalin for ___ weeks to ensure fixation and some hardening prior to secitoning
hypertonic solutions give rise to ___ ___
cell shrinkage
isotonic and hypotonic fixatives cause ___ and ___ ___
poor fixation
the best results is usually obtained using slightly ___ (osmolality) solutions
what mOsm?
give the concentration of fixatives:
give the concentration of fixatives:
presence of buffer causes polymerization of ___, with consequent ___ (increase/decrease) in its effective concentration
give the concentration of fixatives:
glutaraldehyde for immunoelectrochemistry
primary fixation in buffered formalin is usually carried out for ___ hours during the day the specimen is obtained
___ fixation may cause shrinkage and hardening of the tissue and may severely inhibit enzyme activity and immunological reaction
prolonged fixation
the specimen should be placed in a fixative solution as soon as it is removed from the body to prevent ___ and ___
autolysis and putrefaction
the volume of fixative should be ___ times the volume of the tissue to be fixed
the maximum effectiveness of fixation is noted to be ___ times the tissue volume
fibrous organ take ___ (longer/shorter) than small or loosely textured tissues such as biopsies or scrapings
fixation time can be cut down using ___, ___, ___, or ___
to maintain an adequate fixation time of 4-6 hours, the tissue size must be ___ square
T/F: refrigeration is used to slow down decomposition if the tissue that needs to be photographed and cannot be fixed immediately
classification of fixative:
made up only of one substance
simple fixative
classification of fixative:
two or more fixatives to obtain optimal combined effect
aldehyde fixatives used (2)
rmmbr: these are simple fixatives!
metallic fixatives used (3)
mercuric chloride
chromate fixatives
lead fixatives
rmmbr: these are simple fixatives!
classification of fixative:
preserve specific parts and particular microscopic elements
cytologic fixatives
simple fixatives used (6)
picric acid
acetic acid
osmium tetroxide
microanatomical fixatives used for general microscopic study of tissue structures (8)
10% formol saline
10% neutral buffered formalin
Heidenhain’s Susa
Formol Sublimate (formol corrosive)
Zenker’s solution
Zenker-formol (Helly’s solution)
Bouin’s solution
Brasil’s solution
composition of Helly’s solution
nuclear fixatives that use glacial acetic acid as primary component (5)
Carnoy’s fluid
Heidanhain’s susa
Bouin’s fluid
Newcomer’s fluid
Flemming’s fluid
cytoplasmic fixatives (5)
Flemming’s fluid without acetic acid
Helly’s fluid
Formalin with Post-chroming
Regaud’s Fluid (moller’s fluid)
Orth’s fluid
histochemical fixatives that preserve chemical constituents of cells and tissues (4)
10% formol saline
Absolute ethyl alcohol
Newcomer’s fluid
type of fixation used for lipid fixation
aldehyde fixatives
type of fixation for carbohydrates that allow better retention
alcoholic fixatives
arrange the following in order of DECREASING speed of penetration:
acetic acid
osmium tetroxide
picric acid
ethyl/methyl alcohol
mercuric chloride
formaldehyde > acetic acid > mercuric chloride > ethyl/methyl alcohol / osmium tetroxide > picric acid
this type of fixative form cross-links between proteins, creating a gel, thus retaining cellular constituents in their in vivo relationships to each other
aldehyde fixatives
this fixative is produced from oxidation of methyl alcohol
fixation time of formaldehyde
24 hrs
fixative for routine paraffin sections, EM, histochemistry, & enzyme studies
10% formalin
diluent of 10% formol-saline
10% NaCl solution
used as a fixative of CNS tissues
10% formol-saline
fixation time of formol-saline and its optimal temperature (2)
24 hrs at 35C
48 hrs at RT
fixative used for the preservation and storage of surgical, post-mortem, and research specimen
10% neutral buffered formalin
fixation time of 10% neutral buffered formalin
2-4 hrs
fixative recommended for routine post-mortem tissues
components of 10% neutral buffered formalin
3.5 g sodium dihydrogen phosphate
6.5 g disodium hydrogen phosphate
100 mL 40% formaldehyde
900 mL distilled water
components of 10% formol-saline
100 mL 40% formaldehyde
9 g NaCl
900 mL distilled water
components of formol-corrosive
90 mL saturated aqueous mercuric chloride
10 mL formaldehyde
fixative time of formol-corrosive
3-24 hrs
this fixative brightens cytoplasmic and metachromatic stains
this fixative bind with sulfhydryl groups in acidic solutions
metallic fixatives
an excellent trichome stain and is included in most compound fixatives
5-7% mercuric chloride
in 5-7% mercuric chloride, pigments are removed by treatment with iodide solution in ___
95% alcohol
components of 5-7% mercuric chloride
5 g mercuric chloride
2.5 g potassium dichromate
1 g sodium sulfate
100 mL distilled water
fixative for liver, spleen, connective tissue fibers, and nuclei
Zenker’s fluid
fixation time of Zenker’s fluid
12-24 hrs
this fixative permits brilliant staining of nuclear and connective tissue fibers
Zenker’s fluid
this fixative lyses RBC and can make tissues brittle
Zenker’s fluid
components of Zenker’s fluid
95 mL stock solution
5 mL glacial acetic acid 5mL
fixative used for pituitary gland, bone marrow, and blood containing organs like spleen and liver
fixative recommended for tumor biopsies of the skin
Heidenhain’s susa solution
fixation time of Heidenhain’s susa solution
3-12 hrs
fixative commonly used for bone marrow biopsies
B-5 fixative
fixation time of B-5 fixative
1-2 hrs
this fixative preserves carbohydrates and precipitates all proteins; but may produce sub-oxide precipitates
1-2% chromic acid
this fixative preserves lipids and mitochondria
3% potassium dichromate
fixation time of Regaud’s fluid
12-48 hrs
fixative recommended for demonstration of chromaffin tissues, mitochondria, mitotic figures, golgi bodies, RBC, and colloid-containing tissues
Regaud’s fluid
components for Regaud’s fluid
80 mL 3% potassium dichromate
20 mL 40% formaledhyde
fixation time of Orth’s fluid
36-72 hrs
this fixative is recommended for study of early degenerative processes and tissue necrosis
Orth’s fluid
fixative recommended for acid mucopolysaccharides and fixes connective tissue mucin
4% lead acetate
T/F: the mechanism of picric acid as a fixative is still unknown
T/F: picric acid is insoluble in water
the yellow color caused by picric acid can be removed by ___ ___ or washing with ___
lithium carbonate
50-70% ethanol
fixative that penetrates and fixes small tissue rapidly
1% picric acid solution
fixative that is excellent for glycogen demonstration and suitable for aniline stains
1% picric acid solution
1% picric acid solution is not suitable for ___ as it causes crumbling when the sections are cut
frozen sections
preferred fixative for connective tissue staining
Bouin’s solution
fixative that is excellent for soft and delicate tissues with minimal distortion of microanatomical structures
Bouin’s solution
a picric acid fixative that is less messy than Bouin’s solution
Brasil’s alcoholic picroformol fixative
a fixative that is normally used in conjunction with other fixatives to form a compound solution
glacial acetic acid
T/F: alcohol is used both for fixation and dehydration
the most rapid fixative
Carnoy’s fluid
an alcohol fixative that produces better reaction in Feulgen stain
Newcomer’s fluid
fixative recommended for fixing mucopolysaccharides
Newcomer’s fluid
this fixative conjugate fats and lipids permanently by making them insoluble to alcohol and xylene during dehydration and clearing
6% osmium tetroxide
this fixative has a softening effect on dense fibrous tissues and precipitates proteins
trichloroacetic acid
a fixative used at ice cold temperature (-5 to 4C) that is recommended for the study of water diffusible enzymes such as phosphatases and lipases
used in fixing brain tissues for diagnosis of rabies
employed fixation technique for frozen tissue sections and bacteriologic smears