Chapter 25 Flashcards
Louis Sullivan
Made the skyscraper popular
Form allows function
Theodore Dreiser
Wrote Sister Carrie
Walter Rauschenbusch
Protestant clergyman
Applied Christianity to slums and factories
Pastor of German baptist church
Washington Gladden
Took over congressional church in Ohio
Jane Addams
Middle class woman
Established the Hull House
Reformer, condemned war and poverty
Won nobel peace prize
Florence Kelley
Fought for welfare of women, children, blacks, and consumers
General secretary of national consumers league
Dwight Lyman Moody
Urban revivalist preached in different American cities
Founded Moody Bible Institute
Cardinal Gibbons
Urban catholic leader
Wanted american unity
Popular with both Catholics and Protestants
Assisted labor movement
Mary baker eddy
Founded the church of Christ, scientist (Christian Science)
Wrote science and health with key to the scriptures
Colonel Robert g ingersall
Lectured on mistakes of Moses and why I am an agnostic
Booker t Washington
Founded Tuskegee institute
Accommodationist, self help approach
Worked in segregation
Thought economic independence would lead to political and civil rights
WEB Du Bois
Helped found NAACP
Full and immediate access to American life
Dr. Charles w. Elliot
President of Harvard college
Embed on career of education statesmanship
Louis Pasteur and Joseph Lister
Made important medical discoveries
William James
Served on Harvard faculty
Wrote principles of psychology, the will to believe, varieties of religious experience, and pragmatism
Truth had to be tested rather than theories
Joseph Pulitzer
Leader in techniques of sensationalism
Colored comic supplements yellow journalism
William Randolph Hearst
Expelled from Harvard
Built up powerful chain of newspapers
Edwin L. Godkin
Launched New York’s Nation
Crusaded for civil service reform, honesty in gov, and moderate tariff
Henry George
Wrote poverty and progress
Wanted single 100% tax on land
Edward Bellamy
Journalist and reformer
Published Looking Backward
Harlan F. Halsey
King of dime novelists
Lewis Wallace
Lawyer, soldier, author
Wrote Ben hur
Horation Alger
Wrote juvenile fiction-virtues of honesty and industry are rewarded. Y success wealth and honor
Walt Whitman
Wrote leaves of grass (revised it)
Wrote poems
Emily Dickinson
Her poetry emerged after she died
Sidney Lanier
Wrote poems
The marshes of glynn
Kate Chopin
Wrote about suicide, adultery, and women’s ambitions
Mark twain
Real name: Samuel Langhorne Clemens
Wrote the celebrated jumping frog of calaveras county, roughing it, the innocents abroad, the gilded age (with Charles Dudley Warner)
Bret Hart
Wrote luck of roaring camp and the outcasts of poker flat
William dean Howells
Editor of Atlanta monthly
Wrote a modern instance, the rise of Silas lapham, hazard of new fortunes
Stephen crane
Wrote Maggie: a girl of the streets, the red badge of courage
Henry James
Wrote about confrontation of innocent Americans with subtle europeans: Daisy Miller, the portrait of A lady , the wings of the dove, the Bostonians
Jack London
The call of the wild
Frank Norris
The octopus, the pit
Paul Lawrence Dunbar
Black poet
Lyrics of lowly life
Charles w chesnutt
Black fictionalist short stories for Atlantic monthly and the conjure women
Victoria Woodhall
Believed in free love
Divorced, stockbroker, feminist propagandist
Published Woodhall and claflins weekly, with her sister, Tennessee Claflin
Anthony Comstock
Fought immoral, defended sexual purity
Charlotte Perkins gilman
Feminist profit
Published women and economics
Wanted women to stop being dependent, get involved in the economy
Carrie chapman Catt
Effective suffrage leader
Stoppednthe emphasis on that they were equal and shifted to the fact women were discharging public roles
Ida b wells
Helped launch national association of colored women
Frances e Willard
Champion of planned parenthood
Led the women’s Christian temperance union
Carrie nation
Smashed saloons and brought disrepute to prohibition
James whistler
Portrait painter (failed at chemistry in England)
John singer Sargent
Portrait painter
Likeness of British nobility
Mary Cassatt
Exiled to Paris
Painted sensitive portrayals of women and children
George Inness
Leading landscapist
Thomas Eakins
High degree of realism in paintings
Winslow homer
Greatest painter
Resisted foreign influence
Realism and boldness of conception
Augustus saint
Robert Gould shaw memorial
Henry h. Richardson
Populized ornamental style aka richardsonian- high arches
Marshall field building in Chicago
Phineas t Barnum and James a baily
William f Cody
Wild West shows
Walter c camp
Football yaleman
Jim Corbett
Boxing world champion from John l Sullivan
James Naismith
Invented basketball
American protective association
Urged voting against Roman Catholic candidates for office
Stood on scriptures as infallible word of god
Condemned Darwinians
Refused to accept the bible at all
Chautauqua movement
Education movement for adults (lectures)
Morrill act of 1862
Gave generous grant of public lands to the states for support of education
The hatch act of 1887
Extended the Morrill act, provided funds for the establishment of agricultural experiment stations in connection with the land grant colleges