Lyddie Flash Cards
(chapter 1) How many siblings does Lyddie have, and their names and ages
Agnes: 4yrs
Rachel: 6yrs
Charlie: 10yrs
(chapter 1) What went in Lyddies house, why was it there
A bear walked in Lyddies house, it smelled the oatmeal Lyddie was cooking
(chapter 1) What did Lyddie tell the Family to go and how did she and Charlie get rid of the bear
- Lyddie told everyone to go to the loft.
- Charlie and Lyddie whacked the bear with the ladder
- The bear would get mad
- Lyddie would stare down the bear
(chapter 1) Why did the bear leave the house?
What was the condition of the house?
-The bear left cause when it found the oatmeal it landed in its head and left
-the bear made a mess of the house
(chapter 1) Is Rachel’s father present? Why?
- No
- He went to find vain riches
(chapter 1) What did Lyddie barrow from the Quakers that would help them through out the spring?
- She would use their bull to make baby cows with their cow.
(chapter 1) Who where the Stevens?
- They where their Quaker neighbors.
(chapter 1) How was Lyddies and her mom’s reading and writing abilities
- very poor
(chapter 1) In a letter from her mom where was Lyddie and Charlie going? What happened to there horse and cow and field?
- Lyddie was to work for M. Cutler
- Charlie was to work at the Banks Mill
- The horse, cow, and field were sold to M. Wescott to repay debts.
(chapter 2) What was Lyddies and Charlie’s plan with the calf they have?
What was there main motive?
-They would sell calf and bury the money so they have something to start over with?
-This was all for papa
(chapter 2) What is Lyddies father’s history?
- Seventh son of a poor Connecticut Vally Farmer
- He built their house by hand
- he couldn’t make any good crops
- he borrowed money a lot
(chapter 2) Who did Lyddie sell the calf to? Why? What was wrong with this transaction?
- she sold the calf to the Stevens
- they were rich
- The cow was partly Lyddies and partly the Stevens
(chapter 2) Was Lyddie in school?
- no
(chapter 2) Where would Lyddie first work at?
- Cutlers Tavern
(chapter 3) What was The Cutlers Tavern compared to?
Was it Bigger or smaller?
- It was compared to the Stevens house.
- It was bigger then the Stevens house
(chapter 3) Back in those days what would poor people do with their children?
- They would send their children to work so they could avoid feeding them.
(chapter 3) Who is Triphena?
- she was the Tavern cook
(chapter 3) How did Lyddie learn about the Factory life? What did she learn? Did she believe this news or no?
- A woman in the Tavern told her
- the woman told her the factory girls earn $2 an hour and are independent
- Lyddie doesn’t believe her
(chapter 4) How did Triphena and Lyddie become friends?
-Triphena saw how Lyddie would work hard.
(chapter 4) In the tavern during the winter who came to visit? What did they talk about?
- Charlie came to visit because work was slow in the winter.
- They talked about each other work experiences.
(chapter 4) Who where Otis and Enoch? What did Lyddie learn from these two?
- They were hired men in the tavern
- Lyddie would learn about life outside the Tavern
- she would learn the runaway slaves where worth $100
(chapter 4) at this point of the book, what had Lyddie never seen before?
- she had never seen a black man before
(chapter 5) When Triphina and Lyddie were talking about places to go, where did Lyddie want to go? What let her go there? For what reason?
- Lyddie wanted to go home
- Triphina let her go because the mistress was gone in Boston.
(chapter 5) When Lyddie went back to her house from the Tavern what did she find by the fire place?
- she found a black man there
(chapter 6) What was the black mans name?
- Ezekial Abernathy
(chapter 6) How did Ezekial know Lyddie’s name when they first met?
- The Stevens told him
(chapter 6) Where did Ezekial learn how to speak so well? Why?
- he taught himself how to read the Bible
- so he could preach to his people
(chapter 6) After talking about their lives does Lyddies want to turn in Ezikial?
- no
(chapter 6) What did Lyddie give to Eziakial before she left?
- She gave him the calf money
(chapter 6) When she got back to the Tavern from her talk with Ezikial who was mad at her? Why didn’t Lyddie Care?
- Mistress Culters was mad at her
- She didn’t care because she knew she was going to be a factory girl.
(chapter 6) how was Lyddie going to get to Massachusetts? Why?
- She was going to walk their
- she was inspired to walk there because of Ezikial
(chapter 7) What did triphena giver her for her trip to Massachusetts?
- she gave her second best pair of boots
- some food and money
(chapter 7) Why did Lyddie have to stop walking to Massachusetts? Where did she go?
- She stopped walking because it was raining very hard
- She stayed at an inn
(chapter 7) What did the mistress at the inn tell her?
- She told her that Lyddie could work for her until the coach came at the end of the week.
(chapter 7) Where would Lyddie go on the stage coach?
- She would go to Lowell
(chapter 7) Who where the 2 groups of people that came on and off the coach?
- There was a married couple
- Then a groups on six people would hop on
(chapter 7) On her way to Lowell, what happened to the stagecoach? Wha did Lyddie do about the situation?
- It got stuck.
- She ordered the guys to push the stage coach to get it unstuck.
(chapter 7) After getting the stage coach unstuck what the coachmen tell Lyddie?
- He told Lyddie that he would offer a spot at his sister’s boarding house, Number 5 of the Concord Manufacturing Corporation.
(chapter 8) What did Mrs.Bedlow tell Lydie would be judged on by the factory?
- she told her that she would be judged by her clothes
(chapter 8) what was Lyddie’s main reason of working in the factories?
-She was working to pay off the debts of the farm
(chapter 8) When Lyddie met the factory girls what did they do with her?
- they took her shopping to buy new clothes
(chapter 8) When she was assigned a room, who where room mates?
- Betsy
- Amelia
- Prudence
(chapter 8) Who was Mr.Graves? What did he give Lyddie?
- he was the agent that would sign on Lyddie for a year of work.
(chapter 9) What was the room full of looms like?
- very load
(chapter 9) who was the nice girl that showed Lyddie the ropes of the factory?
- Diana
(chapter 9) How did Lyddie room mate react when they learned that she met Diana?
- They told Lyddie to stay away because she was trying to get people to sign a petition for better work hours.
- she was bad news.
(chapter 9) what was Diana fighting for?
- she was fighting for better work hours and better work conditions in the factory.
(chapter 9) How was Diana toward Lyddie
- very nice, respectful, didn’t tell Lyddie to be some one else.
(chapter 9) When Lyddie wanted to write to write to Charlie and her mom, what did Diana do for Lyddie
- Diana gave Lyddie some paper and payed for the mailing costs
(chapter 10)on her first day of working in the factory, what did Lyddie soon find out about factory life?
-The work conditions were garbage
- it was very moist and hard to breath
- it was very load
- very dusty
(chapter 10) What would Besty do for Lyddie before she would go to sleep?
- She would read Oliver Twist to her
(chapter 10) who would Lyddie compare Oliver to?
-She would compare him to Charlie
(chapter 11) How would Lyddie escape the craziness of factory life?
- she would go to listen to the story of Oliver Twist
(chapter 11) Where was Besty borrowing her book from? What did Lyddie do about it? Could Besty read the book every night?
-She got the book from the Lending Library
- Lyddie would pay the 5 cents for lending costs
- Besty could not read every night
(chapter 11) what did Besty want to do in the future after working? Where was Bestys brother going to school?
- she was saving to go to a college in Ohio
- her brother was going to Harvard
(chapter 11) When her room mates where leaving for the summer could Lyddie leave? Why?
- She could not leave.
- If she did she would be blacklisted.
(chapter 11) Where was Diana going for her break?
Why isn’t she leaving to go see her family?
- Diana is going to the ten-hour movement
- she isn’t going to her family because she is an orphan and she been working there since she was 10 yrs old
(chapter 11) What book would Lyddie rent out and buy eventually?
What would she do with it?
- she rented out then bought Oliver twist
- she would teach her self how to read
(chapter 11) Who did Lyddie see in the city street after she bought Oliver Twist?
- she saw Diana with a guy
(chapter 12) What did Lyddie’s overseer notice about Lyddie? What would he do with her pay?
- He noticed she was a hard worker
- he raised her pay to $2.70
(chapter 12) When Lyddie got a letter from her mother what happened to Agnes? How did she react?
- Agnes had dies
- Lyddie didn’t remember what she looked like so she couldn’t cry.
(chapter 12) What happened to Prudence
-She became sick and stayed home for good
(chapter 12) how would Lyddie practice reading?
-She would copy pages and re-read them on the looms
(chapter 12) What would Amilia and Besty get into an argument about?
- They would argue over how Besty shouldn’t sign the petition. If she did she would be blacklisted.
(chapter 12) What did Besty say that would be a recurring theme for the rest of the book? How does this effect Lyddie?
- Betsy said that they work like slaves.
-this affects Lyddie because, through the rest of the book she keeps telling her self, she isn’t a slave.
(chapter 12) Where does Amilia put most of her views?
- She puts most of her views behind the scriptures / Bible
(chapter 13) How would Lyddie start to become better at writing?
-It was because she would practice writing with the books Oliver twist
(chapter 13) What did Mr.Masden do to Lyddie the first time he came up to her?
- He out his hand on her sleeve, but Lyddie brushed it off.
(chapter 13) What where some characteristics of Mr.Masden?
- He was big, bold and old
(chapter 13) How many looms would Mr.Masden give Lyddie? How would this affect Lyddie?
- She would get to work on 4 looms
- but she would not be able to talk to any one anymore
(chapter 13) What did Besty tell Amilia that made Amillia shocked?
- Besty finally told Amilia about how she wanted to go to collage.
(chapter 13) What did Lyddie hear Mr.Marsden tell another factory girl?
- “If you can’t do the work there are other girls that can replace you”
(chapter 13) who where the girls that Mr.Marsden would replace factory girls with?
- Irish Girls from “The Acre”
(chapter 13) What was ‘The Acre”
- it was a place where Irish people would live in.
(chapter 13) What made the Irish so good for factory work?
- They were willing to work for cheap
(chapter 13) How would the factory be affected throughout the winter?
- More injuries would occur
-people would get sick more
(chapter 13) How did Lyddie get injured in the factory?
- A shuttle from a loom hit her head making her not be able to work
(chapter 13) Who helped Lyddie when she was injured? How did Mr.Marsden react to this?
-Diana came to help out Lyddie
- Mr.Marsden didn’t like the sight of blood she he told them to get Lyddie out of the room quickly.
(chapter 13) When Mrs.Bedlow wanted to get Dr.Morris who stopped her from getting Dr.Morris? Which Dr. came instead?
- Diana told Mrs.Bedlow they should get a different doctor.
- Dr.Craven came instead to help out Lyddie
(chapter 13) When Lyddie saw Dr.Craven why was she startled to see him?
- She remembers him walking with Diana from a couple of chapters ago on Merrimack street
(chapter 14) Did Dr.Craven charge Lyddie anything?
- no
(chapter 14) What happened to Besty during the winter? Who did Besty refuse to see?
- She got a very bad cough, she would cough up blood.
- Besty would refuse to see a doctor
(chapter 14) What did Amilia say she wanted to do because of the factory? When did she leave the factory?
- She wanted to leave the factory because she said the factory was turning her into a sour spinster
-She left the last week of January she left for home and didn’t return
(chapter 14) How did Besty and Lyddie see Amilia as?
- they saw her as their “guardian angle”
(chapter 14) Again what did Mr.Marsedn do to Lyddie when he walked by her loom
- He came and put his hand on her sleeve and said he was their best worker. She then slips his hand off.
(chapter 14) What news did Mr.Marsedn give Lyddie about the New Irish workers? How would Lyddie react to this?
- He told her that she would be getting a new opperater and he wanted her to train her
-She didn’t like this at all
(chapter 14) Who was the new girl Lyddie would train?
- Her name was Bridged and she was Irish
(chapter 14) What did Diana whisper to Lyddie when they were talking about how her head healded?
What did Lyddie say?
- she asked if she would sign the petition
-Lyddie said no
(chapter 14) Who of Lyddies room mates signed the petition?
-Besty signed it
(chapter 14) Where did Besty want to get transferred to? Why? What was wrong with this?
-She wanted to go to the drawing room
-The air was cleaner in there
-This job took took more skill than brute strength
(chapter 14) Why was Besty forced to go to the infirmary?
Why did she want to leave as fast as she could? What happened to her dreams of going to college?
- She was forced to go to the infirmary because she was coughing up blood
-She didn’t want to go to the infirmary because she knew it would take up all her savings.
-Her dreams of going to college were gone because all her savings where gone.
(chapter 14) What did Luke Steven drop off when he came to visit? Who was the Letter from? What was in it?
- He came to drop off a letter
-It was from Ezikial - it had $50 in it
(chapter 15) When Judah came to visit what news did he share with Lyddie? What did he give to Lyddie?
-He said they he put her mom in an asylum in Brattleboro and they were going to sell the farm and house to pay for the asylum costs
-He gave her Rachel
(chapter 15) How did Rachel look when Lyddie first saw her?
- Rachel was very thin and hadn’t eaten the proper amount of food.
(chapter 15) What was wrong with Lyddie taking in Rachel?
- The Corporation rules where that there were to be no babies or men in corporate houses
(chapter 15) Who did Lyddie ask if Rachel could stay in the house? what did they do with Rachel?
-Lyddie asked Mrs.Bedlow if Rachel could stay in the house.
-Mrs.Bedlow would have Rachel be pt into school
(chapter 15) What did Mr.Marsden tell Bridged when he saw that Bridged was doing not so well in the factory? What did Lyddie do about this?
- He told her that he would fire her if she couldn’t do the work faster
- Lyddie would help would with the 5 looms till Bridged got better at it
(chapter 15) When Lyddie first met Rachel did she talk much?
- no
(chapter 15) what was Liddies only hope of the farm being safe
- it was Charlie
(chapter 16) What did Lyddie do to Bridged that made her clean the looms and be very thankful for her?
- Lyddie gave Bridged some money to help Bridged’s mom to get a doctor.
(she did this out of frustration so Bridged could focus on work)
(chapter 16) What did Mr.Marsden do to Lyddie that made Lyddie stomp on his foot?
-He put both his hands on her sleeves and got closer and closer to her.
(chapter 16) why couldn’t Lyddie go back to work after she stomped on Mr.Marsdens foot? Who came and helped her?
- She got a bad fever
- the people that came to help her were Dr.morris, Diana, Mrs.Bedlow, Bridged, and Rachel
(chapter 17) what did Bridged give Lyddie when she was sick?
-She gave her “American notes of General Circulation” by Charles Dickens
- Lyddie was shocked by this
(chapter 17) When Lyddie asked Diana if Mr.Marden asked about her what did she say? What did she say about the Acre
- She said Mr.Marsden had missed her
- she said a lot of people where getting sick and a lot of people where dying in the Acre from sickness
(chapter 17) What did Rachel want to be when she was in the factory? What did Lyddie say?
- she wanted to be a Doffer
-Lyddie said she had to go to school first
(chapter 17) Who did Lyddie ask if Rachel could be a Doffer? Did she get the job? How?
- Lyddie asked Mrs.Bedlow if Rachel could be a doffer
- Rachel got the job
-Rachel was very sweet and melted the agents heart (pg 136)
(chapter 18) When Lyddie saw Charlie for the first time in a while did she recognize him? What did he look like?
- no
- He looked older and had nice clothes on, he had big hands
(chapter 18) What did Charlie tell Lyddie about the Phinneys? Was Lyddie happy with this?
-He told her that the Phinneys took him in and that they treated him as their own. Life was good where he was
-Lyddie was not pleased with this, she told him that he had a family already.
(chapter 18) what did Charlie tell Lyddie about what the Phinneys wanted to do with Rachel? How did Lyddie react to this?
- Charlie told Lyddie that the Phinneys would like to take in Rachel and have her go to school.
-Lyddie hated this idea but knew if Rachel stayed with Lyddie she would die.
(chapter 18) How did Lyddie react when Charlie brought up the farm? What did Charlie say about Judah?
- She didn’t care anymore
- Charlie said that Judah was determined to sell the farm.
(chapter 18) What did Charlie give to Rachel?
- Charlie gave Rachel a dress and some new clothes that came from the Phinneys.
(chapter 18) A letter came from Luke stevens, what did it say? why did Lyddie get mad?
-The letter told her that his father had bought the farm farm from Judah. Also Luke proposes to marry Lyddie with the farm.
-Lyddie gets pissed because she thinks that he could marry her because his dad bought the farm.
(chapter 19) How does Lyddie feel when Rachel leaves?
What does she have left?
-She feels she has nothing, alone, no family, no farm to go back to.
-The only thing she has left is work
(chapter 19) What where the factories down to get more hours out of the girls?
-They were slowing down the clocks
(chapter 19) What did Lyddie think that was making Diana look not good? What would she tell her that would cheer up Diana?
-She thought she was being threatened with being blacklisted because she was a part of the reform group.
-She would tell Diana that she was going to sign the petition.
(chapter 19) Where would Lyddie find Diana when she was looking for her to tell her that she was going to sign the petition? Who did Lyddie meet when she found Diana?
-She found Diana at a meeting for better work conditions
-She got to meet the meeting leader named Mary Emerson
(chapter 19) What did Mary Emerson tell Lyddie about signing the petition?
-She told Lyddie that she couldn’t sign the petition because they had to turn it in before the legislature would be recessed for the year.
(chapter 19) What did Diana tell Lyddie? Where would Diana be going? What was the reason?
- Diana told Lyddie that she had to leave the factory
-Diana said she would be going to Boston
-Diana said she had to go because she was pregnant she she didn’t want to leave with a dishonorable discharge.
(chapter 19) who does Lyddie think the dad is?
(chapter 20) How would the Irish Girls dress in the Factory
They would dress in there winter clothes and never wear lighter clothes
(chapter 20) What books would Lyddie buy in honor of Ezikial?
- she bought Narrative aof the life of Fredrick Douglas
-The Bible
(chapter 20) When summer came around who took the place of the English Girls who left? Who coached them?
- The Irish Girls
-Lyddie and Bridged coached them
(chapter 20) How was Bridged coaching style different from Lyddies when she was coaching Bridged?
-Bridged was more calm and forgiving likeDiana
-Lyddie was impatient and kinda snobby word Bridged
(chapter 20) What job did Diana get when she left?
-She got and a seamstress’s shop
(chapter 20) How would Lyddie teach Bridged how to read?
- She assigned letters to things Bridged would know in the factory. Like (A for Agent)
(chapter 20) Lyddie would receive a fancy-looking letter, what was in it? What name did they misspell? What was Lyddies reaction?
- In the letter said that her mother had died in the asylum
-The misspelled her name, Maggie. When her name was Mattie Worthen
-Lyddie couldn’t remember her face, she wasn’t even sad
(chapter 20) What was wrong with the whale lamp being on all the time during the fall? What would be on every floor?
-There would be a constant fear of a fire in the factory
-water pales would be set on every floor
(chapter 20) One day Lyddie was waiting for Bridged, where was she? What was happening to her? How did Lyddie save her?
-Bridged was upstairs in the weaving room
-Bridged was being held by Mr.Marsden like how he held Lyddie.
-Lyddie would throw a water pale on Mr.Marsden to free Bridged.
-Mr.Marsden was pissed
(chapter 21) After Lyddie threw water pale on Mr.Marsden, why didn’t Bridged come into work the next morning?
- Bridged was told not to report in
(chapter 21) When Lyddie was told to go to Mr. Graves’s office what did Mr.Marsden say about Lyddie?
-She was a trouble maker, a bad influence
(chapter 21) What was the word Mr.Marsden used to describe Lyddie’s offense that Lyddie didn’t understand? What did this mean?
-He used moral turpitude
-meaning wickedness
(chapter 22) After Lyddie got fired what 2 books did she go and buy? Which one would she give to Bridged?
-She bought a dictionary
-She bought another copy of Oliver Twist to give to Bridged
(chapter 22) When Lyddie went to Bridged’s house what was in that Letter Lyddie gave her?
-It was a letter to Mrs.Marsden that had the evidence of what Mr.Marsden has been doing to the girls in the factory.
(chapter 22) After Leaving Massachusetts Lyddie took a stage coach, where was her first stop? Who did she meet?
-She would take a stagecoach to Boston
-She would meet up with Diana at her seamstress job
(chapter 22) What agreement did Diana make with the Seamstress?
-Since the seamstress was in need of desperate help she took Diana on, and the seamstress would help raise the baby.
(chapter 23) After taking a stage coach from Boston where did she go? Who did she meet?
- She took a stage coach to Vermont to Culters Tavern
- Here she would meet up with Triphina
(chapter 23) After leaving the Tavern where did she go next? Who did she meet?
- She would go back to her cabin
- She met up with Luke Stevens, her future husband
(chapter 23) What was Lyddies plan for the future?
- She would say goodbye to Charlie and Rachel
- She would go to a college in Ohio