YuYu Vol. 317 Flashcards
1. to turn around; 2. to look back on, reminisce, reflect on
なんかこう自分について振り返ったりとか = I was able to reflect on myself
再 (sai)
prefix: re-, again
再登録するっていう作業をしなきゃいけないんですよ = I had to go through the process of re-registering.
褒美 (houbi)
reward, prize
自分へのご褒美っていうことでね = It’s a reward for myself, you see.
機種 (kishu)
model (of machine, device)
はい機種はですねサムスンフリップ6って言って = Yes, the model is the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6.
straight; quickly; directly; all of a sudden; quietly; gently; softly; (with suru) to feel refreshed; to feel satisfied
ポケットに入れる時にもスッと入りますし = and it also fits easily in my pocket.
casually (throw); carelessly; with a pat, tap, clap, etc.
でそのソファーのところに僕はポンと座りまして = so I just plopped down on that sofa.
苦手 (nigate)
- weak (at), not good (at); 2. not one’s cup of tea, not one’s favorite
で中にはね重いスマートフォン苦手だっていう人いると思うんですが = And I think there are people who don’t like heavy smartphones.
更新 (koushin)
renewal, update, replacement
実は去年携帯電話の携帯電話会社のプランを更新するときに = Actually, when I renewed my mobile phone plan with the mobile phone company last year.
more than anything, above all else
何よりもまず = first and foremost, above all, most importantly of all.
- reasonably; fairly; all right; moderate 2. hurriedly; in a rush; having barely finished
安い安いというかそこそこの携帯電話を買ったんですけど = I bought a fairly inexpensive mobile phone, you could say.
- in the first place; to begin with; from the start; originally 2. after all; anyway
20年前の携帯電話って折りたためるそもそも文字盤がついてるやつでしたよね = Mobile phones 20 years ago were foldable and had numeric keyboards from the beginning.
感覚 (kankaku)
feeling, sensation
そういう折りたためる特別なスタイルの携帯電話を使っているような感覚になる = It feels like using one of those foldable special-style mobile phones.
振り込み (furikomi)
wire transfer
そのアプリで振り込みができたりとかお金をもらったりとか = and with that app you can do things like make transfers and receive money.
残高照会 (zandaku shoukai)
bank balance inquiry
仕事柄 (shigoto gara)
for work, in a manner related to work
で僕自身もそのお仕事柄いろんな人にお金を振り込んだりするんですよ = And in my work, I often have to transfer money to different people.
expressly; especially; specially; taking the trouble (to do)
でその時にわざわざ銀行に行かなくて済むので = So it’s really convenient that I don’t have to go to the bank every time.
重宝 (chouhou)
convenient; useful; handy; helpful; finding useful; coming in handy; using often
すごく重宝しているんですけどもあのなんていうの = I’ve been finding it really useful, what can I say?
regrettably; unfortunately
大事だなぁと思うんですけどもいかんせんねこの携帯電話を変えた時に…= I think it’s important, but unfortunately, when I changed my phone.
昼間 (hiruma)
daytime, during the day
all right, right on, looking good, OK
でよし出かけようって言ってね. = And, all right, let’s go out, shall we?
after all; to the last; to the end; persistency; thoroughness
僕のあくまでもイメージだけどね。 = After all, that’s just my impression.
用件 (youken)
business; thing to be done; something that should be performed
そこで何の用件で銀行に来ましたかっていうのを登録しなきゃいけない = There you have to register why you came to the bank.
箇所 (kasho)
counter for places, parts, passages, etc.; place; point; part; spot
バーカウンターみたいになっていてでその丸いバーカウンターにそれぞれ4箇所に銀行員の方が座っていて = It was like a bar counter, and there were four bank employees sitting on each side of the round bar counter.
新規 (shinki)
new; fresh (more formal than 新しい)
新規契約新しい契約をするお話をしているわけですよ = discussing new contracts and new agreements.
あれ俺いるんだけどなっていうさりげないアピールをしたらですね = to make a subtle appeal like ‘Hey, I’m here you know?’
何かしら (nanikashira)
something (or other); some … or other; somehow (or other); for some reason; without knowing why
そうすれば待っていても何かしらの仕事ができるし。 = That way I can get some work done while I wait.
収録 (shuuroku)
recording (audio, video)
に限って (ni kagitte)
only; in particular~
なんだけどもなんだけどもその日に限ってノートとペン忘れちゃったんですよ = But on that particular day, I had forgotten my notebook and pen.
somewhere in my heart, part of me deep down
すぐできるかなっていうのもちょっと心のどっかにはあったんだけどね = I did have a bit of hope that I could just do it right away, though.
to glance, take a quick look
次俺だと思って女性の方をふわっと見たら = I thought it was my turn next, so I glanced over at the woman.
明らか (akiraka)
obvious, clear
なんか明らかに僕の方をわざと見ないようにしてで = but she was clearly trying to avoid looking at me.
in spite of; despite; although, regardless of; irrespective of
でも明らかに僕が座ってるのを見ているのにもかかわらず = But even though it was clear that I was sitting there.
神経 (shinkei)
nerves, sensitivity
そこに座れる神経がわかんないわと思ってちょっとちょっとこう = I couldn’t understand the nerve to sit there, and I felt a little, you know, irritated.
心の余裕 (kokoro no yoyuu)
peace of mind, composure
今年は心の余裕を持つっていう風に = This year, I’ve been trying to have a more relaxed mindset.
独り言 (hitori goto)
speaking to yourself, monologue, soliloquy
今ポッドキャストの準備でね一人ごとで話してた = And just before recording this podcast, I was talking to myself about that.
矢先に (yasaki ni)
just when (one is about to …); just as; the very moment when; on the point of
そのその矢先に怒っちゃうなんてこれも全然ダメだと = And then to get angry right after that, that’s completely no good.
最悪 (sai aku)
in the worst case; if worst comes to worst; worst; horrible, awful
僕は最悪7時までに家に帰れれば大丈夫だから = As long as I can get home by 7 o’clock at the latest, I’ll be fine.
自体 (jitai)
契約自体はねまあその何 = As for the contract itself, well, it was just a matter of.
雰囲気 (funiki)
“vibe”, aura, something about someone; atmosphere; mood; ambience
え嫌な雰囲気も出してない = I didn’t give off a bad vibe either.
謎 (nazo)
enigmatic, mysterious
携帯電話を持ってない謎の人が汚い服装で一人ごとブツブツ言って = The mysterious person without a mobile phone, muttering to themselves in dirty clothes.
引き続き (hikitsuzuki)
はいということで皆さん引き続き日本語の勉強頑張ってください = Alright, so please continue to study Japanese diligently, everyone.