Written 3 Flashcards
Provisional License Requirements?
First 12 months of license, must be accompanied by parent or licensed driver over 25, if driving between hours of 2300-0500, when transporting passengers under age of 20 (unless medical necessity, school, employment, immediate need of family, emancipated minor).
Off duty arrests?
Are discouraged and should not be conducted unless the violation is serious and shall notify command if involved.
Officers shall arrange medical for what?
Whenever a person appears to need, regardless of outward symptoms.
Prima Facia speed limits?
10 over shall stop, should take appropriate action.
5-9 should stop…
1-4 may stop.
Absolute speed limits?
At 5 MPH or more above the absolute speed limit for the vehicles(s) or roadway, the officer shall stop and take appropriate enforcement action.
From 1 to 4 MPH above the absolute speed limit for the vehicle(s) or roadway, the officer may stop and take appropriate enforcement action.
SLOW MOVING VEHICLES (Opposite of prima facia)?
(1) At 10 MPH or more below the normal speed of traffic, the officer shall stop and take appropriate enforcement action.
(2) From 5 to 9 MPH below the normal speed of traffic, the officer should stop and take appropriate enforcement action.
(3) From 1 to 4 MPH below the normal speed of traffic, the officer may stop and take appropriate enforcement action.
Who is excluded from seat belts?
Taxi cab drivers, rural postal carriers, newspaper delivery persons, doctors note, and peace officers, passengers in a sleeper berth, driver actually engaged in the collection of solid waste or recyclable
Cell phone seizures?
Officer may not seize for evidence
What is Miranda in regards to juveniles?
Shall be read Miranda.
What should personnel do when they encounter a hate crime?
Should contact the allied agency.
If allied agency wont respond, shall handle to conclusion, victim provided with CHP 876, rights of hate crime victims, shall be advised of right to confidentiality.
Release from custody requirements?
Person released shall be issued CHP 103, and it should be done by supervisor.
If conducting DV investigation, what do you need to do for EPO?
Shall assist in securing EPO, follow up investigation handed over to allied agency, shall attempt to identify dominant aggressor, if turned over to allied agency no report, must notify of confidentiality, Marsy’s law card, weapons may be seized for up to 48 hours no longer than 5 days.
With regards to child abuse, what are some reporting requirements and what are the time frames?
DOJ report submitted within 36 hours, notify local designated agency.
Missing persons?
Should refer to allied agency, shall provide assistance in making the notification.
At risk person is?
Victim of crime or foul play, has pattern of running away, may be victim of parental abduction, need of medical attention, mentally impaired.
Before an AMBER Alert will be authorized, what must be fulfilled?
Confirmation abduction has occurred, victim is under 18 or mentally impaired, victim is in imminent danger/serious bodily injury or death, and there is info available that may help in recovery.
Before a Blue Alert will be authorized, what must be fulfilled?
LEO killed, serious injury, and suspect fled scene, LE agency determined suspect poses threat to public, a detailed description of suspect or vehicle, public help may bring capture quicker.
Before a Silver Alert will be authorized, what must be fulfilled?
Person is 65 or older, LE agency had exhausted all options, person has gone missing under unusual circumstances, person is in danger due to age, environment, disability, information is available that may help in finding person.
Before a Yellow Alert will be authorized, what must be fulfilled?
Hit and run that result in serious injury or death, information available.
2400 (h) VC is what?
Authorizes CHP to provide physical security to constitutional officer.
How long to enter STD 99?
Entered into SCARS within 10 days of receipt.
How many days for the seeker of a permit have to appeal if his/her request is denied?
If permit is denied, seeker has 5 days to appeal, denial letter shall be logged.
How many officers should respond to a DOJ stop?
2 Officers should respond.
Emergency action plans are kept in a ___ ______ and accessible to whom?
Kept in red binder and accessible to all.
Types of workplace violence?
Type 1: Criminal intent, Type 2: Customer / Client, Type 3: Worker on worker, Type 4: Personal relationship - CHP has zero tolerance.
All employees must complete workplace violence training?
Shall call outs for MAIT?
CHP or Cal-trans fatal or sever injury (This includes subcontractors working under contract with
Caltrans in a Caltrans directed work or maintenance zone, i.e., broken bones, dislocated or distorted limbs, severe lacerations, or unconsciousness at or when taken from the collision scene), and fatal or sever injury occurs in departmental aircraft.
May Call outs for MAIT?
Significant event where prosecution is likely, fatality involving big rig, HAZMAT collision, any collision where NTSB will be conducting parallel investigation, fatality where manufacturing / roadway defects, any collision that needs in depth analysis.
MAIT shall not call?
MAIT shall not b called when only a factual diagram is wanted.
CHP shall document all types of what collisions?
Freeways, unincorporated, school bus, collisions on state property, bike collisions, all collisions in vehicle on state business.
How long to finish collision reports?
8 working days.
On duty driving POV?
Take a crash and employer be listed for insurance and r/o.
Retention of collision reports?
48 months rotating / unsolved hit and runs severe injury 7 years / MAIT reports 10 years / unsolved hit and run indefinitely if causes death or severe permanent injury.
When can we release peace officer records?
When discovery request is made (pitchess motion).
Case law states regarding release of peace officer records?
Only names, address and number of complainant are available through pitchess motion.
How long to serve pitchess motion?
Mail 20 days prior to hearing / personal 15 days.
Persons allowed in chamber during pitchess motion?
Judge, court reporter, custodian of record.
HPM 41.1, For areas that participate in transportation planning meetings have how long to submit meeting minutes to HQ?
10 working days.
HPM 41.1, How many Cal-trans district offices are there?
HOV and HOT lanes - what is CHP responsibility?
Shall provide routine patrol, usually on OT, Special code 86.
What is policy on park and ride lots?
CHP shall respond, excluded lots not on state property or when state owned is leased to private entity.
How long do we retain cozeep/mazeep ops plans?
2 years.
What is policy if Caltrans requests stationary zeep?
Must inform supervisor and make notes on 415.
Who is responsible for obtaining zeep form?
Senior officer on scene.
If Caltrans no show what is the process?
Write Caltrans no show in date time notified box, shall fax copy to Caltrans.
If change to reconciliation form is made what is required?
Shall complete within 5 working days and send memo to Caltrans.
HPM 41.1, What is retention for Task order?
Current plus 3.
How often is commute survey completed?
Who is state vanpool coordinator?
Max amount of flags on single pole?
Should be max of 4.
Max number of state flags a commander may requisition for LOD death?
Max of 3.
How long can a temporary loan or assignment be?
Max of 2 years.
How long to assign employee a mentor?
30 days.
How long is mentor program?
6 months.
How long to complete 50a (out service training evaluation)?
Shall complete in 30 days.
To be reimbursed for OST what must be attached to travel claim?
Copy of CHP 50.
What form is used for sergeant orientation?
CHP 27 and shall be maintained for 2 years.
What’s the minimum number of post training hours?
24 every 2 yeas.
What are post perishable skills?
Arrest and control, driving, tactical firearms yearly / 2 hours tactical communication every 2 years.
How long to remediate post course?
30 days from date of failure.
What type of documentation is required to be completed when a sergeant investigates a suspected violation of the Department’s substance abuse policy by an employee?
CHP 202X and corresponding narrative.
An adverse action is disciplinary legal action taken in response to an employee’s misconduct or continued failure to meet the rules of conduct established by law and/or departmental policy. Which is the complete list of adverse action penalties?
Suspension, demotion, reduction in salary, formal written reprimand, dismissal, and/or involuntary transfer.
The state of California and the federal government have designated agencies responsible for addressing discrimination and retaliation complaints. A complete list of these agencies is found in HPM 10.12?
Department of Fair Employment and Housing, Deportment of Industrial Relations, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and Department of Labor.
How long are copies of complaints filed through the discrimination complaint process retained by Area?
Copies are not retained by Area.
It is illegal for employers to discriminate against any individual with respects to terms, conditions, or privileges of employment based upon sex. Which of the following is the definition of sexual harassment?
Unsolicited and unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal, physical, or visual conduct of a sexual nature.
What is the goal of interim reporting?
To provide the employee with tools and assistance to bring their performance to an acceptable level.
Within how many days must an internal investigation be completed?
60 days.
An officer is being investigated by the local police department for theft. The Area commander assembles an administrative team near the completion of the criminal investigation. The criminal investigators request the administrative investigators to sit in on a few interviews of potential uninvolved witnesses to the crime. Is this acceptable?
It is acceptable, and in many cases desirable, for the criminal and administrative investigators to either share or conduct joint interviews of witnesses.
As a general rule, within what time frame must an adverse action be officially served to an employee?
Within one year of the Department becoming aware of the misconduct and within three years of the date of the misconduct.
When on short term travel status of a period of time less than 24 hours, an employee cannot claim?
Lunch or incidentals.
Receipts are required for taxi, shuttle, street car, and local rapid transit for actual expenses over______?
Following an on-duty patrol vehicle collision, what forms are required to be submitted within 48 hours?
STD 270 and CHP 208
Officers may remove a vehicle for 22651(o)(a) when_______
A VIN inquiry returns with NO RECORD ON FILE
Any complaints against an officer concerning conduct occurring more than_________prior to the date of a Pitchess motion are to be excluded from disclosure.
5 years
A supervisor is permitted to do the following relating to the substance abuse testing process?
To use sobriety determination techniques to assist in developing reasonable suspicion.
Employees who have been unavailable for a court cancellation notification shall do what?
Contact their office within 24 hours of the scheduled court appearance between the hours of 0800 and 1700.
Category A threshold incidents require notification to whom and within what period of time?
ENTAC immediately and CHP 268 to ORM within 7 calendar days.
The Department will seek to recover DUI incident related costs for alcohol or a combination of alcohol and drugs under the following circumstances:
- An arrest was made for a violation of 23152, 23153, or a greater offense involving alcohol and/or drugs
- The arrest party was determines by the investigating officer to have caused a response to an incident
- A supporting evidentiary test of at least .08% or greater was obtained
Completed CHP 735s shall be forwarded to_________ within_________ of an evidentiary test of .08% BAC or greater:
Fiscal Management Section & 10 business days
Minor discipline is defined as__________?
A penalty consisting of one to five working day suspension or equivalent step-reduction in pay
In most instances it is reasonable to provide the employee________notice prior to an administrative interrogation:
24 hours
A CHP 428, Release and Waiver of Liability,________be signed by all non-CHP employee ride-along participants prior to a ride-along. If the participant is under the age of 18 years of age,_________
Shall, A parent or legal guardian shall also sign the form
Officers performing patrol duty___________check all vehicles which appear to be unattended or disabled upon state highways (including freeways), unincorporated roadways, and other major traffic arteries within the geographical area of the Department’s primary responsibility?
If the driver’s history record indicates that the driver is suspended and has not been notified, the officer should complete the DL310 form. The officer should attempt to obtain the signature of the driver on the DL310; refusal to sign this form…
Will not invalidate the notification process
Emergency life saving transportation and transportation of medical supplies such as blood, serum, or antitoxin_________be provided where time is critical and alternative transportation is unavailable or inappropriate.
Bomb incidents involving departmental facilities or resources which could affect operation shall be reported to the appropriate commissioner and the affected Division via a Comm-Net within?
24 hours and notification to ENTAC
To be eligible for FMLA/CFRA benefits, an employee mush have…
Have at least 12 months of state service AND have worked at least 1250 hours (actual time worked)
CHP 738 form
Action to recoup an overpayment cannot be taken unless the action is initiated within____________ of the date of overpayment.
3 years
Which of the following would not be classified as an “Other” complaint?
Traffic and Nonverbal Misconduct
The normal suspense period for complaints received at the command, or forwarded from BIA is?
60 days
If an investigator wants to record an interview with an employee outside a formal administrative interrogation he/she should?
Permission must be obtained from the employee
Closing correspondence from a citizens complaint is not required under which circumstances?
Closing correspondence is always required in all cases.
In those instances when a designated officer on a regular work shift is acting as OIC, the time spent by the officer responding to and from, and at the scene of occurrences which requires action as supervisor is charged to…
Beat 822
Field commands shall conduct or participate in at least two emergency preparedness exercise…
The span of control for CHP ICS operations should generally be limited to a maximum of _________(supervisor to subordinate ratio)
1 to 8
What type of plan is used for one scheduled or anticipated event requiring the non-routine deployment of CHP personnel (major conference, sporting event, election)?
Operational Plan
All internal investigations, citizens’ complaint investigations, injuries and collision investigations generated by mobile Field Force Type 1 SRT personnel shall be the responsibility of?
The SRT tactical commander
The ten day grace period provided in CVC section 12505(c) for people to obtain a driver license does not apply to the following:
A person who establishes residency and is employed for compensation to operate a motor vehicle
If CVSA decals are lost or stolen such incidents shall be documented on a CHP 51 by the employee with in what time frame?
72 hours
What vehicle code section provides an officer authority to prevent the continued movement of an unsafe violation?
CVC 2410
Any significant collision in which a fatality or fatalities occur which could lead to prosecution (Shall or May MAIT call out)
May call out
What is the proper procedure to request MAIT while investigating an active collision scene?
The sergeant or OIC will contact the Area Commander who will contact the Division Commander or designated alternate. With the Division Commander’s or designee’s approval, the appropriate MAIT coordinator or designated alternate will contact the team leader and request that the team respond to the collision or incident scene.
An acting sergeant may not perform the following task?
Review CHP 415s
When CHP personnel make a death notification to a next of kin, the appropriate coroner’s office shall be notified as soon as practicable of the time, date, and_________
name of person notified
Which Area is responsible for creating the report for a pursuit occurring out of Area?
The involved officer’s home Area
When more than one Area or Division is involved in the same pursuit__________________
Each involved Area of Division is responsible for completing and reviewing on those portions of the report that apply to their involvement
Approval for CHP employees to participate in parades, community or organization celebrations, or advocacy events while on duty is granted by__________
Side 1 of the CHP 100, Officer’s Evaluation/Activity Summary, _____________ be used by all officers regardless of assignment.
The decision when general duty helmets are to be worn shall be made by ____________
Uniformed supervisor or senior officer present
Comm-Net messages providing information of an operational nature not involving policy or new procedure may be approved by __________
Division Commander or Asst. Commissioner
Which mail carrier shall be used for non-time sensitive packages?
On Trac or FedEx
The complaint procedure for represented employees settles disputes over ________________
Violations of policy or procedures
The grievance procedure for represented employees settles disputes over ___________
Violations of contract
The grievance/complaint procedure is divided into 5 levels. The Area Commander is considered level_____
Specialty pay is attached to the following positions except:
K-9 handler
Prior to removing an employee for cause from any specialty pay position, approval must be obtained from:
Appropriate Asst. Commissioner
In rating performance of employees raters must be constantly aware of a number of potential errors which commonly exist. All of following are common errors:
- Halo Effect
- First or last impression effect
- Lenient and harsh effect
- Similar to me effet
Trainees still experiencing significant, but correctable problems following the four phases of field training may be given an extension phase to overcome the deficiencies. The extension phase shall last ______
10 days
Uniformed employees shall fire _______ primary firearm shoots each year.
An employee who is required by his/her supervisor or designee to conduct business telephone calls outside his/her work hours of less than _________ duration shall received $10 compensation.
30 minutes
Sick leave may be used in increments of ______
30 minutes
When an employee is required to work overtime, he/she may receive an overtime meal allowance of?
In order to claim dinner on a travel claim, travel for the trip must commence at or before:
Which of the following is an example of an exigent circumstance:
- Serious injury or loss of life (officers and/or public)
- Serious damage to property
- Destruction of evidence or property
- Escape of the suspects(s)
A(n) __________ occurs when an expectation of privacy that society is prepared to consider reasonable is infringed.
A(n) _________ occurs when there is some meaningful interference with an individual’s possessory interest in that property:
Seizure of property
In order for a consent search to be lawful, which requirement(s) must be met:
- Consent must be granted freely and voluntary
- The person granting consent must have standing over the items to be searched
- The scope or limitation of the search must be defined and cannot be exceeded by the officer
- The person granting consent has the right and the ability to withdraw consent at any time
Plain view seizures. Any physical intrusion into an area where an individual has a reasonable expectation of privacy constitutes a search and will be documented on a CHP 216 / CHP 202?
An employee’s attendance during a Critical Incident Stress Debrief session is Voluntary except _______
When involved in a shooting, then it is mandatory
An injury or illness which occurs during an employee’s temporary assignment shall be charged to the command where the employee is temporarily assigned UNLESS the assignment is for control of civil disturbance:
A ___________ is composed of two, three, or four squads, normally working as a single unit with a common mission and relatively close geographical assignments:
A _________________ is composed of five squads working as a single unit with a common mission and relatively close geographical assignment.
Chemical agents __________ be used in close proximity to occupied schools, hospitals, or convalescent homes, etc., except in extreme cases.
Should not
The evidence shall be retained for a minimum of _________ years or the life of the investigative file, whichever is longer.
five years
It is not necessary to retain filed notes if all of the following conditions are met:
- They are incorporated into the formal report
- The formal report accurately reflects the contents of the notes
- The prosecutor turns over a copy of the formal report to the defense counsel before trial
Permission from a supervisor or OIC __________ be obtained prior to impounding a vehicle pursuant to Section 22655.5 CVC, vehicle involved in a hit-and-run accident from a highway, public, or private property.
If an MVARS disk is to be used for training, the disk shall not involve an active investigation, legal proceedings, or any incident likely to result in litigation.
When serving a search warrant, the blue utility uniform is the only authorized uniform to wear for this purpose?
During the service of a search warrant, the Department shall have one member in the tan uniform to provide visible evidence of authority?
When a command is on an alternate work week, during a maximum enforcement period (MEP), the command _________ grant unscheduled days off?
Should not
During MEP, _____________ percent of field personnel_________ be deployed?
80 / shall
Commentary driving is mandated for all uniformed employees ________________
All of the following entities are authorized to purchase a copy of a collision report:
- Legal or registered owner(s) of vehicles or owners of property involved in collisions
- Persons involved or injured (including passengers), legal guardians, conservators, and relatives (when proper interest has been established, i.e., parents of minors)
- Any person, company, or corporation named in a legal action or who may incur civil liability resulting from a collision
Statute contained in Section 12525 of the California Government Code requires any case in which a person dies while in the custody of any law enforcement agency, the involved agency shall report in writing to the Attorney General within ___________ days after the death of all facts in their possession concerning the death.
10 days
To accomplish our mission, we are committed to the following organizational values as the foundation of our pledge to public safety and service, what are values?
1) Ethical practices
2) Equitable treatment for all
3) Fairness
4) Respect for others
What are the Department’s Professional Values?
Courage, Honesty, Professionalism, Principles, Respect, Integrity, Dedication, Esprit de Corps
A recurrence of an injury or illness shall be documented with a ______ within _______ ?
Memorandum / 24 hours
The OSHA 300A, Summary of Work-Related Injuries and Illnesses, shall be prominently posted at the work site by ________ of the year following the year covered by the Log, and shall remain posted until__________?
February 1 / April 30
CHP 121 for first aid without medical expenses incurred needs to be filed with the appropriate SCIF office within how many days?
Would not file with SCIF
California courts have ruled that under certain conditions, an officer may make a warrantless entry into a residence. The courts ruled that in order to make a lawful warrantless entry for a misdemeanor or felony DUI arrest in a residence, an officer must have probable cause to believe the following conditions exist?
- The driver is under the influence
- The driver is at home
A commercial driver shall be ordered out-of-service for __________ hours if the driver is found to have .01 percent or more, by weight of alcohol in their blood?
24 hours
Blood samples _________ not be withdrawn from persons who are ____________, or who have a heart condition and are using a prescribed anticoagulant?
Shall / hemophiliacs
At the completion of each checkpoint, the team leader shall prepare copies of the CHP 205 for transmittal to the appropriate field Division, and RPS. The copies shall be forwarded (via facsimile, mail, or electronic mail) within __________ hours of the conclusion of the checkpoint operation?
48 hours
Specific checkpoint locations shall not be released to the media sooner than _________ prior to the checkpoint start time?
2 hours
Uniformed employees must be guided by two key principles in the understanding and application of the use of force policy, what are the two key principles?
Sound professional judgment and the use of only that force reasonable for the situation as provided by law and in conformance with departmental policy.
Discontinuing a pursuit under which of the following circumstances shall an officer discontinue a pursuit?
When directed by a supervisor
Pursuit policy found in HPM 70.6 shall be reviewed by all uniformed employees at the rank of sergeant and below on a ___________ basis?
California Custodial Facilities. Requests for “mutual aid support” at local jurisdiction (city or county) custodial facilities will be handled the same as any other mutual aid request. All requests for unarmed assistance will be___________?
Reports. A photocopy of each CHP 215, CHP 216, or CHP 202 involving an identified diplomat and/or immunity claimant shall be sent via FAX within ________ hours to __________, whether or not the claim is verified?
48 hours / AC Field
Monitoring traffic from the center median requires ________ approval, and requests will be reviewed and approved on a case-by-case basis?
While on duty, supervisors shall be responsible for having copies of the __________ in their possession?
CHP 103
Section 851.5 of the Penal Code requires that an arrested person has the right to make at least _________ completed telephone calls, as described, immediately upon being booked or detained, and except where physically impossible, no later than ________ hours after arrest?
3 / 3
Seizure of weapons, peach officers who are at the scene of a family violence incident involving a threat to human life or a physical assault shall take temporary custody of any firearm or other weapon in plain sight or discovered pursuant to a consensual search, as necessary for the protection of the peace officer or other persons present. The weapons shall be held not less than __________ hours?
48 hours
CHP officer Shall / Should place a 422 on all unoccupied vehicles that appear abandoned, unlawfully parked or disabled in all CHP jurisdictions?
Who had final approval for a SWAT call-out?
AC Field
How often shall explosive storage containers be checked?
Division Chiefs may authorize solo patrol during what time periods?
- 2200-0000 hours
- 0400-0600 hours
What five things shall be video and audio recorded on MVARS?
1) Enforcement Contacts
2) Pursuits
3) Code 3 Response
4) Vehicle Searches
5) Disabled Motorists
MVARS policy shall be reviewed?
When an employee submits a CHP 179 (MVARS pre-check) shall the supervisor do with it?
Shall be forwarded to the Division MVARS coordinator
Can a supervisor review an event recording for a minor 11-82?
What are the five strategic plan goals?
1) Protect life / property
2) Provide superior service
3) Enhance public trust
4) Invest in our people
5) Identify and respond to evolving law needs
When shall a DS 427 be completed?
Cited or arrested for CVC 2100 through 23336 and when the driver exhibits evidence of incapacity which the officer reasonably believes the driver is incapable of operating a motor vehicle.
What vehicle code section requires the Commissioner to enforce all laws regulating the operation of vehicles and the use of highways?
2400 CVC
How long to notify for a fire or explosion at a state facility?
24 hours / (Comm-Net to Asst. Commissioner and affected Divisions / ENTAC)
How shall FI cards be stored?
Sorted by year, month, and day in a secure environment
How often shall warrant service teams train?
One eight hour day per quarter
Each division office and field command Shall / Should designate a TLO officer?
What should staffing be for MEP’s?
80% of available officers
What days are the MEP’s?
New Years, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas
What amendment protects people against unreasonable searches?
What four requirements are there for a consent search?
1) Consent must be granted freely and voluntary
2) The person bust have standing
3) The scope of the search cant be exceeded
4) The person granting search can withdraw consent at any time