Yersinia and Vibrio Flashcards
Yersinia pestis is also called what?
Yersinia pestis is gram ___ with the shape of ____
negative and rod shaped
Is Yersinia pestis an anerobe or aerobe?
facultative anaerobic bacteria
if the plague is on the foot what is it called?
septicemic plague
If the plague is in the respiratory system it is called?
Pneumonic plague
What is the difference between the transmission of bubonic plague and pneumonic plague?
bubonic plague is transfered from animals to person while Pneuomic plasue is transfered person to person.
What are the symptoms of bubonic plague?
- sudden onset of fever, chills, weakness
- swollen and painful lymph nodes (buboes) usually in the groin, armpit or neck.
What does bubonic plague usually result from?
bite of insect of flea
What is the incubation of Bubonic plague?
2-6 days
What is the most common form of plague aka Yersinia pestis
Bubonic plague
What are the symptoms of Septicemic plague?
- sudden onset of fever, abdominal pain and chills like in bubonic plague
- bleeding in the extremities
Septicemic plague may be complication of what?
untreated bubonic plague or contact with fleas or skin of diseased animals.
What is the most serious form of the plague?
Pneumonic plague
what is the symptoms of pneumonic plague>
- rapidly developing pneumonia
- shortness of breath
- sometimes bloody sputum
what is sputum
mixture of saliva and mucus
What is the incubation of Pneumonic plague?
As little as 1 day
How is Pneumonic plague transferred?
human to human
The viruence of Yersinia pestis allows it the ability to do what?
resist phagocytic killing
The type III secretion system of Yersinia pestis secrets toxins do what? How?
- dephosphorylate several proteins required for phagocytosis induce cytotoxicity by disrupting actin filaments and initiate apoptosis in macrophages
- Also supresses ctokine production, in turn disminishing the inflammatory immune response to infection.
Yersinia pestis has two plasmids that encode virulence genes. what are they?
(1) fraction 1 (f1) gene
(2) Plasminogen activator (pla) protease gene
What does the plasmid fraction 1 (f1) gene code?
codes for an antiphagocytic protein capsid
what does the plasmid that encodes the gene plasminogen activator (pla) protease gene code?
degrades components C3b and C5a. The pla gene also degrades fibrin clots, permitting Yersinia pestis to spread rapidly.
Yersinia pestis has another virulence factor that _____ by siderophore-independent mechanism
absorbs organic iron
How is Yersinia pestis treated?
- Streptomycin (Intramuscularly)
- Gentamicin (intramuscularly)
- Alternative drugs may be administered intravenously