01-11-21 - Gastrulation and Neurulation Flashcards
What are the structures present on the epiblast of the embryo at the end of week 2?
what appears on day 14?
Bilaminar disc with connecting stalk
Within chorionic sac
Amniotic sac on “dorsal” side
Yolk sac on “ventral” side
Epiblast and Hypoblast are in contact
Day 14 Primitive streak appears – cells start to move
Gastrulation has begun
Next 3-4 days a lot happens
What occurs during gastrulation?
What are the 3 steps that form the endoderm?
=> cell migration 1, 2
How is the ectoderm formed?
How is the mesoderm formed?
How is the notochord formed?
Where is the notochord formed?
What is the notochord?
What is the function of the notochord?
What is it involved in the development of?
How does the ectoderm form?
What do all these processes form?
Sure! Let me break this down step by step to make it clearer.
Gastrulation Overview
During gastrulation, the embryo undergoes a big transformation, creating three primary layers that will give rise to all the tissues and organs of the body. These layers are:
- Ectoderm (skin and nervous system)
- Mesoderm (muscles, bones, heart, etc.)
- Endoderm (digestive system, lungs, etc.)
Endoderm Formation (Innermost layer)
- Epiblast cells (cells from the top layer of the early embryo) move toward the primitive streak, a structure that forms along the embryo’s midline.
- Some of these epiblast cells start to move downward and replace the hypoblast cells (which are part of an earlier layer under the epiblast).
- As they replace the hypoblast, these cells become the endoderm (the innermost layer), which will later form structures like the gut and lungs.
Mesoderm Formation (Middle layer)
- Some of the epiblast cells do not move all the way down to form the endoderm. Instead, they move sideways and forward to form the mesoderm (the middle layer).
- The mesoderm forms between the epiblast (which will become the ectoderm) and the endoderm.
- This mesoderm will give rise to structures like muscles, bones, the heart, and blood vessels.
Notochord Formation
- At the head end of the embryo (the rostral end), a group of mesoderm cells forms the notochord.
- The notochord is a rod-like structure that runs along the head-to-tail axis of the embryo and plays a critical role in signaling for the development of the nervous system and other structures.
- The epiblast cells that don’t move inward to form the endoderm or mesoderm stay in the top layer, and these cells become the ectoderm (the outer layer).
- The ectoderm will eventually give rise to the skin and the nervous system.
Tri-Laminar Disk
- All of this together forms a structure called the tri-laminar disk, meaning it has three layers:
- The ectoderm on the outside
- The mesoderm in the middle
- The endoderm on the inside
What does the histology of the formation of the tri-laminar disc look like?
What are ventral structures?
What are dorsal structures?
What are some ventral structures made in the embryo?
What signals their development?
What organises dorsal structures formation?
How do these structures do this?
What is an experiment regarding this process?
- Ventral structures refer to the front of a structure
- Dorsal structures are relating to the back or posterior of a structure (posterior) e.g the spine
- The skin / ventral belly (around stomach area) are ventral bodies
- Their development is signalled by BMPs (bone morphogenic proteins), which are potent stimulators of bone formation and other cellular functions
- The organisation of dorsal structure formation is done by the primitive node (pre-cursor)/notochord
- These structures release factors (chordin, noggin, follistatin) which blocks BMP
- This allows for the development of back/neural tissue to take place
- During the Spemann and Mangolds experiment, node cells were transplanted into an embryo, which resulted in 2 dorsums forming (back structures)
What is neurulation?
What is neurulation induced by?
What occurs to the epithelia over the neural plate?
What changes does the neural plate undergo during this process?
When is the initial change noticeable?
- Neurulation is the process of turning the flat neural plate into the neural tube
- Neurulation is induced by the notochord, which is deep to the neural epithelium
- The neural epithelium over the neural plate become columnar
- The neural plate converts to a groove then a tube, with the initial midline neural groove apparent after day 19
What occurs in neurulation after 20-21 days?
length + largeur
- During neurulation after 20-21 days, the embryo has elongated
- The cells on the neural plate edges have thickened, forming neural folds and a neural grove
- The neural folds are now starting to come close to each other
What occurs during neurulation from day 22 into the 4th week?
- During neurulation from day 22, the neural cells of the neural tube fuse together to make a closed tube.
- The curvature of the tube is driven by changes in the actin of the cytoskeleton in the apical area of cells
What occurs in neurulation in day 25 and day 27?
What conditions occur if these pores fail to close?
- During neurulation on day 25, the rostral neuropore in the nose direction of the embryo closes, and the brain is formed from 3 vesicles in this region
- On day 27, the caudal neuropore in the tail direction of the embryo closes and the spinal cord begins to develop
- Failure of closure of the rostral neuropore results in anencephaly, where the brain is not developed properly
- Failure of closure of the Caudal neuropore causes some forms of spina bifida
What are neural crest cells derived from?
What changes do neural crest cells undergo?
Where do they migrate to?
- Neural crest cells are derived from the edges of the neural tube
- Neural crest cells undergo an epithelial to mesenchymal cell transition (EMT)
- The migrate from the neural tube into the embryo
What are the various cell types derived from neural crest cells?
What are the neural crest cell defects associated with dalmatians?
- Dalmatians have defects in the development and migration of melanocytes, which is what causes their colour
- Dalmatians are often deaf, meaning there is problems with their cranial nerve ganglia
How common is Waardenburg’s syndrome?
What is it caused by?
What are 4 symptoms of Waardenburg’s syndrome?
What can other types present with?
- Waardenburg’s syndrome is 1/50,00 chance
- It is caused by transcription factor problems
- Some types are caused by Pax-3 deletion
- Symptoms include:
- Pigment abnormalities (even albinism)
- Deafness
- Heterochromia of eyes (different eye colour)
- Telecanthus (widely separated eye corners – craniofacial issues)
- Other types of Waardenburg’s syndrome can also show additional constipation (SOX 10 – autonomic ganglia failure)
How common is Treacher Collins Syndrome?
Where is this mutation found on chromosomes?
What is it caused by?
What are 5 symptoms Treacher Colins Syndrome presents with?
- Treacher Collins Syndrome is 1/50,000 chance
- It is an autosomal dominant condition
- It is caused by a defective protein called treacle (TCOF1) gene
- Symptoms of Treacher Collins Syndrome:
- Abnormal eye shape
- Conductive hearing loss
- Micrognathia (abnormally small jaw)
- Underdeveloped zygoma (bone in the face)
- Malformed ears
During gastrulation, what are the 3 layers of mesoderm that form?
What does the lateral plate mesoderm do?
What 2 layers does the later plate mesoderm form?
What do these layers do? Where is the notochord located?
Why is this expected?
- In the mesoderm, the 3 layers that form are:
- The lateral plate mesoderm]
- The intermediate mesoderm
- The paraxial mesoderm (close to body axis)
- The lateral plate mesoderm coats the embryo and forms:
- An inner visceral portion (splanchnic) – this will coat the forming gut tube from the yolk sac
- An outer parietal portion (somatic) – will form the internal body wall of the embryo
- The notochord is located under the neural tube
- This is expected, as the notochord pushes cells to generate the nervous system
What happens to the paraxial mesoderm?
What is the model that does this called?
Describe the 6 stages of this model.
What does this model explain?
- The paraxial mesoderm becomes segmented into somites
- Somite formation is from the clock and wavefront model
- Clock and wavefront model:
- Cells in the paraxial mesoderm have a clock cycle that they go through every 90 minutes
- As they go through this process, the back of the embryo is elongating via the wavefront moving backwards
- While the Wavefront moves backwards, it passes over the paradoxical mesoderm and releases FGF (signalling factor)
- If the wavefront passes across cells that are early in their clock cycle, they will make the head of the somite
- If the wavefront passes across cells that are in the middle of their clock cycle, they will make the middle of the somite
- If the wavefront passes across cells that are late in their clock cycle, they will make the tail of the somite
- This process explains why there can be hundreds of somites in a particular organism