01 Introduction Flashcards
Definiton Human Capital
KSAOs of individuals that have economic value to an organization
Why is Human Capital important?
is intangible
employees own their capital - not the organizations
orgas need to utilize employee knowledge and invest in their development
Competitive Challenges of Human Resource Management
changes in market place and economy
cost containment
leveraging employee differences
Employee Concerns
job security
healthcare issues
age and generaltional work issues
retirement issues
gender issues
educartional levels
employee rights
privacy issues
work attitudes
family concerns
What does HR do?
job design
training employees
good personnel- building business
right and responsibilities of employee
Roles in HR and Line Managers
HR function provides instruments as well as empowerment and training to line managers
Line Managers use instruments to delpoy and motivate employees
What are the Functions of HR - Centralized
Singular responsibilities - personnell records/ statistics / compensation statements
having to consult with business, getting guidelines - personnel planning, development of leadership policies, labor relations
Acts that can only be done with business - career planning, introduction of quality circles, equal opportunity programs
What are the functions of Line Managers - The Business?
independent acts - designing of the working structure, work content, employee conversations
acts that need advice/ support from HR - methodical support, organization development, coaching, individual advice
Business acts that need HR - recriuting. training. downsizing. personnel deployment