Y2 Obesity Flashcards
Why is it important to eat well during pregnancy?
Because baby’s genes are being programmed in utero, deciding the chance of obesity and diabetes later in life.
How much extra do you need to eat per day when pregnant?
1st trim- nothing really
2nd trim- 300 kcal
3rd trim- 500 kcal
What does the body require more of in pregnancy?
Protein, iron and omega 3 fatty acids
1/4-1/3 of your plate, choose whole grain as they have more vitamins and minerals. High fiber keep blood suger/ glucose low reducing the risk of diabetes. Fruit milk yogurt.
Important for growth and development in second half of the pregnancy. Meat, fixh, chicken, eggs, lentils, beans, nuts. 2-3 servings/ day. 1 servings is about the same size as the size of a palm. stick to processed protein. Do not use protein supplementation.
important. Plant oil, avocado. oily fish, nuts and fish. Omega 3 fatty acids are key for brain and eye development and for mums heart. Salmon/makrill/ trout 1-2 per week is enough. veggie options include walnuts, rapeseed oil and flax seed but it’s difficult to fill the need with these so its recommended to use omega 3 supplement.
Folic acid/ Folate
reducing risk of neural tube defects. 400mcg, 5 mg for women with diabetes, high BMI, previous offspring with neural tube defect. Fruit and veg, beans and pulses.
More important than protein. prevent SGA and is key in brain development. from w 25 baby starts storing their own iron. Red meat and chicken. Eggs and green veg, pulses and lentils to be had with vit c for better uptake. Supplements to be taken with a meal.
Calcium and Vit D
Mum and baby bones and teeth, mum blood pressure. 3 serving Milk, cheese, yogurt. 5 for teenagers and twin mums. Vit D helps with absorption, 10mg daily (supplement) oily fish and eggs.
Brain development, learning. Requirement goes up 50% in pregnancy. White fish, sea food and dairy. Included in preg vitamins. Not usually difficult to meet with a balanced diet.
8 glasses of water/ day, still or sparkling. (2 litres) milk or juice as well.
Meal patterns
3 meals/ day with 2-3 snacks. Plate model.
Junk food
To be limited due to
- replaces nourishing foods.
- genetic programming for baby.
Lead to obesity, diabetes, heart disease
Healthy snacks
Fruit, Nuts, cheese, veg sticks w hummus, yogurt, granola, peanut butter, popcorn.
Food safety
2 cups of coffee/ day or 4 cups of tea
No soft cheese (mozarella and cottage cheese safe)
No smoked salmon
No liver product ( due to vit A and leading to birth defects)
No shart/ sword fish/ Marlin and oyster/mussels due to mercury etc.
Tuna, 1 steak or 2 tins/ week
Nuts are safe
No soft ice cream.
All women should take the following supplements
Folic acid Iron if recommended Omega 3 (if not eating oily fish) Vit D 10 mcg Preg multivitamins
Physical activity
min 30 mins 5 days/week
What are the three Fs when avoiding constipation?
Fiber, fitness and fluid
gest diabetes, what are the risk factors?
BMI over 30 age 40+ family history previous LGA baby Ethnicities PCOS