Wrist-Hand Overview Flashcards
How many bones combined?
28 bones
How many muscles in the wrist and hands?
19 extrinsic
20 extrinsic
What is the purpose of the radio-ulnar ligaments?
makes the anterior/posterior capsule stronger
What capsule does supination tighten?
What capsule does pronation tighten?
Where is the palmer radio-carpal ligament located?
Radius to proximal row of carpals
Where is the dorsal radio-carpal ligament located?
The same attachment to palmer but weaker !!
Where is the radio collateral ligament located?
styloid to scaphoid/retinaculum
Where is the ulnar collateral ligament located?
styloid to pisiform and triquetral
What is the open and closed pack position of the distal radio-ulnar joint?
5-10 degrees of supination
What is the open pack of the wrist?
Wrist - radiocarpal joint with TFCC/Ulna
Neutral and slight ulnar deviation
What is the closed pack position of the wrist?
Wrist - Radiocarpal joint with TFCC/Ulna
Full extension with radial deviation
What is the function of the distal radio-ulnar joint/TFCC?
Transfer loads from hand to the forearm
How many DOF is does the distal radial-ulnar joint have?
1 degree
Supination and pronation
How many degrees of freedom for the radiocarpal joint?
2 degrees of freedom
Flexion/extension (sagittal)
Radial/ulnar deviation (frontal)
If a patient has radial pain that indicated post-trauma, what is it suggesting?
Fx of scaphoid
If there is no trauma, what is it indicating?
Pain with tenderness over the radial styloid will most likely be deQuervain tenosynovitis
A patient is complaining of generalized pain at the back of the hand, what is it associated with?
radial carpal arthritis
There is a mass over the posterior radial aspect of the wrist, what is the dx?
ganglion cyst
If they c/o of ulnar pain after a trauma, what would be possible dx?
tear of the triangular fibrocartilage complex
What is the law of repetitive motion?
An acroynm
I - insult
N - number of reps
F - force or tension of each repetition
A - amplitude of each repletion
R - relaxation time between reps