History "From Sea to Sea" #5 Flashcards
What does Manifest mean?
What is Manifest Destiny?
Manifest - Completeness
Manifest destiny:
- our duty to control not only the continent but be a major factor in the world.
- it was our duty to do expansionism
What was the motivation for Manifest Destiny?
What people were affected by this?
“God wants us to control the continent
The Indians would be pushed out of the way.
What is expansionism?
The idea of moving out & acquiring more land.
What would states have to do to be in the Union?
They would have to choose between being a slave state or a free state
What was the Missouri Compromise?
What was the result?
- a debate in Congress over slavery in the territories.
- It was a “Balance of Power” issue and a “Sectional issue”
-Missouri would be admitted into the union as a slave state, Maine as a free state.
- Slavery would be allowed in states below the 36/30 parallel
What is the 36/30 Parallel
This was the line drawn up my the Missouri Comprimise to split up the slave states and the free states.
Who was the Whig Party?
Where all their members anti-slave?
-They were an Anti-slavery party
What party did Andrew Jackson make?
The Democrats
Who would the Whig Party nominate as their candidate
Henrey Clay
Who did the Democrats nominate for their candidate
James K Polk
What was Polk Presidency known for?
Manifest Destiny
What would Polk get for the United states?
(Think territories)
He gave us the lower 48 states.
Who was the Goddess Columbia?
Represented the U.S. and Manifest Destiny
Goddess of freedom and progress
Why did Abraham Lincon want to be in the Whig Party
HE thought it would get him to become a territorial governor for Oregon.
What was significant about the Oregon territories?
- the 49th parallel divided it
- 4 countries lay claim to it
- Neither slave nor free
- Resource rich (minerals & furs)
Why were settlers moving south?
America was getting to crowded
What where people bringing to Texas that Mexico didn’t like?
They where bringing slavery
Mexicos dictator
Santa Anna
What did Santa Anna want to do in Central America?
Who did he try to be?
Santa wanted to color all of Central America
Santa wanted to be the napoleon of Central America
When did Texas declare independence?
This was also Andrew Jacksons’ last year in office.
How did Santa Anna get into power in Mexico?
Though a Civilian Coup
What battle would Santa Anna win in Texas?
The Alamo
Where did Sam Houston defeet Santa Anna?
San Jacinto in April 1836
Where did Stephan Austin send settlers?
to Texas in 1822
When Texas asked And. Jackson for help to get independence what did he say?
He said no
What was Texas known for?
Being an independent state
What where the 2 reasons the Mexican war happened?
- The U.S. wanted California and New Mexico
- The U.S. has border disputes on the Rio Grande
Where did Santa Anna say the U.S.-Mexican border was?
The Nueces River
How much did Polk offer for California and New Mexico?
Why did he offer the money even though he knew Mexico wasn’t going to take the money?
- 30 million bucks
- he wanted an excuse to have a war with Mexico.
- They would sell him the land so he had to take it.
How did Polk start the Mexican War?
- He sent Zachary Taylor to defend the Texan Border
- Mexico claimed it as their land.
- They attacked U.S. troops
- this was Polk’s excuse to have the war
What was the War Plan of Mexico?
to Attack on three fronts:
- Take control of California
- Kearney (Bear flag revolt ) and Fremont - Winfield Scott takes control of Mexico City = disrupting the government
- Taylor secures the border and Monterey
What was California having during the Mexican War?
The Bear Flag revolt
- wanted Californian Independence
- the people had taken over
What Treaty ended the Mexican War?
- Treaty of Guadeloupe Hidalgo
- U.S. would gain New Mexico And California
- Rio Grande was the border now
- we paid Mexico 15 million for the land
What was the Gadsden Purchase?
Why did America buy this?
- This was the last remaining parts of New Mexico and Arizona
- We bought this because we want to put a southern Rail ROad through there