Year 1- booklet 10,11,12 Flashcards
INC founded
Indian newspapers
-Kesari (Tilak) arrested
-Kaal (Paranjape) (1898) sentenced to hard labour
Indian nationalist group by the Savarkar Brothers
-Young India- 1903
-assassinations of Br officials e.g. Curzon- Wyllie 1909
Reaction to partition of Bengal
1905- Banjeree led 6 year swadeshi movement
Morley Minto Reforms
-expanded legislative council and the proportion of elected Indian officials
-separate electorates given to Muslims
-2 indians on Council of the Secretary of State for Indian Affairs
Bengal reuninited
Mad Mullah
-20k dervishes
-‘drive all Christians to the sea’
-not fully supressed until after ww1
Zanzibar- Khalid bin Barghash
1896 assumed power w/ 3k supporters after pro-br sultan die
Colonel Cardew
-sierra leone
-1898 hut tax
-96 warriors hanged & scorched earth implemented
Battle of Omderman
-1898 led by Kitchener
-Madhist regime destroyed economy, 50% reduction in population
challenge to Br rule in Sudan
-33 military expeditions needed to punish opponents
-Mahdist revolts in 1900, 1902-3, 1904 met with public hangings
Positives of Br rule in Sudan
-Gezira Scheme 1911, high quality cotton
-Port Sudan 1906
Bloemfontein Conference
-may/June 1899
-Milner demanded that Uitlanders get voting rights
-Kruger refused
-OCT 11899= Kruger demanded that Br troops withdraw from Boer borders
2nd Boer War (stats, costs, impacts)
-1899 to 1902 (31st May 1902)
-cost £230mill
-scorched earth
-115k Boers put into camps, 28k died in camps
-130k black civilians in camps, 20k died
-reduced appeal of Jingoism, Br army was poor
Treaty of Vereeniging
-Boers given £3mill
-Transvaal self governing 1906
Union of SA
-Cape, Transvaal, Orange River Colonies joined w/ Natal
Support for empire
-Queen V jubilee 1897
-Round Table Movement
-Empire Day=national day of celebration 1902, 1916 officially recognised
-Khaki election= 1900
-Daily express 1916
weakness of imperialist attitudes
-Emily Hobhouse= Wrote on conditions during the Boer War
-1906 election= liberals won
-Walter Crane= anti-empire illustrations
National efficiency
-40% of Br troops found unfit for service in Boer war
-8k/11k troops from Manchester turned down
-liberal reforms e.g. free schl meals 1906 to improve national efficiency
Daily Mail
-During Boer War sold 1 mill copies
Romantic imperial fiction
Maurie Gaunt- used India as a background
Edward Elgar
wrote imperial march for diamond jubilee
Baden Powell
Boys Brigade 1883- encouraged imperialism for children
King George V coronation
1911 & started commonwealth games & colonial souvenirs made
Herbert Baker & Edwin Lytens
Helped design New Delhi to move away from calcutta
-Colonial secretary 1895-1903
-Ashantiland= joined into GC (pos)
-Uganda Railway (pos)
-RNC (pos)
-Imperial council= colonial conferences (1897/1902) (neg)
-jameson raid (neg)
Cecil Rhodes
-PM of cape colony 1890-96
-Rhodesia (pos)
-Round Table (wealth formed this) (pos)
-cape to Cairo (fail)
-Jameson Raid (fail)
-treatment of indigenous (fail)
Chamberlain & Confederation of SA
-Failures: jameson raid, Boer War, negotiations
-Sucess: Peace of Vereeniging
Imperial preference
-Headed by Chamberlain, 1897 & 1902
-The tariff reform league split Tories in 1906 election
-1906 rejection of imperial preference
chamberlain’s territorial expansion
-Uganda railway 1896
-Ashantiland (King Prempah) 1902
Uganda Railway
-2.5k died
-5 yrs to build, cost £5 mill
-open up trade, tourism etc
-viceroy of India 1899-1905
-responsible for partition of bengal 1905
-laid 6000 miles of new railway, promoted education, rearmed natives, famine relief
-refused to appoint more Indians into govt
-consul general Egypt 1883-1907
-Granville Doctrine
-1906 Denshwai
-encouraged irrigation, stopped slavery, gambling etc
-High Commissioner for SA 1897-1906
-Bloemfontein conference
-1902 Milner Schools in Jo’burg
-1902 Peace of Vereeniging
-1904 chinese labourers imported (treated badly)
-Demanded full citizenship for Uitlanders