Y2 The midwives exemption Flashcards
Analgesia, PO 50mgx3/day.
Do not use in Pregnancy (unless necessary), BF is fine.
Hydrocortisone Acetate
Mild corticosteroid, for eczema, allergies, swelling, itching, dermatitis, rash. Topical cream. Not known to cause issues in pregnancy of BF. Don’t use in face, groin, armpits.
(Monistat), Antifungal, used to treat ringworm or yeast infections, vaginal candidiasis. Topical cream. Fine in pregnancy and for BF
(Nystan) Antifungal, oral thrush, skin infections. Mouthwash or available as creams. Fine for pregnancy and BF.
(Vitamine K, Konakion) Administered to newborns at birth to prevent bleeding. Can be given in 1 dose IM or 3 doses orally.
Analgesia, Opioid. IM injection during labour. Not to be administered closer than 6-4 hrs to birth as can affect baby (make them sleepy). Alternatives are Pethidine hydrochloride.
Pethidine hydrochloride
Analgesia, Opioid. IM injection during labour. Not to be administered closer than 6-4 hrs to birth as can affect baby (make them sleepy). Alternatives are Diamorphine.
Pethidine hydrochloride
Analgesia, Opioid. IM injection during labour. Not to be administered closer than 6-4 hrs to birth as can affect baby (make them sleepy). Alternatives are Diamorphine.
Treating anaphylactic shock. IM injection, 0.5 ml of 1:1000 adrenaline.
Anti-D Immunoglobin
Given to Rh- mothers IM in case of sensitising event(20 w< 250 IU,>500IU), at 28-30 w gestation 1500 IU and within 72 hrs of birth 500 IU.
Treating PPH, uterine atony and not responding to ergometrine/oxytocin. IM 250 mcg, max 8 doses (2mg) no less than 15 mins apart. Contraindication: Cardiac/ pulmonary disease, pelvic infection.
Cyclizine Lactate
Antiemetic, for nausea, vomiting, vertigo, motion sickness. 50mg up to 3x day, 8hrs apart for morning sickness.
Ergometrine maleate
(Syntometrine), Treating PPH due to uterine atony. IM or IV 250-500 mcg. Contraind: eclampsia, woman still in labour, sepsis, severe cardiac disease/hypertension, vascular disease.
Ergometrine w Oxytocin is for 3rd stage of labour, IM 1 mL.
Fluids/ plasma volume substitute.
Hartmanns solution
Fluids, Sodium lactate+ sodium chloride+ potassium chloride in water. Replacing fluids and electrolytes. Balanced isotonic solution, crystalloid. Considered to be more physiological than normal saline 0.9% but they are generally the same thing.
Hepatitis B vaccine
Ambirix, Twinrix. 1mLx2 1 month apart and then 1mLx1 after 5 months. Deltoid IM.
Lidocaine hydrochloride
Anaesthesia infiltration during suturing.
Only to administered to a woman in childbirth, up to 20 doses.
Oxytocin (natural or synthetic)
Induction of labour, causing uterus to contract. IV 0.001-0.004 units/min. increase interval 30 mins until 3-4 contractions/10 mins. Soonest 6hrs after prostaglandins.
Caesarean section: IV 5 units directly after delivery.
Prevention of PPH 3rd stage: slow IV or IM (instead of oxytocin with ergometrine)
PPH: Slow IV 5 Units, if severe: 40 units in 500mL given at rate to sufficiently control uterine atony.
Antiemetic, nausea and vomiting. 5-10mg 2-3x/day. Can be given IM 12.5mg as required. Also used for schizophrenia/mania.
Contraindication: depression amongst other things.
Sodium chloride 0.9%
NORMAL SALINE. Water for injection, fluids for IV infusion.