WW1 Flash Cards
Who was the queen in the Gilded Age
Queen Victoria
What would Royalty do with their children?
Marry them off to other royal families
When Queen Victoria had grandkids how many alliances did they get married into?
16 alliances
Who was the leader of England?
King George V
Who was the Leader of Germany?
Kaiser Wilhelm II
Who was the leader of Russia?
Tsar Nicholas II
How are the leaders of England, Germany, and Russia related?
All cousins
How will WW1 change the political structure of kings and Queens?
It gets rid of the power of Kings and Queens
Biggest British Battle
Battle of the Song
! millions died
Most well-known Teenagers in Europe?
What did he do?
Why did he do what he did?
Gavil Princip
Assasonates Arch Duke Ferdenand
He didn’t want Austrian control over his country
Who is Arch-Duke Ferdinand?
Aire to Austria
How do many men see war?
An adventure
What was the U.S. position at the beginning of WW1
What was Hitler’s dream job?
What did the Collage in Viana do to Hitler?
He wanted to be a painter
- Good
- not good at painting people
The college rejected him
Who was the leader of Cuba?
Fidel Castro
What was Fidel Castro’s Dream Job
A baseball
What does TSAR mean?
Who did America ally with?
They had the TSAR (ultimate power)
What was the main type of war fair in WW1
Trench war Fair
What was it when would go out and get mowed down by machine gun fire?
No man’s land
What was the number one weapon that soldiers would use when they got into the other sides trenches?
The shovels
How did Germany plan to get to France?
What did the Germans do in Belgium?
Raped, horrible things
When America got involved in the war what did Woodrow Wilson say?
To protect democracy
How were Germans portrayed throughout the war
What were Americans called in WW1?
Dough Boys
Where where fatter than Europeans soldiers
What did Britain do during the war to Germany?
They made a blockade around Germany
Germany has U-Bouts (submarines)
What did the Germans do in retaliation to the British Blockade>
They sunk the Lusitania
THis would cause America to join sides with England