Year 2 Notes Flashcards
What is the EU emissions trading scheme?
A multi-sector, multi-nation and trade scheme to reduce carbon emissions from power producing and energy intensive sectors
How does the ETS scheme work?
Allocation of carbon credits and subsequent trade between over polluting and under polluting nations
What does the ETS symbolise?
A way of meeting commitments without sacrificing other policy goals
Power of the markets
Not initially due to massive over-allocation of credits
After this who 3.06% fall 2007-2008
What is the stratospheric ozone depletion case an example of?
Changing uncertainty and importance of the precautionary principle
When does ozone reach max concentration?
25km up (in the stratosphere)
When were CFCs invented, by who and why?
1930s, Midgeley, substitute for butane which was inert and non poisonous
When did papers begin to recognise the dangers and what did they find?
1974s paper found that chlorine was a destructive catalyst of ozone
When did thinning begin?
When did thinning intensify?
When was the Vienna convention?
When was the Montreal Protocol agreed?
What was the success of the MP?
Deemed one of the most successful examples of global governance
We will still have ozone hole till 2060-2080s - we were too late to prevent the hole
When was the height of CFC production and what did it reach?
1986 @ 1.5 million tonnes
What happened to stratospheric ozone content?
Multiplied x 7 by 1995
What did 10 years of indecision lead to?
50 years of atmospheric imbalance
What is the global commons?
Resource domains that lie outside of the political reach of any one nation state
Shared resources e.g. high seas, atmosphere
Exploitation of pastureland?
Buffalo population was once >30 million
By end of 19th century it was <500
Today still only 25,000
Why did the Aral Sea dry up?
River Syr Darya and Amu Darya were diverted for Soviet cotton cultivation in the 1960s
What happened to the extent of the sea?
The 2007 size was 10% of its original 68,000km2
What were the social impacts of the drying of the AS?
100 million tonnes of toxic salt dust from fertiliser and pesticides used spread over 400,000km2
Shortened the growing season and decreased humidity by 25%
40,000 job losses
3000% increase in chronic diseases e.g. asthma over the next 15 years
1:20 babies were born with defects
What were the environmental costs?
Species and ecosystem loss was $100 billion
What is the total cost to recharge the Aral Sea?
$30 billion
Give an example of a common property regime/treaty which aided water conflict?
Indus Water Treaty 1960
What did Wade say about common pool resources?
When all could benefit from cooperation, it is often not reached in absence of external factors
Common property is bound to be over exploited as demand rises
What does this mean?
Less developed countries lack mature political institutions needed to overcome disputes and will need aid
What are the drawbacks of fracking?
Releases methane
Uses a lot of water
Wells can crack and release chemicals into nearby water sources
Involves industrialisation of the countryside
What does Sen define famine as?
When a large number of people in the same area lose their means/entitlements to access commodities
What does Sen say famine is caused by?
Food shortages due to entitlement failures
Name some entitlements?
Wages, crops, livestock, donations, investment, inheritance, gifts, land, skills, membership
What is a failure of food entitlement?
When an entitlement set doesn’t contain enough food to enable someone to avoid starvation (in absence of non-entitlement transfers e.g. aid)