year 2- booklet 1,2 ,3 Flashcards
Imperial War cabinet
-as a result of empire/ dominions demanding rep in govt war decisions
-met twice
Aus/ NZ help in ww1
-fought as Gallipoli (1915)
Canada help in ww1
Vimy Ridge (1917) and supplied wheat
total dominion contribution in ww1
1.4 mill troops
dominion rejection to conscriptions
-riots in Quebec 1918
-Australians rejected it twice in 2 referendums
Indian involvement in ww1
-£100 mill
-1 mill in middle east, Fr, Africa
-Sec of State Montagu promise for more self govt after war
African involvement in ww1
-1.2 mill Egyptians to defend Middle East, 100k in europe
-1 mill ‘human porters’ from BEA fought Germans in Tanganyika
-stimulated independence movements i.e. Pan-African Congress France 1919
Sykes Picot agreement
-agreement w/ Fr on how to divide up the middle east
-Got trans jordan, Iraq, palestine
LoN mandates
-German/ Ottoman empire given to allies as mandates under Treaty of Sevres
3 categories of mandates
-A= independence in near future e.g. Palestine
-B= long period of guidance before independence e.g. Cameroon
-C= independence not possible e.g. New Guinea
Br post ww1 growth
-grew by 1.8mill^2 miles
-13 mill subjects
Palestine Mandate
-Middle east important for overland routes/ close to oil
-MacMahon-Hussein letters recognised need for Arab independence
Balfour Declaration
-letter from Balfour expressing sympathy w/ zionism
-promised Br support for Jewish ‘homeland’
-1918/20 violence between jews/arabs
-jewish population in Palestine grew from 60k in 1918 to 175k in 1931
Ireland Home Rule campaign
-Home Rule Bill passed 1913 but delayed until after the war
-1916 Dublin Easter Rising crushed, guerrilla war followed, ending w/ 1921 anglo-irish treaty
Dominion status in the south which became Eire in 1937
-granted independence 1932
-gb had close ties due to oil
Br’s position by 1919
+had more territories= more resources
+navy still dominant
+Britons still largely in favour of empire
-debt rose 14 fold
-sell overseas assets
-Nationalism rising
-PM= 1940-45 & 1951-55
-conservative, imperialist, racist
colony/ dominion troops in ww2
-aus/nz= 1 mill
-india= 2.5 mill
-canada= 700k
-africa= 600k
south east asia & ww2
-1942 Japan took over Singapore which was Br’s main asian naval base
-Japanese success defeated myth of white invincibility which encouraged asian independence e.g. Indian nationalists fought against Br in Burma
Burma in ww2
-occupied by Japan
-anti- fascist organisation (AFO)
-ant-fascist people’s freedom league (AFPFL) formed
-Burma National Army merged w/ Burmese army & Aung San became new Burmese leader
India in ww2
lead up to ind
-Cripps mission promised dominion status at end of ww2
-Bengal famine 1943- 3 mill die
-fast withdrawal out of India at end of WW2, 1947 independence
Middle East in ww2
-Br torn between US economic aid & Arab allies
-Palestine nearing Civil War
-1947 handed over to UN
Australia in ww2
-openly declares they see USA more important to their security
-1942 Japan bombs Darwin
GoIA 1919
-viceroy had to defend his actions
-legislative council spit into lower house (104/144 elect) & upper house (34/60 elect)
-dyarchy -
-promise of self govt
Simon Commission
-review GoIA and maintain control
-no independence given
Round Table Conferences
-1930= no INC representation, Gandhi imprisoned
-1931= Gandhi attended but tension over the representatives of India
-1932= labour or Ghandi etc didn’t attend
GoIA 1935
-provinces completely self govt
-franchise from 7 to 35 mill
-1/3 seats reserved for Muslims
Indirect African ruling
-rules through existing local rulers e.g. Nyasaland
-saw economic development
ways to improve african living standards
-Sudan 1920, £3mill Gezira Cotton Scheme
-E.Africa 1925, £10mill for rails
Colonial Dev Act 1929
£1mill funds for imperial projects but 1930s Great Depression hit and limited this and led to strikes e.g. N.Rhod copper miners 1935
White Settler Colonies (Kenya)
-White Settlers wanted self govt in 1920
-excluded Kikuyu tribe from North highlands by using high tax
-Devonshire Declaration 1923: interests of Africans to be respected, improved education etc
White Settler Colonies (S. Rhodesia)
-white dominant, effective self rule 1923
-wanted to impose racist/ apartheid sanctions
events 1921-1939
-1921= riots in Jaffa, 200 jews/ 120 arabs died, Br halted immigration
-1920s= jewish settlers (supported by a Jewish National Fund) brought land from arabs
-1936-39= arab rebellion, 20k troops hung hundreds of arabs
-peel report suggests dividing Palestine
-1939 restrict Jewish immigration to 15k a year
-1921 Cairo Conference= GB control military affairs
-1922 Anglo Iraqi treaty
-1930 Anglo-Iraqi treaty
-1932= Iraq full independence but GB controlled oil industry
-1919= essentially self-governing
-1922 Chanak crisis= some dominions didn’t support Br
Balfour Declaration & Statute of Westminster
-Balfour declaration= 1926
-Statute of westminster= 1931
-Br laws were not enforceable in those countries without their legislature, dominions able to enforce their own rules
ireland & Br’s relationship
-1932 Irish leader asserted Irish independence
-in 1937 proclaimed full independence
-immediately ratified statute of westminster 1931
SA & Br’s relationship
-1924 nationalist party in power
-many anti Br & immediately ratified statute of westminster
Canada’s and Br’s relationship
-Refused to support during Chanak crisis
-immediately ratified statute of westminster
Aus/Nz’s relationship w/ Br
-1942 Darwin bomb
-unfair economic situation
-Aus ratified 1942
-NZ ratified 1947
impact of ww1
-£35 billion
-pound sterling removed from gold standard, returned in 1925
-£4 bill borrowed from US
-exports impacted as competitors took over previously GB dominated markets
-national debt £7.4bill
economic impact of ww1 on india
-grew in inter-war period bc Br increased import tariffs (11% to 25%) which protected Indian industry from foreign goods
-1914 2/3 of imports came from Br but war impacted this
economic impact of ww1 on dominions
-Canada benefitted and became an industrial power
-Gb manufacturers lost Canadian market
-Canada focussed on USA
-Nz & Aus mainly exported so relied on Br market thus disruption of trade hit them hard
Ottawa conference
-zone of 10% tariffs within empire, higher for rest of world
Aus/Nz inter-war years
-cost of imports was greater than exports
-as a result ran up debts w/ br during the depression
ww2 influence on trade
-11.7 mill tons of shipping lost to U boat attacks
-1/3 GB overseas assets sold to pay for war
-japanese conquest of SEA cut off raw materials
-export deficiency
-colonial monetary reserves used to pay for war
lend-lease act
-USA supply military aid
-£21 bill debt by 1945
-Br on poor terms e.g. Br give away caribbean military bases
Atlantic charter
-Roosevelt disagreed with Ottawa conference
-this was a joint declaration between churchill and roosevelt where they outlined free trade
Anglo- American loan
-created by Keynes
-£3.7 bill
-terms unfavourable to Br
-£ freely convertible to $, br given $ loan (everyone converted their £ for $ so Br nearly ran out of $ and within 6 weeks stopped free convertibility)
Br’s Dual track approach after ww2?
-where costs of continuing colonial rule outweighed actual/potential value
-where colonies had potential, Br invested in them in the hope that significant amounts of forign currency might be earned to balance trade
First Colonial dev & welfare act
-provided loans to potentially valuable colonies
-£5 mill annually for dev
second colonial dev & welfare act
-aid to £120 mill
-colonies produce 10 year dev plan