Imperialism Flashcards
Depression of 1893
Encouraged businessmen to look for opportunities overseas
Senator Albert j beveridege
We are producing more than we can use so we must find a new market
Social Darwinism
Races constantly struggle for existence and only the fittest can survive
John fiske
Wrote in harpers magazine that English speaking people would eventually control every land
Josiah strong
Wrote our country: it’s possible future and present crisis
Anglo Saxon race in America was commissioned to speed it’s institutions over earth
John w. burgess
Wrote political science and comparative law
Our duty to uplift less fortunate and force our institutions upon them
Alfred Thayer mahan
Captain and later admiral in the us navy
Wrote the influence of sea power upon history
James g Blaine
Secretary of State led efforts to expand amer influence in Latin America
Pan American union
Weak international organization located in Washington that served as clearing house for distributing info to the member nations but rejected blaines proposal for for inter American customs union and arbitration procedures for hemispheric disputes
Richard olney
Sec of state , charged Brit with violating Monroe doctrine when they ignored demands that Venezuela dispute be submitted for arbitration
King kamehameha
Established dominance in HI, welcomed traders and helped develops trade with china
G P Judd
Prime minister in HI under kamehameha who agreed to establish constitutional monarchy
Queen Liliuokalani
Powerful nationalist elevated to the throne for 2 years
General valeriano weyler
Cuban, Led spanish confined civilians and made concentration camps where many died of disease and malnutrition
Dupuy de lome
Spanish minister. Cuban agent stole his letter and gave it to America who published it
George Dewey
Attacked Spanish naval forces in Philippines
Pascual cervera
Led Spanish fleet in Cuba
Lares rebellion
Resistance to spanish rule in PR in 1868
Luis Muñoz revera
Led political pressure and got Spain to give island degree of independence.
Foraker act
Ended military rule in PR and established a colonial gov
Jones act
PR to be us territory and made all PRs American citizens
Treaty of Paris 1898
Armistice Cuba, PR, Guam, and US gave $20 million for spain to cede Philippines
Anti imperialist league
Against ratifying the treaty of Paris
William Jennings Bryan
Anti imperialist but supported treaty of Paris
Emilio aguinaldo
Led Filipino government
One door notes
By John hay
- Each nation was to respect the rights and privileges of other nations in its sphere.
- Chinese officials were to continue to collect tariff duties in all spidered
- Nations were not to discriminate against other nations in levying port dues and rr rates
Boxer rebellion
Revolt against foreigners in china
Us intervened to secure voice in settling of the issue nd prevent partition of china by euorpean powers
Elihu root
McKinley appts him as sec of war to supervise overhaul of armed forces
Army staff college
A system of officer training schools
General staff
Acts as military advisors to the sec of war
Russo Japanese war
Japan attacks Russia in Manchuria
Roos holds peace conference to resolve it.
Roosevelt corollary
Claimed us had the right to oppose European intervention in st hemisphere and to intervene in the domestic affairs of its neighbors if they couldnt maintain order and natal sovereignty
Philippe bunauVarilla
Ally of Roos, helped spark rebellion inn panama
Porfirio días
Corrupt initial dictator of Mexico
Overthrown by Francisco madero
Victoriano Huerta
Asked to dispose of madero, but his new government was not recognized by Wilson
Established full military dictatorship
Venustiano carranza
Constitutionalist that the us wanted to bring to power in Mexico
Pancho villa
Carranza s lieutenant that led rebel army
John j Pershing
Ordered by wilson to lead American forces in pursuit of villa. Never found him and Wilson had to acknowledge carranza regime