Chapter 32 Flashcards
Attorney general a Mitchell Palmer
Rounded up suspects and deported them
Criminal syndication law
Anti red statues, made unlawful the advocacy of violence to secure social change
Sacco Nd Vanzetti
Convicted for murder after unfair trial because of prejudice, Italian, anarchist, atheist…
Emergency quota act of 1921
Immigrants were restricted to definite quota, 3% of the people of that nationality in the US
Immigration act of 1924
Quotas cut to 2%
Used 1890 census instead of 1910
Volsstead act
Implemented the 18th amendment
Lindbergh law
Made interstate abduction a death penalty
John Dewey
Set forth principles of learning by doing
Rockefeller foundation
Launched health program, wiped out hookworm
John scopes
Taught evolution, his lawyer was Clarence Darrow, prosecuted by William Jennings Bryan. Scopes guilty fine of 100
Bruce Barton
The man no body knows
Sexual Appeal in advertising
Jack Dempsey
Heavy weight. Champion, won over George carpentier
Frederick Taylor
Stop watch efficiency technique for cars
Charles Lindbergh
First solo east west conquer of the Atlantic.
Guglielmo Marconi
Invented wireless telegraphy
The great train robbery
First movie
D w Griffith
Birth of a nation
5 cent movie theaters
The jazz singer
First talkie starred al joslen- white in blackface
Sigmund Freud
Justification for sexual frankness
Jazz musicians
W. c. Handy
Jelly roll Morton
Joseph “joe” king Oliver
Louis Armstrong
Langston Hughes
The weary blues
Marcus Garvey
Founded. Negro improvement association to promote resettlement of blacks in Africa
Important to the Nation of Islam (black muslim) movement
H. L. Macken
American mercury
Assailed marriage, patriotism, democracy and prohibition
Scott Fitzgerald
This side of paradise
Theodore Dreiser
The American tragedy
Ernest Hemingway
The sun also rises
Sherwood Anderson
Winesberg Ohio
Sinclair Lewis
Main Street
William Faulkner
Soldiers pay, the sound of fury, as I lay dying
Erza pound
Wrote doctrine. Make it new
Rejected America
Influenced t s Elliot
T s Elliot
Eugene o’neill
Ny dramatist, sex in plays, won Nobel peace prize
Harlem renaissance
Creative expression of black culture that argued for a new negro who was a full citizen and a social equal to whites
Frank Lloyd write
Bureau of the budget
Director was to assist the president in making estimates of receipts and expenditures for submission to congress as annual debt
Andrew Mellon
Secretary of treasury
Tax reductions, spare the rich,
Did reduce national debt