WWII Flashcards
Agricultural market act
June 1929
To help farmers help themselves, largely through producer cooperatives . Set up federal farm board
Grain stabilization cooperation
Cotton stabilization corporations
To bolster sagging prices and by buying surpluses.
But prods still dropped
Hawley smoot tariff
Started out to help farmers
High tariff bout 60%
Muscle shoals bill
Designed to dam the TN river, embraced authority of TVA
Reconstruction finance corporation
Government lending bank. Provided indirect relief by assisting insure companies, banks, agricultural organizations, railroads, state and local governments
Norris- La guardia Anti junction act in 1932
Outlawed yellow dog contracts and forbade federal courts to issue injunctions to retain strikes boycotts and peaceful picketing
Bonus expeditionary force
Converged on capital in 1932
Veterans wanted early payments of pension
Set up public camps
Battle of Anacostia Flats
General Douglas macarthur got bonus army out of Washington using tear gas, harsh
Stimson doctrine of 1932
Us would not recognize any territorial acquisitions achieved by force
Al smith
Against FDR for democratic nomination in 1932
Brain trust
Small group of reform minded intellectuals, helped FDR
Emergency banking relief act of 1933
Gave the president the power to regulate blinking transactions and foreign exchange and reopen solvent banks
Glass steagall banking reform act
Separated banks for savings from banks for gambling
Civil conservation corporation (CCC)
Provided outdoor employment in Government camps for young men that may have become criminals otherwise
Federal emergency relief act (FERA)
Immediate relief
Administration led by Harry Hopkins
Agricultural adjustment act
Paid farmers not to farm, bought surpluses
Supreme Court declared it unconstitutional
Home owners loan corporation (HOLC)
Designed to refinance mortgages on nonfarm homes
Civil works administration (CWA)
Branch of FERA
Provided temporary jobs during the winter,
Slow and criticized
Father Charles coughlin
Catholic priest that began broadcasting social justice
Anti new deal
Huey long
Senator Proposed idea to give everyone $5000 at cost of prosperous
Dr. Francis Townsend
Sid every senator over 60 should receive $200 a month as long as they spend it in the month
Works progress administration (WPA)
Objective was employment on useful projects, buildings, bridges, roads,
Launched by Hopkins
National recovery administration (NRA)
Immediate and long term relief, to assist labor, unemployed,and industry
Schechter decision
Supreme Court declares NRA un onstitutional
Public works administration (PWA)
Intended for industrial long range recovery and unemployment relief. Headed. By Harold l Ickes. Projects like highways public buildings, parkways
Soil conservation and domestic allotment act of 1936
Withdrawal of acreage from production achieved by paying farmers to plant soil conserving crops like soybeans or let the land lie fallow
Second agricultural adjustment act of 1938
Continued conservation payments
Frazier lemke fArm bankruptcy act of 1934
Made possible the suspension of mortgage foreclosures for 5 years
Voided by Supreme Court
Resettlement administration
Removed farmers about to loose their farms to better land
John collier
Commissioner of Indian affairs
Reserved forced assimilation, Dawes act
Indian reorganization act of 1934
Encouraged tribes to establish local self government and preserve native crafts and traditions
Securities act
Required promoters to transmit to the investor, sworn information regarding the soundness of their bonds
Security and exchange commission (SEC)
Watchdog administrative agency. Stock markets to opts more as trying marts than gambling
Public utility holding company act of 1935
Delivered death sentence to bloated growth except where economically needful
Tennessee valley authority (TVA)
Result of senator George w Norris
Brought full employment, cheap electric power, low cost housing, abundance of cheap nitrates, restoration of eroded soil, reforestAtion , improved navigation.
Federal housing administration (FHA)
Building industry was to be stimulate by small loans to householders for improving dwellings and completing new ones
United States housing authority (USHA)
Designed to Lend money to states or communities for low cost construction
Fell short of needs, couldn’t expand because of opposition
Slum areas did shrink as a result
Social security act of 1935
Provided for federal state unemployment insurance, specified categories of retired workers were to receive regular payments from Washington.
Wagner act/ national labor relations act of 1935
Created new national labor relations board
Reassertion rights of labor to engage in self organization and bargain collectively through representatives
Committee for industrial organization (CIO)
Broke from AFL to form Congress of industrial organizations (CIO) led by John lew
Memorial Day massacre
1937 republic steel company strike, police fired on crowd
Fir labor standards act (Wages and Hours bill)
Industries involved in interstate commerce were to set up min wage and max hours. Outlawed child labor
Alfred m Landon
Republican candidate in 1936
American liberty league
Wealthy conservatives who organized in 1934 to fight socialistic new deal schemes
20th amendment
Lame duck
Owen j Roberts
Conservative Justice that started voting more on liberal side
Hugo black
New justice for new deal
Program to stimulate economy by planned deficit spending
Reorganization act
Gave president limits powers for administrative reforms including key new executive office in the White House
Hatch act of 1939
Barred federal administrative officials except highest policy making officers from active political campaigning and soliciting
Forbade federal funds used for political purposes and collection of campaign contributions from people receiving relief payments
Haile salssie
Emperor of Ethiopia that called on League of Nations for help when Italy invaded but no help came
Anti Comintern pact
Completed a Berlin Rome Tokyo axis
Aimed at Soviet Union
Walter millis
Wrote America’s road to war 1914-1917 in 1935
Veterans of future wars
Parody formed by college students, wanted $1000 before they went to war. Pacifists.
Gerald Nye
Headed a committee that spent Two years investigation American munitions dealers
First Neutrality act
Banned sale of arms to nations at war
warned American citizens not to sail on belligerent ships
Second neutrality act
Added a ban on Loans
Third neutrality act
Made these prohibitions permanent and required on two-year trial basis that all trade other than munitions be conducted on a cash and carry basis
William Borah
Led fight against league of Nations responded the chances for war in Europe were remote
John Nance Garner
Roosevelt vice Pres.
Nonaggression treaty
Between Russia and Hitler Nazi Soviet pact let Germany avoid two front war Russia got part of Poland
Revised neutrality policy
Replaced arms embargo with cash and carry regulations belligerents would be able to purchase more supplies in America but pay cash and transport them in own ships
American first committee
Formed by isolationists to protest the drift to war included Charles Lindbergh Robert a Taft Thomas Roberts m Hutchins
Committee to defend America by aiding the allies
Formed by non-isolationists also known as the white Comanche wanted unlimited assistance to England short of war headed by william Alan White
Wendell Wilkie
Republican candidate in election of 1940
Lend lease
America could lend and lease goods and weapons to countries fighting against aggressors
Chiang Kai shek
Nationalist leader of China
Greater East Asia company prosperity sphere
Controlled by Japan
Tripartite pact
Pact between Germany Italy and Japan a defensive treaty that confronted the US with possible to Ocean war
Gen. Hideki Tojo
New premier of Japan send envoys to America with new peace proposals
Cordell hull
Secretary of State sent Tenpoint replied to Tokyo that data demand for Japan to withdraw from China
Gen. Erwin Rommel
Leader of Afrika korpse pushed Britain into Egypt and threatened Suez Canal
Douglas Mac Arthur
American general tried to block Japan’s conquest of the Philippines escape to Australia
Combined Chiefs of staff
US and Britain partnership headquartered in Washington directed Anglo-American military operations cooperation between Roosevelt and Churchill. Signed declaration of the United Nations
Charles de Gaulleros
General leading free French government in exile
Battle of Stalingrad
Soviet Union beat Germany. Germany could never take the offensive again
Chester Nimitz
American admiral from Hawaii directed at key Japanese islands in the Central Pacific
Battle of the coral sea
American naval forces blocked Japan near Australia
Battle of Midway
Turning point in the war
Henry J Kaiser
Constricted huge west coast shipyards to meet demand for cargo vessels and landing craft
War production Board
Headed by Donald Nelson allowed business rapid depreciation huge tax credits for new plants and awarded lucrative cost-plus contract permuted goods
Office of economic stabilization
Headed by James Byrns used political judgment to settle disputes between agencies and keep all groups happy
Frank Knox
Sec. of navy Racist
A Philip Randolph
Black leader threatened march on Washington deforce president and racial discrimination and defense industries and government employment to integrate Armed Forces
Belle isle
Recreation Park in Detroit where a racial fight broke out then a full-scale riot were 23 blacks and whites died. Fight finally ended by Fiorello LaGuardia Mayor of New York
Blue Devils
Mexican-American 88th division
Zoot suit riots
Riots in Los Angeles white sailors attacked Mexican-American youths
Harry Truman
Roosevelt vice Pres. in 1944 election because more moderate then Henry Wallace
Political action committee
Headed by Sidney Hillman door-to-door drives to register millions of workers and families
Thomas E Dewey
Republican candidate in 1944
D day
June 6 during the night three divisions parachuted down behind German defenses at Don British and American troops thought their way sure at five points along 60 mile beach fighting Germans
Battle of the Bulge
Germany burst through weak point in Adrian forest delayed Eisenhowers advance to Germany but we can German resistance in West
Conference with Chris about Churchhill and Stalin Stalin reaffirmed his commitment and indicated that Russia would enter war against Japan once Germany was defeated
Stalin refused to give up communistic domination of Poland and Balfanz but agreed to Roosevelts request for declaration of liberated Europe Stalin promised to enter Pacific war three months after Germany surrendered Roosevelt offered extensive concessions in Asia
Potsdam conference
Churchill and Truman issued call for unconditional surrender warning Japan faced utter destruction
Manhattan Project
The US had been developing the atomic bomb based on vision of radioactive uranium and plutonium. Truman dropped it following advice of Secretary of War Henry else Stimson on Hiroshima and then Nagasakino