Year 3 CAP TEST QUESTIONS FOR PRACTICE (got 71%) Flashcards
Which of the following is true regarding haemoglobin? * Haemoglobin is a tetramer * All oxygen is transported bound to haemoglobin * The life span of an erythrocyte is normally 50 days * Carbon dioxide does not bind to haemoglobin * Oxygen has a greater affinity for haemoglobin than carbon monoxide
Correct answer - haemoglobin is a tetra * Oxygen is also transported by dissolving in the blood * The life span of an erythrocyte is normally 120 days * Carbon dioxide does bind to haemoglobin * Carbon monoxide has a greater affinity for haemoglobin than oxygen
The germ layers are formed during which stage of embryogenesis? Arrange the below stages of embryogenesis into order and state what happens during each stage * Cleavage * Fertilisation * Gastrulation * Morphogenesis * Organogenesis
The germ layers are formed during gastrulation
- Fertilisation - union of the sperm and oocyte
- Cleavage - earliest cell divisions of the embryo
- Gastrulation - germ layers
- Morphogenesis - formation of the body plan
- Organogenesis - development of the primordia of the body organs
An 18 year old presents following two generalised tonic clonic seizures. These occurred 2 months apart and were self limiting. She denies any illicit drug misuse or alcohol excess. Her MRI head is normal. Which of the following treatments options would you start? * Gabapentin * Sodium valproate * Phenytoin * Lamoritgine * Phenobarbitol
Correct answer is lamotrigine - least teratogenic in women of child-bearing age and there is time to titrate this up given the relatively infrequent and self-terminating events
Correct answer is C - * X has the same efficacy as drug Y (efficacy is the ability of an agonist to evoke a cellular response)
An 18 year-old attends a family planning clinic following her second termination of pregnancy. Her recent endocervical swab has come back positive for chlamydia infection. Select the most appropriate contraception from the options below: * Combined oral contraceptive (Microgynon) * Intra-uterine contraceptive device (Multiload Cu375) * Intra-uterine progesterone only system (Mirena) * Progesterone implant (Nexplanon) * Progesterone only pill (Cerazette)
Correct answer is D - progesterone implant Long term contraception should be encouraged to reduce the risk of unplanned pregnancy, Intra-uterine devices are contraindicated in a woman with pelvic-infection
Select the option that best fits the statement below * Anti-microbial protein(s) secreted by epithelial cells of mucosal surfaces Options * Defensin * Myeloperxoidase * Lectin * Immunoglobulin * Secretin
Correct answer - Defensins - bind to microbial cell membranes and assist in killing cells
What is the most common mode of inheritance of hereditary spherocytosis? What happens in this condition?
Hereditary spherocytosis is mainly an autosomal dominant condition that can affect the cell membrane shape In this condition, the abnormal cell membranes are spherical rather than biconcave * Affects oxygen carrying capacity * Affects ability to squeeze through small vessels -> increased destruction (splenomegaly) * Can cause pigment (bile) gallstones to due to increased unconjuated bilirubin
Which statement is true about bipolar affective disorder (BD)? * Twin studies have shown that BD has a high heritability * Several gene studies have been identified as definitely causing BD * Having a first degree relative with BD is associated with a 50% lifetime risk of unipolar depression * Patients with a strong family history of BD but no symptoms yet should be offered a mood stabiliser * Having a first degree relative with BD isn’t associated with an increased risk of schizoaffective disorder
True statement - twin studies have shown that bipolar disorder has a high heritability - heritability is about 80% People who are asymptomatic should not be offered treatment no matter how strong the family history is
Select the most appropriate treatment for a 30 year old woman, who has sudden episodes of inability to speak, associated with altered hearing and loss of spatial awareness, lasting 1-2 minutes? * Carbamezapine * Lorazepam * Phenytoin * Pregablin * Sodium valproate
This patients sound like they are having a partial seizure (simple is consciousness is maintained) 1st line treatment of partial seizures is usually Carbamezapine Or Lamotrigine
39 year old woman attends for her routine midwifery check at 38 weeks pregnant and is referred to the hospital for further assessment. She complains of frontal headache and zig-zags across her vision. The baby is moving normally and there are no signs of labour. BP is 152/98. Urinarlysis shows 3+ protein. What blood tests are essential investigations in this case? * FBC, and group and save * FBC and U&Es * FBC, U&E and LFTs * FBC, U&Es, LFTs and coag screen * FBC, U&Es, LFTs, coag screen and bile acids
Patient has developed pre-eclampsia and there is concern as to whether she has developed HELLP syndrome * (HELLP syndrome is a life-threatening condition that can potentially complicate pregnancy. Hemolysis, Elevated Liver enzyme levels, and Low Platelet levels. It typically occurs in the third trimester (but can also start soon after delivery) Correct answer is C - FBC, U&Es and LFTs
A 35 year old complains of severe premenstrual pain and syparenuia caused by known severe endometriosis. Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment? * Cryproterone acetate * Clomphiene citrate * Combined oral contraceptive pill * Chorionic gonadotrophin * Finasteride
Combined oral contraceptive pill is an affective treatment for endometriosis (as is any treatment that reduces menstruation)
A patient is seen in the neurology clinic, complaining of abnormal head movements and neck pain. He also notes that his head has a tendency to turn to the left and indeed he finds it uncomfortable to keep his head facing forwards. What is the most likely diagnosis? (define dystonia and spasm) * Blepharospam * Oromandibular dystonia * Cervical dystonia * Hemifacial spasm * Hemiballismus
Dystonia - sustained abnormal posture caused by persistent contraction or large trunk or limb muscles * Correct answer - Cervical dystonia (aka spasmodic torticollis) - typified by heading turning to onse side due to contraction of SCM muscle Spasm - uncontrolled contraction of a muscle * Blepharospasm - twitch of spasm of the eyelid Hemiballismus - characteristed by flailing of the limbs
Which of the following is a recognised maternal adapation to pregnancy? * Blood pressure decreases in second trimester, and returns to pregnancy level by third trimester * Cardiac output decreased by 30-50% from 6 weeks gestatinal age and then increases back to normal in the last 8 weeks of pregnancy * Erythropoiesis decreases by 25% causing anaemia * GFR stays the same throughout pregnancy * Vital capcity increases by 50%
Blood pressure decreases in second trimester, and returns to pregnancy level by third trimester - TRUE Cardiac output and GFR increase by 30-50% Erythropoiesis increases by 25% and Hb is reduced by dilution Tidal and minute volumes increase. Vital capacity is unchanged
A woman is known to carry a mutation int he factor VIII gene that causes X-linked haemophilia. She has experienced haemorrhage following surgery. Select the most likely mechanism from the options below * An X-autosome translocation causing skewed X-inactivation * A coincidental mutation in the X inactivation centre * Normal X-inactivation * She has a second mutation on her paternally inherited X-chromosome * She also has Turner syndrome
Normal X-inactivation is the most likely causes (50% of the patients liver cells will have the mutant X chromosome as the only active one - therefore reduced capcity for making factor VIII)
For each of the following language disorders, state the area responsible: * Receptive aphasia * Expressive aphasia * Nominal aphasia
Receptive aphasia - a problem with speech comprehension due to a lesion in Wernicke’s area (temporal-parietal lobe) Expressive aphasia - a problem with speech production due to a lesion in Broca’s area (frontal lobe) - patients can understand the language but unable to get their words out properly Nominal aphasia - patients unable to name familiar objects but languae otherwise preserved - suggest an inferior parietal lesion - area known as the angular gyrus
What is neuroleptic malignant syndrome? With which drug should neuroleptic malignant syndrome be treated?
NMS is a life-threatening idiosyncratic reaction to antipsychotic drugs characterized by fever, altered mental status, muscle rigidity, and autonomic dysfunction. - average onset 4-14 days after starting antipsychotic Treatment of neuroleptic malignant syndrome * DISCONTINUE ANTI-PSYCHOTIC * Then prescribe a dopamine agonist eg bromocirptine
Someone with an IQ of 45 would be described as having which severity of learning disability?
IQ 45 = moderate learning disability Borderline = 70-84 Mild = 50-69 Moderate = 35-49 Severe = 20-34 Profound = <20
An 80 year old woman with falls is found to have low serum vitamin D levels. Which of the following would you expect to see? * Low parathyroid hormone levels * High serum calcium levels * Low serium potassium levels * Low serum phsophate levels * Low serum alkaline phosphate levels
Correct answer -> D - low serum posphate levels Calcium and phosphate levels will be low with a deficiency * Phsyiologically, PTH levels increase in Vit D deficiency * Alk phos levels would increase due to osteoblastic activity early in vit D deficiency
Which of the following best describes trichomonas vaginalis? * A (true) anaerobe * A bacterium * A fungus * A protozoa (parasite) * A virus
D - a protozoal (single cell) parasite
A woman has induction of labour at 42 weeks of gestational age. Following an artificial rupture of membrane, there is a prolonged foetal bradycardia to 50bpm. Some fresh vaginal bleeding is noted and on examination the uterus is soft and non-tender. What is the most likely diagnosis?
Most likely diagnosis is vasa praevia - rare condition where unprotected foetal vessels traverse the foetal membranes over the internal os Prevents with severe foetal distress with a relatively small intrapartum bleeding following ROM (bleed in placental praevia usually starts small, then increases)
A woman is admitted at 38 weeks gestation age with severe abdominal pain and a heavy vaginal bleed. On examination her uterus is tense and the foetal heart is 50 beats per minute. What is the most likley diagnosis?
Most likely diagnosis is placental abrutpion If there is severe bleeding, uterus becomes tender, tense and there can be severe foetal distress, sometimes even intra-uterine death
For each of the following structures, select the appropriate visual field defect associated with damage to them from the options below * Lateral optic nerve lesion immediatly anterior to the chiasma * Optic chiasma * Right optic tract
Lateral optic nerve lesion immediatly anterior to the chiasma - junctional scotoma (scotoma meaning darkness, junctional meaning at optic nerve / chiasm junction) - combo of ipsilateral central scotoma and contralateral supero-temporal scotoma Optic chiasma - bitemporal hemianopia Right optic tract - left homonymous hemianopia
Necrotising enterocolitis (NEC) is a well known complication of prematurity with multiple options to reduce its incidence. Which of the following actions significantly reduces the indcidence of NEC? * Breast feeding * Use amino acid formula (hypoalergenic formula) * Use breast milk fortifier * Use preterm formula * Delay feeding
Breast feeding is the correct answer - reduces incidence of NEC
A 76 year old attended A&E following a large epistaxis. He is feeling a bit light-headed and nauseated. This bleeding has settled over the last 30 minutes with conservative management. His haemoglobin is 7.1g/dl. Select the best management plan. * Nil required * Oral iron * IV iron * IV packed red blood cells * IV O RhD negative blood
Correct answer is D - IV packed red blood cells Once the Hb is less than 8g/dl, it is reasonable to consider a blood transfusion, especially if the patient is symptomatic
Case 1- D - there is pancytopenia so aplastic anaemia Case 2 - F - significant leuocytosis with increased neutrophils, eosinophils and myelocytes (normally resident in the marrow) - chronic myeloid leukaemia is the best fit Case 3 - G - marked lymphocytosis - best fit is chronic lymphocytic leukaemia
A 77 year old has a 3 month history of bilateral leg oedema Which of these results is most likely to explain her condition? * Serum albumin 54g/L (normal 35-50g/l) * Serum CRP 110 mg/L (normal
Urine protein 3.5g/day is most likely explanation Low serum albumin reduces oncotic pressure and can lead to bilateral leg oedema which can occur with a significant protein uria - can occur in patients with nephrotic syndrome where urinary protein is significant
A 29 year old labourer was moving bricks and describes feeling something going in his back. He has since noted pain down the back of his knee. On examination he has an absent knee reflex and weakness in knee extension and ankle dorsiflexion . You also find that he has decreases sensation on the inner aspect of his calf. You suspect of a disc prolapse. Which nerve root is affected?
L4 nerve roots - responsible for leg extension, patellar reflex and ankle dorsiflexion
Which of the following is least likely to happen in the first week of life for a pre-term infant born at 29 weeks of gestation: * Sepsis * Respiratory distress syndrome * Intraventricular haemorrhage * Patient ductus arteriosus * Chronic lung disease (broncho pulmonary dysplasia)
Sepsis Respiratory distress syndrome Intraventricular haemorrhage Patient ductus arteriosus Chronic lung disease (broncho pulmonary dysplasia) ALL of the above are known complications of prematurity, except for chronic lung disease which describes a condition in which the preterm infant will require O2 supplementation beyond 28days or beyond 36 weeks corrected gestation
A 74 year old presents with a haematemesis and hypotension. He is taking warfarin due to his atrial fibrillation. Which of the following is not an appropriate reaction? * Check the patients INR * Give vitamins K * Give fresh frozen plasma * Give a four factor (II, VII, IX, X) coag factor concentrate * Phone the on-call haematologist for advice
Check the patients INR Give vitamins K Give a four factor (II, VII, IX, X) coag factor concentrate Phone the on-call haematologist for advice Wrong answer - Give fresh frozen plasma - does not give sufficient coag correction when there is a life threatenting haemorrhage - slow to act
An 85 year old lady presents with incontinence. She is unable to get to the toilet in time. The very thought of the toilet makes her incontinent. What type of incontinence does she have.
Urge incontinence - typically presentation in urge where any stimulus triggers detrusor and leads to sudden voiding
A 75 year old man with a six month history of Parkonsonism and a ten year history of ischaemic heart disease presents with short term memory loss, difficulty counting money and word-finding difficulties. He has no other symptoms. A SPECT scan shows reduced attentuation throughout the brain. What is this diagnosis? * Lewy body dementia * Dementia in Parkonsin’s disease * Vascular dementia * Frontotemporal dementia * Alzhiemers dementia
Correct answer- vascular dementia Although he has Parksonism, he has no other features of LBD and his SPECT scan is indicative of vascular dementia
Neutrophil with toxic granulation
Which of the following drugs is most likely to precipitate an acute attack of gout? * Amlodopine * Simvastatin * Spironolactone * Atenolol * Bendroflumethiazide
Bendroflumethiazise - a thiazide diuretic
Which area of the brain is first affected in Alzheimer’s disease?
The nucleus basalis of Meynert is the area of the brain to bee affected by the neuropathology of Alzheimer’s disease
What is the most appropriate term for each of these presentations? * A 30 year old woman with borderline personality disorder pretends to have seizures so that she can claim benefits for disability living allowance * A 30 year old woman with borderline personality disorder has episodes where she loses consciousness and appears to have a tonic clonic seizure, but her EEG is normal.
A 30 year old woman with borderline personality disorder pretends to have seizures so that she can claim benefits for disability living allowance - MALINGERING (illness faked for secondary gain * A 30 year old woman with borderline personality disorder has episodes where she loses consciousness and appears to have a tonic clonic seizure, but her EEG is normal - NON-EPILEPTIC SEIZURE (associated with a history of child abuse)
* Case 1 - MIGRAINES unilateral moderate/severe headaches between 4 and 72 hours of length * Associated with pulsating/throbbing, worse on movement, nasuea/vomiting * Case 2 - Benign intracranial hypertension - can be caused by taking COC - worse on any activity that further increases intracranial pressure such as coughing or sneezing * Case 3 - Acute tnesion headache - mild/moderate, non pulsatile bilateral headache
This organsim does not stain with gram stain and is a spirochaete (spiral shape) organism. It is diagnosed primarily by serological tests (or by PCR in the early stages) Select the organsim that causes a STI from the options below * Chlamydia trachomatis * Herpes simplex * Human papilloma irus * Neisseria gonorrhoea * Trepoenema pallidum
The only spirochete in the list is treponema pallidum - causative agent of syphilis