Cold war Flashcards
What is the future on American weapons
Rockets and Space programs
Who was the 2 main powers in the Cold War
America & USSR
Where is the place that makes the majority of rockets in America?
“That went south”
In California, a rocket was supposed to go North but it went South into Mexica
What is a bigger bomb than the ones in Japan?
The H-Bombs
- hydrogen bombs
East and West Europe
Iron Curtain
- coined my Church Hill
- The Russians Closed off Eaterns Eopre from Western Europe.
Domino Effect
When Joseph Stalin pressured Eastern Europe to become communist.
Satellites of the USSR
The states of Poland etc,
North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Erwin Rommel
Best German commander
Desert Fox
George Marshel plan
Marshall plan (1947)
made Europe our friends
North Atlantic
Korean War
North Korea invades South Korea
- The United Nations had to go fight
- America did the heavy lifting
Collective security
all people gang up on the bad actor
Who was the general of the Korean War?
Mc Carther
- he finally gets his invitation
- very complex invasion
- invaded on Inchon
- it works
Why did McArther get fired?
- He wanted to go to China
- But Truman said no so we wouldn’t go into China.
who has the lowest approval rating of all time (President)
Truman - 17%
President during the Cold War
Dwight D Eisenhower
Eisenhower’s slogan
“I like Ike”
Eisenhower Years
- space race
- The economy is growing
- Conflict with USSR is getting bigger
Who dies in Russia during the Cold War?
- Stalin Dies
What does Russia send up during the Cold War
- Sputnik (USSR)
- a dog Laika
What does America send up after the Russians?
- Space monkey
What kind of plane did we get caught spying on Russia with?
U2 Spy plane (United States)
What happened when the we got caught spying of Russia
- the pilot on the U2 Spy plane crashed
- the Russians told the world
Policy of Containment
eisenhower’s way of containung communism
Eisenhower’s improvements in America
- Interstate System
- Balanced Budget
- every year - U-2 Crisis
What does the government think about spending on infrastructure?
How does Eisenhower deal with this?
- The government doesn’t like it cause there’s no immediate return on investment.
- He makes the road and other things say it’s for Defence and for military use.
Eisenhower’s Vice President
Was a senator
- Richard Nixon
What happened to Eisenhower when he left office?
He’s broke
- no president allowence yet
What is Kennedy like
- he was wealthy
- good looking
- worked up the government chain
- he wants to be President
- Modern candidate
- Catholic president
Richard Nixon
- old-school way of running government
Problem with Kennady
- Catholic
- has officers with the lady
- Marlin Monroe
What gave Kennedy the Presidency?
- Kennady was better on TV
- TV was better looking, more confidant
- people who listened on the radio thought Nixon won the debate
- people who watched on TV thought Kennady won
- optics became very important
Kennady fam
- first celebrity president
- His wife Jacky became the most photographed lady in the world
- People call the Kennady family royalty (Camelot)
Kennady history
Joe Sr. - Joe’s way or no way
Joe Jr. - father wants him to be president
- He was the best in everything
John - called Jack Kennady
Bobby - Called Robert
ED - Ted
What happens to John F Kennady when Joe Jr. dies?
Joe Sr. wants to get John out of the war
- Joe Sr. says he has to be President
- John wants to be a history teacher at Harvard
What does Robert (Bobby) become because of his father
Attorney General
- to keep Hovver (FBI) of John’s back
What happens to John F Kennady
He gets assassinated
What happened to Bobby Kennady
He gets assassinated
What happens to Ted Presidential courier
it ends when get drives off a bridge with his mistress
Kennedy’s legacy
- needs to invade Cuba
- Bay of Pigs (4/17/1961) - Berlin Wall (8/13/61)
- Kennedys popularity was super high
- he was a celebrity - Cuban missile crisis
Fidel Castro
- he takes over Cuba and makes it Communists
Cuban Missle Crisis
U-2 saw Soviet Missle sites in Cuba
Vietnam’s leader during the Cold War
What does Ho Chi Min want to do
He wants to invade South Vietnam to make it communist
Tet Offensive: 1968
- large-scale battle in Vietnam
The enemy attacks us on 120 bases across Vietnam - first televised war
Walter Cronkite
- most trusted man in America
- best reporter in America during the war
1971 - 1973 ( What is this time period called)
- We had South Vietnam troops do the heavy lifting
A River delta that we fought on
North Vietnamese Army
- regular soldiers
- organized
(2 types)
Viet-Cong Regular
- gorilla warfare
- supplied by the HoChiMin Trail
Viet-Cong Irregulars
- villagers that only fought at night
Water Boarding
- pin the guy down
- put a rag over their face and pour water on their face
Why is this a Lost War?
WE didn’t meet our objective
- we didn’t liberate South Vietnam