WW1 Flashcards
By 1914, the simultaneous events of___
Industrialization, Nationalism and Imperialism had brought European countries into competition with one another
This combined with a new series of alliances create a ___ in the ___ created after ___
2.Balance of powers
3.fall of Napolean
In 1890, ___ of Germany abandons Germanies traditional ally (___) in favor of an alliance with ___
1.Kaiser Wilhelm II
This alliance comes as Austria-Hungary continued to pressure___
Serbia into their empire
In 1912, Austria annexes ___, leading to ___
The Triple Alliance
The Triple Entity
In 1914, future Hapsburg emperor, ___, visited Sarajevo to display the power of the monarchy
Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The Black Hand
-Terrorist or Freedom Fighters
-Gavrilo Princip-Bosnian Serb nationalist who is most famous for assassinating Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, Sophie
Archduke Franz Ferdinand is ___
following the assassination, Austria placed a series of ___ to the Serbians
On July 28,1914, Austria ___
Declared war on serbia
___, sworn protector of the Slovic peoples, declares war on ___
Germany, Austria’s Ally, declares war on___
France declares war on ___, and so does their ally, ___
Germany now confronted a situation its generals had feared for decades:
-A war on 2 fronts at opposite ends of the country
The Von Schlieffen Plan
-Knock France out of the war quickly by conquering Paris
-Catch the French off-guard by marching through Belgium
-August 4, 1914-German forces enter ___
German forces are ___
successful, but had not
counted on delays caused by Belgian defenses
why does Italy leave the tiple alliance?
becuase they viewed Germanies invasion of neutral Belgium as an
German forces began invading ___ in Late August
Northern France
-France was in trouble
-France was in trouble
French armies poised on the German Border
where caught completely off guard by the attack through
The invading German Army was now closer to
Paris than the french army
By the 6th of September, the German Army was___, while the French army scrambled to
-closing in on Paris on the North
-Enter from the South
The miracle would come from the ___ because they drove up to the French army and loaded them up on the hoods of cars.
Taxi cabs
After stopping the germans outside of Paris, the ___
French will continue to attack.
Although each attack was repelled with heavy losses,___
the French force the Germans to fall back and regroup
The Germans will ___
dig trenches in Northern France, and the French dig trenches facing the
communication that is primarily used to influence or persuade an audience to further an agenda
Propoganda can be divided into 7 different categoris
-glittering generalities
-With German troops bogged down in France, a new fear emerges for the Central Powers
A large Russia army had been moving slowly___
westwards Germany
-In August of 1914, a tiny German and Austrian Army will take on the Russian
-Battle of Tannenberg
-This horrific defeat for Russia will begin a
slow retreat back into Russia for the next 3 years
1915 will bring out ___
major changes to the war
The Ottoman Empire, thirsting for
- revenge to the war
The ottoman empire, thirsting for revenge against ____ and ____ for ____ during the ____, will join the ____
5.central powers
-Britain will attempt to knock them out of the war quickly
-Gallipoli-250,000 Australian troops die in 10 months
Following this failure, the British will encourage ___ to rebel against the ___
Lawrence of Arabia
-The film depicts Lawrence’s experiences in the Ottoman provinces of Hejaz and Greater Syria during World War I, focusing on his attacks on Aqaba and Damascus and his involvement in the Arab National Council.
In Europe, The Germans are going to shift their
focus on the war
-Force Britain out of the war
- Battle of Jutland
German navy bottled up in Baltic Sea
Germans begin to use___to attack__
2.British sipping
May, 1915- Lusitania torpedoed
-1200 people die
-Germany forced to give up unrestricted U-Boot
With the end of Unrestricted U-Boot warfare, came the end of Germany trying to force ___
Britain out of the water
The Germans will steadily advance throughout ___ in 1915
1.Eastern Europe
Japan joins the ___, ___, ___ in 1915, and seizes ___
4.Germanies colonies in China
1915 will also see the 1st uses of ___
poison gas on
the Western Front
With 1915 coming to an end,___
little had
changed in terms of an end to the war
Neither side knows this,___
but 1916 will be the
bloodiest year of the war
The Germans decided to shift their war effort
back towards
This time, the plan was to “bleed France dry”
-February, 1916- The Battle of Verdun
The Battle of Verdun will end with both armies___
returning to their original lines
France suffered___ retaking the city
Germany suffered___casualties holding it
In June of 1916, Britain, believing Germany
weakened following Verdun,___
launched frontal
attacks against their front lines
Battle of the Somme
Britain loses 60,000 men in 1 day, and fails to take any
Italy, seeing an opportunity to tip the balance of the war joins the ___, but is quickly ___
2.German invasion
As 1916 draws to a close,
another year ends
with no end and no change in the fighting
With the dawning of 1917,
Germany will make
it’s final plan to end the war
The plan:
Resume unrestricted U-boot warfare
Have Mexico keep the U.S. busy in the event that
they declare war on Germany
Channel all war resources into ending the war
with Russia (Germany has a secret weapon)
After Russia falls, launch an all-out assault on
British and French troops before U.S. forces can
arrive in Europe
Early in 1917, the United States will be made aware of the ___
zimmerman note
What did the Zemmerman note say to Mexico?
Telegraph to German ambassador to Mexico
stating that if Mexico went to war with U.S.,
Germany would make sure they regained all land
lost in the Mexican war
Following the discovery of this message, ___
United States will declare war on Germany in
That same month, Germany releases its secret
weapon on Russia
Vladimir Lenin- Communist agitator
Russia descends into revolution
Nicholas II forced to abdicate
In October of 1917, the Bolshevik revolution
overthrows the Russian government
-Russia withdrawals from World War I
Germany then began to move its resources
Britain and France
U.S. troops were still___
By the Spring of 1918, the final preparations
were made,___
1.and Germany began its assault
British and French troops brace for the
and eventually begin to give way in
the face of the German juggernaut
German troops pour into the gap between the___
French and British armies
With this breakthrough, it appeared the Germans
were on their way to victory
Only one area of the Ardennes forest remained in
Allied hands,
and the German army closed in on
the defenders
Again and again, the Germans attack this Allied
group, and again and again they are___
The Germans eventually call off attacks to this
wooded area, and call its defenders
Devil Dog
The Defenders were United States Marines
After identifying the presence of American troops
in Europe,
the Germans realize that their last
gamble had failed
German troops withdrawal back to their trenches,
and take up defensive positions
The war will drag on until November, when a___
Democratic revolution in Germany topples the
Kaiser Wilhelm II-
abdicates the throne
November 11, 1918-
Armistice Day
The victorious Allies meet at the___
palace of
Versailles to discuss the terms of Germany’s
The Victorious Allies met at the Palace of
Versailles, and created a treaty ending World
War I
Treaty of Versailes
Woodrow Wilson-
U.S President that created the 14 points
14 Points
Freedom of the seas
End of Secret Alliances
Self Determination
League of Nations
Britain and France ___ most of Wilsons plan
German territory taken away to form new countries
Hapsburg Dynasty ended
Territory taken away to form Yugoslavia
Austria and Hungary permanently separated
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia become independent
Territory taken away to form Poland