Totalitarian Regimes Flashcards
Government where all aspects of life are controlled by the state
Extreme Nationalism
-Following World War1, Inflation in Europe brought about___
much poverty.
-With this economic turmoil, one political party began to gain momentum.
By the early 1920s, the Communist party in Italy became a ___
strong entity.
___, ___, and ___ became a routine, and Italian communist called for a complete ___
4.overthrow of the Italian parliament.
Many Italians began to fear their country would become ___
communist, and watched events in the Soviet Union in horror.
As the government seemed powerless to stop communist rallies, Italians noticed one group that physically confronted the communist:
Italian fascists were led by Benito Mussolini, and in 1921, he appealed to the Italian people and King Emanuel III to put the fascist in charge of Parliament.
-Over 250,000 responded and marched on Rome.
Emanuel will place Musolino and the Fascists___
in charge
-Mussolini promises
-Get rid of communist
-Fix the economy
-Restore Italian military pride
-Immediately after coming to power,
Italian communist are arrested, assaulted, forced to flee to other countries, and sometimes killed.
-Around the time of the Fascist rise to power in Italy,
the European economies begin to improve
-Many Italians felt that Mussolini ___
had followed through with his second promise.
In 1924, the Soviet Union will become a___
totalitarian regime under Stalin
One Empire will not suffer the mass effects of European inflation
Following the Meiji Restoration, Japan had taken steps to become more ___
The Japanese parliament-
During the 1920s, Japan enters into economic partnerships with the
United States
In 1929, Japan will suffer greatly from the ___
global depression
Many in Japan blamed ___
Democracy and the United States
In 1920, a coup d’etat will topple the Diet, and military leaders will rule on behalf of the emperor,
Japenese Prime Minister
general Tojo
In 1931, Japan will invade the Chinese provinve of ___
The Leage of Nations condemns _____
Japanese aggression, but is powerless to stop them.
One group in Europe paid particular attention the league of nations
inability to back its convictions.
Totalitarianism in Germany will take a different turn than in other regimes
-German economy hardest hit
-Shame of losing the World War I (War Guilt Clause)
-Harsh Reparation imposed by Allies
-Inability to maintain control of country (army limited to 100,000 men)
As with other European nations,
the German Communist Party swelled during the 1920s
-The German republic formed after World War 1 was very weak
-Weimar republic
-Reichstag in chaos
-With a limited army, and poor economy,
the Weimer republic could do little to maintain order within its borders
The Multi-party system kept any political party from achieving an
absolute majority
Physical confrontations between German political parties was
In Germany city of Munich, a small group of fascist had emerged
-National Sozialistiche Deutche Arbeiters Partei- National German Socialist Party or Nazis
-This party remained very___at the start of the 1920s
Because of the limited size of the German army,
the Weimar republic will send a___ to keep track
of the Nazis
After a period of monitoring the Nazis
Adolf Hitler will join the party
On November 9, 1923, Hitler and the Nazis will attempt to lead a rebellion that would separate Bavaria from the rest of Germany
Bier Hall Putsch
The rebellion is swiftly put down, and Adolf Hitler and other leaders are ___
while in jail, Hitler will write ___
Mein Kampf (My Struggle)
What did he describe in it?
-In it he described the Nazi belief in Social Darwinism
-He described the destiny of Germany to create a new Empire, or Reich in eastern lands -Lebensraum
Hitler will remain in jail for only ___ months
Although Nazi ideas were still unpopular amongst Germans, ___
Hitler will become a nationally known figure
In 1925, the ailing Weimer republic will elect ___, as president.
Paul von Hindenburg
By 1928, the German ___
Economy had improved
During this period, the Nazis remain an ___
obscure, fringe group, with seats in the Reichstag
In 1930, Germany will be drawn into the ____, and will again descend into chaos.
Global Depression
With the rise of communism, will come the increases support of the Nazi party
-1930 election-107 seats
-1932-election-230 seats
-1933-election-288 seats
Communist party leaders will reach over ___
15% of seats in the Reichstag
Conservative parties began to form alliances with the ___
Nazis in order to combat the Communist and Socialist threat.
In January of 1933, Hindenburg appoints
Hitler as Chancellor’s
Hitler began to receive word that the Nazis were about to ___
lose seats in the Election of 1933
In February, the Reichstag will ___
burn to the ground
___ where blamed for the fire and ___ where arrested
Hindenburg will grant ___
Hitler emergency powers following the Reichstag fire
While Hitler held these emergency powers, ___
Paul von Hindenburg dies
With the position of the president vacant, ___
Hitler declares himself “Furher”
After reaching power, the Nazis will begin to implement___
their racial ideology on Germany.
Nuremberg laws
-German Jews are stripped of citizenship
-Forced to identify themselves as Jews (Wear Star of David)
-Forced to live in small areas of cities (Ghettos)
With the failure of the League of Nations following the Manchurian incident, other totalitarian regimes will test the resolve the organization
-Italy invades Ethiopia-1935
-Germany remilitarizes the Rhineland-1936
-Fascism takes control of Spain-1936
-Lead by Francisco Franco
1936, Hitler forces the German military to ____
swear personal allegiance to him instead of Germany
Hitler will continue to defy the Treaty of Versailles by ignoring the
100,000 man limit to the German army
Germany will also encourage fascist movement in
In 1936, ___, ___, and ___ officially join an alliance called the ___
1.Germany, Italy and Japan
2.Axis Powers
1937, Japan invades China, launching a war that would last for the next 8 years.
March, 1938-Germany Annexes Austria
November 9, 1938, Nazis promote violence against
Night of Broken Glass,
October, 1938-Hitler claims small area of _____
What land was that?
sudetenland-3 million ethnic Germans
Munich Conference
Chamberlain allows Hitler to take the area
-Negotiating with an enemy to avoid conflict
German troops enter the ___, Then take over the rest of
By 1939, the League of Nations had proven its ___
___ and ___ were now weary of Hitlers Agression
Britain and France
The World was poised for another major war:
The bloodiest war in human history