Obs and Gynae Yr 4 C - O&G Post-block assessment flashcard with explanations (77%)
Read the following statements and determine whether they are true or false. * a) HIV is the most common virus associated with cervical pathology. * b) Cervical smear screening should be offered to all sexually active women including teenagers. * c) Cervical smear is the first choice investigation in women with clinically suspected cervical cancer. * d) Cervical cancer can present with recurrent post-coital bleeding.
a) - False - HPV is the most common virus associated with cervical pathology b) False - Cervical smear screening should be offered to all sexually active women aged 25 to 64 c) False - Cervical smear is the screening tool to detect pre-cancerous changes. Cervical biopsy should be performed in women with suspected cervical cancer. d) True - Cervical cancer can present with irregular vaginal bleeding including post-coital bleeding and vaginal bleeding in pregnancy.
Which of the following are risk factors for cervical cancer? Alcohol Cervical warts Use of condom Obesity Smoking Multiple sexual partners
Risk factors for cervical cancer * Cervical warts * Smoking * Multiple sexual partners Alcohol, use of condom and obesity are not risk factors for cervical cancer
Please answer the following questions are about menstrual bleeding. a) The typical menstrual cycle ranges from 21-35 days. b) Menorrhagia is defined as blood loss over 250ml per cycle. c) During the first 2 years after menarche most cycles are anovulatory. d) Menorrhagia can be the initial presenting complaint in a women infected with a STI
a) True b) False - Menorrhagia is defined as blood loss >80ml of blood - most women will become anaemic with this volume of mnstrual loss c) True - Regular ovulation does not usually start until approximately 2 years after menarche. d) True - Sexually transmitted infections can present with menorrhagia. In particular an infection with Chlamydia can commonly present in this way.
Image shows a TVUS picture of a uterus with a large fibroid. This 35 year-old nulliparous woman complains of menorrhagia and infertility. Which of the following are appropriate treatments? a) Mirena intra-uterine system b) Mefenamic Acid c) Hysterectomy d) Tranexamic Acid e) Sulfasalazine
a) False - effective for menorrhagia treatment, less so in large fibrois - wouldnt use in this case due to contraceptive effects b) True - NSAIDs such as mefenamic acid are effective in the treatment of menorrhagia and dysmenorrhoea. c) False - Not appropriate in this case, as this woman wishes to preserve her fertility. However myomectomy could be considered. d) True - Tranexamic Acid is an antifibrinolytic drug that can reduce menstrual bleeding e) False- Sulfaslazine used in IBD
- With regard to the anatomy of the pelvis, which of the following statements are correct? * a) During the administration of regional anaesthesia the pudendal nerve is approached as it passes in front of (anterior to) the ischial spine. * b) The levator ani muscles form the pelvic floor. * c) When inserting a bivalve speculum the gynaecologist must be aware that the vagina measures about 12cm.
a) False - The pudendal nerve passes behind and below the ischial spine. b) True - Weakness in these muscles may contribute to uterovaginal prolapse and stress incontinence. These conditions may be improved by strengthening the levator ani muscles with pelvic floor exercises. c) False - The vagina extends upward and backward, measuring about 8cm.
- With regard to the anatomy of the pelvis, which of the following statements are correct? * d) The ovarian artery arises from the internal iliac artery. * e) At ovulation, the ovum is extruded into the peritoneal cavity. * f) As the ureter crosses the broad ligament to reach the base of the bladder, it lies superior to the uterine artery.
e) True - As the ovum is extruded into the peritoneal cavity, it is possible to develop an intra-peritoneal ectopic pregnancy. f) False - The ureter passes inferior to the uterine artery (water under the bridge) in the broad ligament, before running forward and lateral to the lateral fornix of the vagina. It is important that the gynaecologist knows the anatomy of the ureter within the pelvis well, as this may be damaged during pelvic surgery.
What clinical features are typical of antepartum haemorrhage (APH) due to placenta praevia? * Fetal Distress * Tense uterus on palpation * Painless APH * Pyrexia * Abnormal fetal lie
Fetal Distress - False Tense uterus on palpation - False Painless APH - True Pyrexia - False Abnormal fetal lie - True
Why is there bleeding from placental praevia? What are the signs and symptoms again?
The bleeding is due to separation of the placenta from the lower uterine segment as a result of the lower segment forming or the cervix dilating. This usually presents as small painless bleeds early in the third trimester of pregnancy, but can present with severe bleeding There is uusally no feotal stress, maternal pyrexia and a SNT uterus. Because the placenta implants in the lower uterine segment malpresentation and abnormal fetal lie are common.
With regard to the use of clomiphene citrate in the management of subfertility: * a) Clomiphene citrate is an anti-oestrogen * b) Clomiphene citrate is used in the management of subfertility associated with tubal disease * c) Side effects of clomiphene citrate include hot flushes and night sweats
a) True - Clompihene citrates main mechanism of action is anti-oestrogenic, causing circulating levels of LH (lutinising hormone)and FSH (follicular stimulating hormone) to rise. b) False - Clomiphene citrate is used in the management of anovulatory infertility, dues to conditions such as polycytic ovarian syndrome. c) True - Clomiphene citrate has anti-oestrogenic properties and as a result may cause menopausal symptoms.
With regard to the use of clomiphene citrate in the management of subfertility: * d) Complications of clomiphene citrate administration include multiple pregnancy and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome * e) Premature ovarian failure is one of the long-term complications of clomiphene citrate administration
d) True - There is a 5-10% risk of multiple pregnancy. Rarely ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome can occur, especially if there is a history of PCOS. It is recommended that ultrasound monitoring is performed during the initial treatment cycle. e) False - The long-term risks following clomiphene citrate administration include an increased risk of ovarian cancer. Although it is an anti-oestrogen there is no evidence of an increased risk of premature ovarian failure with long-term use
Which of the following criteria are used to diagnose polycystic ovarian syndrome? hyperprolactinaemia clinical or biochemical hyperandrogenism oligo/amenorrhoea obesity polycystic ovaries on ultrasound
In order to diagnose polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) a woman must have 2 out of 3 of the following features: 1. Clinical hyperandrogenism (hirsutism / acne) or biochemical hyperandrogenism (elevated free androgen index / reduced sex hormone binding globulin) 2. Oligo/amenorrhoea 3. Polycystic ovaries on ultrasound scan. Obesity and hyperprolactinaemia are often associated with PCOS but they are not diagnostic
With regard to the management of pelvic organ prolapse: * a) Anterior repair is usually performed for a rectocoele. * b) A woman with an asymptomatic cystocoele should be managed by pelvic floor surgery. * c) Antimuscarinic drugs are commonly prescribed for pelvic organ prolapse.
a) False - Anterior repair is usually performed for cystocoele. b) False - Patient is asymptomatic so no intervention is needed. c) False - Antimuscarinic drugs are used for urge urinary incontinence / over active bladder syndrome.
With regard to the management of pelvic organ prolapse: * d) Pelvic floor exercises are effective in the management of procidentia. * e) Using a vaginal pessary is the management of choice in an elderly woman who has a procidentia and is medically unfit for surgery. * f) Obesity, chronic cough and constipation are risk factors for pelvic organ prolapse.
d) False - Pelvic floor exercises are effective for the management of stress urinary incontinence. e) True - Vaginal pessaries are effective in the conservative management of pelvic organ prolapse. f) True - Any factor that increases intra-abdominal pressure will increase the risk of pelvic organ prolapse.
What is the most effective method contraception? What is the failure route of female and male sterilisation?
Most effective method = the implant 0.05% failure rate (5 in 10,000) Male sterilisation failure rate = 0.15% (15 in 10,000) Female sterilisation failure rate = 0.5% (1 in 200, 50 in 10,000)
Female laparoscopic sterilisation. Please answer the following questions (true/false): * a) There is a 3 / 1000 risk of emergency laparotomy. * b) Failure rate is least of any form of contraception. * c) Laparoscopic sterilisation can be considered reversible, as the success rates from a reversal of sterilisation are greater than 90%. * d) Laparosocpic sterilisation is relatively contraindicated in women with BMI of over 40 * e) Female sterilisation can be performed at the at the same time as caesarean section.
a) True - This is related to injury to blood vessels, bowel or bladder, which can be difficult to repair laparoscopically. b) False - Laparoscopic sterilisation has a 1: 200 failure rate. Both vasectomy and implant are better c) False - Sterilisation should be considered irreversible, as a reversal of sterilisation is a major surgical procedure with low success rates ( d) True - Difficult and has a higher complication rate. e) True - In certain circumstance it is appropriate to perform tubal ligation at the same time as caesarean section. However the failure rates and regret rates are higher.
Consent to surgery or intervention: * a) Damage to the bowel at the time of hysterectomy can be repaired without written consent. * b) Tissue for research purposes can be kept without specific consent.
a) True: Doctor need to act in the patient’s ‘best interest’ which means any treatment that is necessary to ‘’preserve the life, health or wellbeing of the patient and for the patient’s welfare’. b) False: Consent must be obtained when tissue is to be used for research purpose. Women must however be made aware that tissue and samples may be removed in the course of the procedure for which consent is being obtained. The advice given to the woman must include the examination of the these tissues and the woman should be informed that blocks and slides will be retained while the remaining samples is destroyed. The retained tissue may be used for education and training.