식이 Flashcards
저 K 식이
cabbage(양배추), lettuce(상추), carrot(당근), cranberry, cauliflower, apple, pineapple, peaches
고 K 식이
orange, banana, avocado, tomato(가공안된거), strawberry(크렌베리 제외한 베리류), beans, mushrooms, potato, brocoli, spinach, melon(cantalope, honeydew), Na substitute, kiwi,
raisines(건포도), carrots, fIsh/pork/beef/veal(송아지)
고 N 식이
tomato juice, peanut butter, tomato sauce
Bacon, butter /cheese/milk, canned food/ lunch meat, hot dogs/ketchup/mustard, processed food, table salt/soy sauce, Snack food
저 N 식이
생과일, 야채, rice, fresh fish
고 C 식이
우유(대체가능식품: sardine[정어리]-ca,vitD 풍부)
> 유제품, soy milk, cheddar cheese, Yogurt
, beans, 녹색채소, Spinach/kale, Collard greens, Tofu, Rhubarb(대황.중국의 다년초식물)
고 P 식이
우유, 유제품, 동물성단백질(pork, beef, chicken,organ meats), 탄산음료, cheese, Fish, Nuts,pumpkin, squash(한국단호박같이 생긴애), whole grains bread and cereals, Daily product
고 Vit.K 식이
Green leafy vegetables, fish, liver, coffee, tea
Mg 식이
Avocado, Green leafy vegetables-spinach(시금치)/broccoli, Peanut Butter, potatoes, almonds,peas(완두콩), Oatmeal, wheat bran(밀기울.밀에서 가루를 빼고 남은 찌꺼기), Fish (canned white tuna/mackerel[고등어]), Cauliflower, chocolate (dark), Legumes(콩류), Nuts/raisins(건포도), Oranges, Milk/yogurt, pork/beef/chicken/soybeans
low fat
acute gastroenteritis
clear lipuid
acute glumerolonephritis
급성 사구체신염
Na ↓, Protein↓, K ↓, Calories ↑ ★★
Addison’s dis
애디슨 병은 콩팥 위 부신피질 생성 스테로이드호르몬인 “코티솔과 알도스테론 생산에 이상”
#코티솔은: 지방질, 당질, 단백질의 대사에 관여. 지방질, 단백질 분해-> 당질 만듬, 체내 저장 당질을 혈액 속으로 배출, 같은 말로 하이드로코르티손.
#알도스테론: 신체 Na, K, 수분 양 조절
Na↑, K↓
iron deficiency anemia
iron ↑
With Vitamine C->acide juice or water dilute / Avoid milk with Iron medi
Lean beef(기름기없는소고기)/ liver ,Oysters(굴), Chicken, chicken liver, Turkey, Beans and lentils, Tofu, Baked potatoes, Cashews, Dark green leafy vegetables ( spinach), Fortified breakfast cereals(강화된 아침시리얼), Whole-grain and enriched bread, Dried fruits, Egg york, legumes(콩류)
perinicious anemia
protein ↑, Vit.B12↑ ( shellfish, beef, liver, fish)
sicklecell anemia
fluid ↑ (for hydration)
angina pectoris
Cholesterol ↓
purine retricted
ADHD& bipolar
finger food, Kcal ↑
Calorie ↑, protein ↑, Vit.C ↑
Celiac’s dis
buck wheat(메밀), rice, corn, millet(조,기장 등 낱알식물),Quinoa, Tapioca, Chia, Buckwheat (most of these are used as substitutes for baking as in cakes, breading on meats, pasta etc.) , potato , soy, tapioca, Plain Meats (fish, beef, chicken, turkey etc.), Vegetables and Fruits
Nuts, Beans, Legumes
Dairy (not malt)….however watch dairy because many patients with Celiac Disease may be lactose intolerant
Barley(보리), rye(호밀),Oats, Wheat ( buckwheat) ,
Malt, Beer ,Pasta Noodles, Seasonings, Soups, Anything with breading that doesn’t say GF, Anything that looks like bread: croutons, crackers, bread, dough, cookies, most cereals, oats unless they say GF
Protein ↑, Carbohydrate ↑, fat ↓
Na ↓, Cholesterol ↓
크레틴병(선천성 갑상선 기능 저하증에 의해 발생하는 발육 부전)
Protein ↑, Ca ↑
Chrohn dis
소화관 어느 부위에서나 발생하는 만성 염증성 장질환.
Protein ↑, carbohydrate↑, fat↓, Calorie ↑
Cushing dis
부신겉질호르몬 중에 주로, 글루코코르티코이드의 대표인 코르티솔이 만성적으로 과잉 분비되는 병태.
K↑, Na↓
방광염 Acid ash(for alkaline stones) Alkaline ash(for acid stones)
Decubitus ulcer
Protein ↑, Vit.C ↑
well balanced diet
K↑, Na↑, Liduid, low-fiber, regular fluid & electrolyte replacement
Low resideu
-중간~심한게실염 초기…IV antibiotics, NPO…bowel rest so healing can begin. TPN/IV fluids or fat emulsions to help with nutrition
-호전양상에 따라: clear liquids and then low-fibre foods (NOTE: this is the only time a person with diverticulosis needs to consume a low-fibre diet)
Jello(젤리), broths(수프,죽), apple juice etc.
Low-fibre foods: White rice, cooked fruits or vegetable without seeds or skin, eggs…
-회복되면: needs to consume high fiber foods (fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, oats and other grains)…keeps stools soft and bulky…decreases episodes of constipation
-Drink plenty of fluids (2-3 L)
-Goal to avoid constipation: Psyllium (Metamucil) (softer and bulker) Probiotics
avoid seeds, nuts etc. but now research is showing patients do not have to avoid seeds (pumpkin, sunflower), nuts, fruit/veg with seeds unless they are intolerant to them already.
high residue, fiber↑ (fresh fruits and vegetables, beans, oats and other grains)…keeps stools soft and bulky…decreases episodes of constipation
fluid ↑(2-3L-> HF,Renal failure Pt는 MD order마다 액체양 감시필요), whole grain ↑,
Goal to avoid constipation: Psyllium (Metamucil.차전피가루.하제용) (softer and bulker)
★금기(Seed&nuts, cucumber[오이], squash[한국단호박같이생긴애], tomato, popcorn, corn, berry류)
but now research is showing patients do not have to avoid seeds (pumpkin, sunflower), nuts, fruit/veg with seeds unless they are intolerant to them already.