Progressivism Flashcards
Fredrick w Taylor
Scientific analysis of human activity offered solution to waste and inefficiency, could solve social ills
Lochner v. New York
Struck down state law limiting the working hours of bakers
Legal realism
Law should change with the times
Judged ideas by their consequences and denied the existence of absolute truths. William James
Henry George
Wrote progress and poverty
Believed in single land tax
Edward Bellamy
Wrote looking backward about American socialism
Henry dearest Lloyd
Wrote wealth against commonwealth
Indictment of standard oil trust
Eugene v debs
Led socialist party
Walter Rauschenbush
Social gospel. Baptist cleric
Lincoln Steffens
Wrote about shame of cities And Tweed days in saint Louis
Ida m Tarbell
Attack to standard oil monopoly
David Graham Phillips
Wrote about how money control the Senate
William hard
Exposed industrial accidents and making steel and killing man and child labor
Josephine Shaw Lowell
Founded New York consumers league
Florence Kelly
Became powerful lobby for protective legislation for women and children
Muller v. Oregon
Upheld Oregon law limiting the work day for women to 10 hours consumer league hired Boston lawyer Louis D Brandeis to defend Oregon law
National women’s trade Union league
Organized by women workers played a role in strikes trained working-class leaders
Rose Schneiderman
Union organizer of New York garment workers
Agnes Nestor
Lead Illinois glove workers identified there cause with the broader struggle for women’s rights
Alice Paul
Organized Miltant national women’s party
Carrie Chapman cat
Took over national American women’s suffrage Association
Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Advocated communal kitchens liberating women from homemaking
Margaret Sanger
Birth control
Charles J Bonaparte
Governor of Maryland got opposition to his bill for women’s industries by suffragists objecting to the idea that women needed special care protection privileges
Robert la follette
Governor of Wisconsin wanted to go back to the first principles of democracy go back to the people led reforms and railroad regulation and political reform
John Patterson
National Paksh register company model for municipal reformers
Urban liberalist
Advocate of active intervention by the state and uplifting the laboring masses of American cities
Triangle shirt waist company
Led to laws dealing with fire hazards unsafe machines industrial homework and wages and hours for women and children there Chamin was Robert F Wagner
Victor Berger
First socialist congressman
Anti-saloon league
Fought for prohibition in many states
Immigration restriction league
Led to end of open door policy
Danbury hatters case
Supreme Court declared a boycott by hatters Union against antiunion DE Loewe and Company to be a conspiracy and restraint of trade under the Sherman act awarding triple damages to the company and signaling the vulnerability the trade unions to crushing antitrust suit
Bill of grievances
Written by the American Federation of labor demanded that Congress grand union immunity from antitrust suits and injunctions
D w Griffith
Made a film called birth of a nation was about moral struggle between rampaging blacks and chivalrous KKK
Niagara movement
To encourage black pride by all possible means and uncompromising demand for full political and civil equality and above all the resolute denial that African-American ascends to inferiority is submissive under oppression and apologetic before
National urban league
Led social welfare interracial including Ovington and William Lewis Bulkley
Leon f czolgsz
Shot McKinley
New lands reclamation act
Designated proceeds from public land sales for irrigation of arid regions expanded nations forest upgraded land management prosecuted violators of federal land laws
United mine workers
Led by John Mitchell Pres. invited them to White House to talk with owners of mine
Bureau of corporations
And power to investigate business practices and bolster Justice Department’s capacity to mount antitrust suit
Trans-Missouri decision
Supreme Court abandoned rule of reason holding now that actions that restrained or monopolized trade regardless of the public impact automatically violated the Sherman act
Elkins act
Prohibited discriminatory rates that gave an unfair advantage to preferred or powerful customers
Hepburn Railroad act
Empowered ICC To set max shipping rates and prescribed uniform method of bookkeeping
Upton Sinclair
Wrote the jungle wrote about meat packing plants
Pure food and drug act and Meese inspection act and food and drug administration
Passed by Roosevelt after Sinclair’s novel
Square deal
Roosevelt initial program target of federal government as new economic order when companies abused their corporation power government would intercede to assure ordinary Americans square deal
Antitrust doctrine
Enforce competition seemed inadequate when economies tendency was toward industrial concentration
Payne Aldrich tariff
Raised the Tariff. sheltered eastern industries from foreign competition
Pinchot ballenger affair
Taft fires Pinchot after he accuses Ballenger of conspiring To transfer Alaskan public land to private syndicate
Standard oil decision
Supreme Court reasserted rule of reason courts would distinguish between good and bad trusts George W Wickersham now made antitrust decisions
New nationalism
Roosevelts new plan property had to be controlled to whatever degree public welfare required it
New freedom
Wilson’s program
Underwood tariff of 1913
Lowered the rates targeted trust dominated industries expected it to spare competition and reduce prices
Federal Reserve act
Gave banking system that was resistant to financial panic delegated financial function to 12 district reserve banks that would be controlled by their member banks
Clayton antitrust act
Amended Sherman act definition of illegal practices was left flexible subject to the test of whether it lessened competition or created monopoly
Seamens act
Eliminated age old abuses of sailors aboard ship
Federal Farm loan act
Gave low interest Rural credit system