Enterobacteriaceae- II Flashcards
Shigella is an enterobacteriacea that is gram _____ with the shape of_____
gram negative rods
Is shigella an anerobe or aerobe?
A facultative anaerobe.
What is a faculatative aerobe?
A facultative anaerobe is an organism that makes ATP by aerobic respiration if oxygen is present, but is capable of switching to fermentation or anaerobic respiration if oxygen is absent.
There are four species of Shigella what are the three main species?
Shigella sonnei
Shigella flexneri
Shigella dysenteriae
What is dysentery?
stool containing blood and mucus
Shigella is the major cause of what?
What is the most infection Shigella species in developed countries?
Shigella sonnei
What species of shigella is known for presence in developing countries?
Shigella flexneri
Where is the shigella strain shigella dysentriae most commonly found?
Africa and central America
What age group of people are more frequently infected with Shigella?
What is required for transport of shigella? why?
transport media because shigella is acid sensitive.
How is Shigella transported?
spread person to person (fecal - oral route) but it is also in the reservoir of humans.
What is the infectious dosage of Shigella?
low dosage; 10-200 organisms
What are the symptoma of shigella?
- lower abdominal cramps
- tenesmus (straining to defecate)
- pus and blood in stool
- fever
what is tenesmus?
straining to defecate
What is the major virulence in shigella?
shiga toxin
What is the shigella toxin similar to?
EHEC AB5 toxin
The shigella toxin does what?
Binds to Gb3. THe A subunit cleaves the 28 rRNA and inhibit protein synthesis.
Does Shigella contain LPS?
Type 3 secretion Survive where and how?
1) survives in cytoplasm and propelled in to the neighboring cells
2) Survives phagocytosis by inducing apopotosis.
What is one treatment for shigella?
oral rehydration
How is shigella diagnosed?
- stool samples to detect toxin or bacteria
- Media with bile salt.
What are the different Salmonella infections?
1) S. enterica var Typhimurium (S. typhimurium)
2) S. bongori
3) S. enterica var Typhi (s. typhi)
What type of salmonella infection causes the most infections?
S. enterica var Tymphimurium (S. typhimurium)