YR 2 - core ideology: LIBERALISM Flashcards
What is the period of time called officially where liberalism arose ?
What was happening at the time when classical liberalism arose?
1640s English civil wars.
divine right of kings tradition
King Charles I executed, Oliver Cromwell
Who was Thomas Hobbes and what did he say regarding the English civil wars (1640s)?
17th century philosopher
-he said to imagine the natural state of humans, it would’ve been nasty short & brutish. Therefore governments naturally arose from this state of war. The people should obey authority to avoid chaos + bloodshed
Who reacted against Thomas Hobbes?
John Locke
What was John Locke’s key book called?
Two Treatises of Government (1690)
What did Locke say about the natural state of humans and liberty?
-humans are naturally rational, self seeking + independent. not naturally under the authority of anyone else.
-the natural state was a state of peace
What tradition / religious belief did John Locke directly oppose?
the divine right of kings
How does Locke believe government came about / for what purpose?
humans were perfectly free + selfish in the state of nature, thus there would be clashes of interest. Government is a creation of humans used to be a neutral umpire to resolve clashes, and protect our natural rights
What is John Locke’s social contract theory?
there is a ‘contract’ between the state + the individual, where the individual agrees to the state, so is obliged to obey its laws + in return the state protects their natural rights.
In what case does John Locke argue it is justified for the people to overthrow their government?
When the state beaks the contract by not protecting + enhancing natural rights, the people can withdraw their consent and replace the government.
What did Locke mean when he said the state must be a fiduciary power?
the state holds its power in the people’s TRUST and thus must act in the interests of the people
What did John Locke say are individuals’ 3 key rights?
What 2 types of liberals are there?
classical + modern
What are the 2 foundational beliefs of liberalism ?
What economic system do all liberals prefer and why?
CAPITALISM - has individuality and private property at its heart.
What type of individualism do classical liberals believe in and what is it?
What type of individualism do modern liberals believe in and what is it?
DEVELOPMENTAL INDIVIDUALISM - focuses on personal growth + flourishing rather than just self - satisfaction. The individual can BECOME rather than what they ARE
What type of liberty do classical liberals believe in and what is it?
NEGATIVGE LIBERTY - absence of restraint, leaving the individual free to pursue their own view of the good life + the state can only legitimately intervene to prevent harm to other. the freedom FROM…
What type of liberty do modern liberals believe in and what is it?
POSITIVE LIBERTY - the freedom TO rather than the freedom FROM… the individual is free to develop, flourish + pursue their own version of the good life.
Who is J.S Mill ?
bridge between classical and modern liberalism
What is J.S Mill’s book called?
On Liberty
Summarise J S Mill’s Harm Principle.
only laws that are other - regarding + harmful can be passed.
What did J.S Mill say about individuality?
life is about progress and achieving + exploring our own individuality
What type of state do classical liberals like John Locke want ?
-minimal, ‘nightwatchman’ state. limited by constitution, separation of powers, checks and balances
What type of state do modern liberals want ?
-large, enabling state. intervene to protect freedom and individualism, help improve our lives
What type of economy / capitalism do classical liberals want ?
Free market capitalism / Laissez Faire capitalism. Low state intervention. Low taxation and regulation. The market is at its best when it is left alone.
What type of economy / capitalism do modern liberals want ?
Keynesianism style capitalism. Huge government spending when the economy crashes to rebalance it. inspired by John Maynard Keynes
What do classical liberals think about the welfare state?
it shouldn’t exist. it encourages idleness and dependency. property shouldn’t be taxed for others because liberty + property are natural rights.
what do modern liberals think about the welfare state?
have a great desire for it - people need housing, healthcare and education and no poverty which welfare state helps with. allows us to develop and flourish. inspired by John Rawls
What is John Rawls book called ?
A Theory of Justice (1970s)
What concepts did John Rawls come up with?
- the original position + veil of ignorance
-he asks, if you were going to enter a world where you could be born into any circumstances, what type of world would you design. presumably a fair one - ‘justice as fairness’. modern liberals inspired by this
what type of equality do classical liberals believe in?
foundational + legal equality
what type of equality do modern liberals believe in?
foundational + legal equality AND equality of opportunity
Who famously commented on the equality of opportunity concept?
Betty Friedan - ‘the problem with no name’. Middle class women were unhappy with their rights being more equal because they still lacked equality of opportunity.
Who was the first classical liberal to focus on women’s rights? what did she say?
MARY WOLLSTONECRAFT - she said women are also rational therefore deserve foundational + legal equality. need right to education, property , divorce etc
who are the 5 key thinkers for liberalism?
-John Locke
-Mary Wollstonecraft
-John Stuart Mill
-John Rawls
-Betty Friedan
who are other thinkers that aren’t key but relevant to liberalism? name at least 2
-Thomas Hobbes
-Adam Smith
-John Maynard Keynes
What do ALL liberals agree on ?
-oppose divine right of kings tradition
- believe in individualism + liberty as core beliefs
- prefer capitalism over any other economic system