WW2 Flashcards
Japanese Internment
we would send Japanese to these internment camps if we thought they were hostile of spys
Pearl Harbor
- a unique situation
- The Navy was playing war games a month before the attack
- Japanese spies got this info and used it on the guys on Pearl Harbor
Largest concentration of japanese in America at the time
west coast
What did Congress do from the fear of a Japanese invasion
put the American Japanese in internment camps
- they provided housing
The elastic clause
congress can do anything for the good of the country (very vague)
The Coramotzu Case
The Japanese who got stuck in the internment camps fought for their civil rights
The Supreme Court said Congress hod the power to put theirs.
What kind of pilots were the Japanese pilots
Elites of the Japanese Empire
What were the Pilots ready to do if their aircraft was damaged or ran out of amo
they were ready to die in the plane by crashing it into the U.S. boat
What did the Japanese have in their fighter planes?
Ancestors Samaries Sword
They would use to commit suicide for the empire if they where caught.
How did the Japanese view the emperor?
as a god
Who does Geoge Marshel want to fight in Japan?
George MacArthur
- he was the leading general in the Philippines
Who were the generals in the Atlantic theater?
Geroge S Patton
Monty (Montgomery)
Ohmar Bradly
Dwight D. Eisenhower
- he fought in the Atlantic theater
- he was MacArtor’s right-hand man in the Philippines
- gets picked by Marshell to go fight the Germans
Victory Gardens
People would grow food in their backyards
Rashon Books
Books with things that the govt thinks a family needs to survive so we can put the rest of resources for the war effort
What did the woman do when they couldn’t wear pantyhose
they wore cream to look like they had pantihose on
Rosie the Riveter
- She was Elinor Otto
- the currency of soldiers
What did soldiers get from the Red Cross
A Box
- Rashons
- toilet paper
- Cigarettes
What was the biggest cigarette of the war?
Lucky Strikes
French Prostitutes would take these as currency
Lend Lease act
this was a way we gave British supplies
- we would lend England war materials and they would eventually “give it back”. and England would pay for it
What did England have many sailers when British soldiers were stuck in Dunkirk, France
they had to go pick up the soldiers and have the escape
Who told FDR and the super weapons in Germany
Albert Instine told him that Germany had the atomic bombs.
After Pearl Harbor what fleet do we have left?
the fleet in the Philippines.
What happened to the fleet in the Philippines
We had to flee to Australia
How many U.S. soldiers were left behind in the Philippines
they were captured.
What did Hitler do to Stalin?
He goes to attack Stalingrad
What makes America so good at manufacturing? (War Machine)
Natural Resources
New Technology
- coding machine
- Enigma (Germany coding machine)
Church Hill
What does Church Hill do when he finds out that they crack the German code out of bombing London
He lets them bomb London so the Germans don’t know we crack their code.
What kind of code did we make so the Japanese couldn’t break
We used the Navaho people as communication people
(Wind talkers)
Manhattan Project
3 locations:
Nuclear bomb:
- Design Planning:
University Of Chicago
- they worked under the football field - Building Fase
Oak Ridge Tennessee - Testing
Los Alamos
What does Hitler build to protect his new empire
the Atlantic wall
Vichy Government
Puppet government that bent the knee to Germany?
Charles de Gaulle
President of France after the war
Also led the French resistance during the war
- highly organized resistance
First battle against Hitler (for America)
Why does Hitler want North Africa?
What commander was out of their
North Africa
the oil reserves
Patton (Ol blood and guts)
Italians, what did they think of the war?
They didn’t want to fight
June 6th
D-Day Invasion Normandy France
What happens to Patton before the invasion
Ike used his as a decoy to trick the germanys on where they were going to invade France
Conferance in Tehran
Church Hill, FDR, Stallin make a plan to pinch Hitler from 3 sides of GErmany
- Took months of planning
- Took place in Normandy
- Ohmaha beach
What was the decoy on D-Day
Pattons men
Throws off Germany
Landing Crafts on innovation day
- Higgins boats
- Most men didn’t make it out of the boats
- some waited in the water but there were deep pots and died by drowning
What was the battle plan of taking Ohmaha Beach?
Km by km slowly take over the area through the weeks.
When the American troops reach Paris What did the French Underground do?
The French Underground takes credit of liberating Paris when really it was the British and American troops who did all the heavy lifting.
When Winter sets in what happens to many of the WW2 men?
- they didn’t have propper winter gear
- they had to fight in the worst conditions ever
What did Hitler do when he started to run out of men because he was losing men in Stalin Grad?
- Enlisted WW1 vets
- elementary schoolers
- anyone he could get to fight
( One last stand)
Battle of the Bulge
Hitlers last stand
- it worked for Hitler for a little bit
- ( big push)
- However, the Allies take over
What country suffered the most during WW2
- Stalingrad is a waiting land
- people were brutalized by the Germans
What did the Russians do to Germany during the closing of WW2
- Village to village the the soldiers would rape everyone from 8 - 80 yrs
What happened to Hitler during the closing of WW2
- He became more isolated in his bunker in Berlin
- Matter of time would close in on Berlin
- he commits suicide with his girlfriend Eva Brond
- Commits suicide after he gets married to her.
Meeting of Yulta
- this takes place when the war is nearly over
- Stalin, Church Hill, and FDR meet in a resort village (Yalta) on the black sea
- Stalin invited American and British Deligation to rebuild Europe
- ( How to take build up Germany)
4 Zones of Germany
Zone 1 - Russian (Communist)
Zone 2 - France ( Democracy)
Zone 3 - U.S.A ( Democracy)
Zone 4 - Great Britain ( Democracy)
- Berlin is in Zone 1 (Russia)
What would the 4 zones of Germany lead up to?
The split of Germany into 2 halves
- East Germany
- West Germany
How did Stalin win some votes in Yalta?
- thanks FDR for the help in the war
- Russia uses American-made weapons and tanks to fight
Makes FDR a chairmen of the meeting (MIddle guy)
Who was arguing during the Yalta meeting?
Churchill and Stalin
- Churchill knew that Stalin was a dictator and he was lying about not wanting to make other countries communist
- Wanted FDR to not trust Stalin.
What was FDR’s attitude during the Yalta meeting
- FDR wasn’t feeling well
- didn’t really care when he was at the meeting.
- Gave Stalin to many concessions.
What was the Yalta Resort like?
- riddled with bed bugs
Even though Germany surrendered who was still fighting?
How did the Jap’s see the emperor?
As a God
What did Emperor Hirohito tell his soldiers (Lied)
- An American marine had to kill a member of their family (untrue)
- Jap-soldiers where indoctrinated and brainwashed.
- This made the Jap’s fight harder
What branch of the U.S. military fought in the Pacific
Emperor of Japan
Real general to blame on the war
Doolittle Raid 4/18/1942
The raid on Japan
- Suicide mission
- A bombing raid on Japan the flee to China
- They had to make the plains as light as possible
- stripped down the plain
- Successful raid ( a punch back from Pearl Harbor)
- Japanese get pissed a China for hiding American Piloit so they slotter Chines villages
FDR death?
What secret was kept from Harry S. Truman?
we had a super bomb
Germany VE
Victory Europe
What did Patton say after the defeat of the Germans?
He said that we should go attack Russia
America was working on the Super Bomb
What was Germany working on?
Intercontinental Ballistic Rocket
After the war what race takes place?
The Space Race
Where do High German commanders go when the war is over (Flee)
Who helps us fight Japan?
After the defeat of Germany not to many people helped America fight Japan
How did we gain ground in Japan?
Island hopping
Bataan Death March
Little Boy
Uranium Bomb dropped on Japan
United Service Organization
- make life easier for out G.I.’s
- they would go to safe zones in Europe and help our boys feel better during the war
Andrew Sisters
They were part of the U.S.O
-they would go around the military bases and sing to them and put on shows
(Buggie Woogie Bugle Boy)
Fat Man
The second Bomb was dropped on Japan
and the would surrender
Trumans Plack on his desk
“the buck stops here”
Lend Lease 9/2/45 Missouri
The Japanese surrender
When McAurthor is in charge how does the Japanese take his changes to Japan?
They liked it
Who was our next big enemy after the war?
Soviet Union
What was the Cold War?
Russians v.s. US in everything
How many provinces are in the USSR
16 provinces
Baby boomers
1946 - 1964
kids that were born after the WW2 when the economy was good
What happens to the balance of power after WW2
U.S.A and USSR
Europe’s power has declined.
United Nations
Collective Security between the states that joined.
- all the countries that joined, when they see a bad actor put him down
Who the leader of the United Nations
The new leader of the World.
The U.S.A
New technology after the War
What did America do with the leftover
- scrapped
- but into storage
- and got used to Military ducks.
Created vehical in America that can out the war
- where was it used?
Post office