Cold War Flashcards
Nov 43. FDR, Churchill and Stalin. Stalin agreed to enter war in pacific after Europe. For promised Anglo americn second front would be established in 6 months. Willing to let Stalin have some polish land but supported polish gov in London, unresolved
January 43. FDR and Churchill meet to discuss allied strategy. Stalin declined. Couldn’t accept immediate second front opening in Western Europe. Decided on only unconditional surrender
Feb 45. Fdr wanted to give Stalin land in pacific
Soviet unions prime minister that met with Truman and Truman chastised him for violations of yalta accords.
Churchill (replaced by clement Attlee), Truman, Stalin
Accepted adjustments of polish German border but refused to permit Russia to claim any preparation s from the American French and British zones. Confirmed Germany would remain divided with west zone united into one nation and the Russia zone separate.
Chiang Kai shek
Nationalist leader of China
George F kennon
For containment
The Truman doctrine
Support free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressure
What were the motives to reconstruct Western Europe
Humanitarian concern for people fear Europe would remain an economic drain on the US if not rebuilt desire for strong European market for American goods West Europe might fall to Communist Party
Economic cooperation administration
Agency that would administer the Marshall plan
Atomic energy commission
Supervisory body charged with overseeing all nuclear research civilian and military approved development of new hydrogen bomb nuclear weapon more powerful than ones from 45
National security act of 1947
Reshaped nation’s major military and diplomatic institutions. New department of defense to oversee all branches of our armed services combining functions of war and Navy department
North Atlantic Treaty organization declared that armed attack against one member would be considered an attack against all
Warsaw Pact of 1955
Soviet union alliance with Communist governments in Eastern Europe
NSC 68
National Security Council report issued in 1950 outline shift in American position distinguish between areas of vital interest the US and areas of less importance to nations foreign-policy and called on America to share burden of containment allies
Serviceman’s readjustment act of 1944
G.I. Bill of rights provided economic and educational assistance to veterans
John L Lewis
Lead United mine workers on strike shutting down coal fields for 40 days
Fair deal
Social Security benefits raising minimum-wage program to ensure full employment to federal spending and investment permanent sampling and practices act public housing and slum clearance long-range environmental and public works planning and government promotion of scientific research
Taft Hartley act
Labor-management relations act of 1947 m legal closed shop continue to permit creation of union shop permitted states to pass right to work laws prohibiting that. Truman vetoed
States rights party
Dixiecrat. Nominated storm Thurmond of South Carolina
Progressive party
Left-wing Henry a Wallace as candidate in 1948 election
Americans for Democratic action
Democratic liberals unwilling to leave the party attempted to dump the president try to entice Eisenhower but he refused that they conceded to Truman
Thomas E Dewey
Republican candidate in 1948
National housing act of 1949
Provided for new construction of units of low income housing company by long-term rent subsidies
Film noir
Kind of stomach that origination named for those dark lightning that was characteristic of the shop portrayed loneliness of individuals in an impersonal world and suggested menacing character of the age delimbing possibility of us distraction addressed nuclear fear I can twilight zone Ircon
Shelley versus Kramer
1948 quarts couldn’t be used to enforce private covenants meant to bar blacks from residential neighborhood
Syngman Rhee
Anti-Communist but nominally democratic in charge of pro-Western government of Korea
Douglas MacArthur
Wants to attack China itself evolving communist voice fired
House un-American activities committee
Held widely publicized investigations to prove that under democratic rule the government had tolerated communist subversion
Whittaker Chambers
Former communist agent who turned against party and became editor at Time magazine and told committee that hiss passed classified State Department documents through him to the Soviet Union
J Edgar Hoover
Director of federal Bureau of investigation FBI harassed allegedly radicals
Mccarron internal security
Required all communist organizations to register with government unpublished records creating other restrictions chairman featured Congress overrode
Klaus Fuchs
Versus scientist testified that he delivered to Russians details of manufacture of bomb case settled on Julius and Ethel Rosenberg based on testimony of Ethels brother David Green glass
McCarthys assistants
Roy Cohn and David schine
Adlai E Stevenson
Democratic nomination candidate for 1952
Republican candidate in 1952
John Foster Dulles
Eisenhower Secretary of State Denounced containment policies of Truman years of passive argued US should pursue active program of liberation
Dulle’s policy of massive retaliation
US would respond to communist threats to its allies not by using conventional forces and local conflict but by relying on the different massive retaliatory power
Ho Chi Minh
Communist opposed French rule in Vietnam determined to win independence For his country
Mohammed Mossadegh
Nationalist Prime Minister of Iran resisted presence of West Corporation
Mohammed Rezza Pahlevi
Young Shaw elevated by the CIA from constitutional monarchy to become ruler closely tied with America
Gen. Gamal Abel Nasser
Leader of Egypt
Aswan dam
To be built across the Nile
Jocobo arbenz Guzman
Led leftist government in Guatemala thought it was communist
Fulgencio Batista
Ruled as military dictator since 1952 in Cuba
Fidel Castro
Lead resistance movements to Batista
Nicholi Bulganin
Soviet Union premier met with Eisenhower and Nations leaders in Geneva no agreement
Nikita Khrushchev
Succeeded Bulganin as premier
Francis Gary Powers
Pilot of an SU plane shot down in Russia held in captivity