Wrist & Hand Flashcards
Wrist & Hand available Movement
@ Radiocarpal
Wrist: FL EX Radial Deviation Ulnar Deviation
Wrist & Hand available Movement
@ Distal Radioulnar
Wrist & Hand available Movement
@ Carpal joints
Capsular Patterns for Wrist & Fingers
@ Radiocarpal
FL & EX equally limited
Capsular Patterns for Wrist & Fingers
@ Distal Radioulnar
Pain @ extreme of Rotation
4 Types of Finger & Hand Deformities
- Swan Neck Deformity
- Boutonniere Deformity
- Ape Hand Deformity
- Duputytren’s Contracture
- Swan Neck Deformity
FL of the MCP and DIPS with EX PIPS
** Rheumatoid Arthritis
Boutonniere Deformity
EX of MCP & DIPs
FL of PIPs
***Rheumatoid Artheritis
Ape Hand Deformity
Wasting of Thenar Eminence (Median N palsy)
Thumb falling back in line with fingers
Loss of Thumb Opposition
Duputytren’s Contracture
Contracture of palmar fascia with FL of MCPs and PIPs
4th and 5th digits
Rule out for Wrist and Hand
Elbow (All mvmnts with over pressure)
→ Half Fist with Over pressure
→ Full Fist with Over pressure
Finkelstein test
Test for deQuervain’s disease
Tensynovitis occurring in the first dorsal carpal tunnel affects
1. AB pollicis Longus
2. EX pollicis Brevis
- A sudden severe pain at the wrist
- Pain shooting down into thumb and into mm bellies
- Px seated and wrist in Neutral
- 親指を残りの指でにぎる
- “Any Pain?”
- Ok- Ulnar deviation / AD wrist
Phalen’s Test
Median nerve - Carpal tunnel Syndrome
Tingling or parasthesia into thumb and first two and half fingers
** hold one minutes
Reverse Phalan’s test
Test for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Tingling or parasthesia into thumb and first two and half fingers
*hold one minute
Allen’s Test
Circulation in the hand by Ulnar and Radial Arteries
If the palm does not react or flushes slowly,
Partially or completely occluded
- 手は頭の上(両手)グーパーグーパー(2ー3回)
- キツくこぶし(グー)を握る
- セラピスト 親指でRadial artery, 人差し指でulnar arteryを押さえる
- セラピスト押さえたまま、患者 手のひらを広げる。(パー)
- 手のひら、紫色に変色
- セラピスト 親指で押さえていた血管リリース (人差し指はそのまま)
*** 同じ工程5までを繰り返し、つぎは人差し指をリリース
Bundle-Littler Test
- Tightness of the intrinsic mm of the hand
(Lumbricals and Interossei) - Jt Capsule contracture
(Inability of a finger to curl into the palm)
- Inability to FL the PIP from tight intrinsic hand muscles
- Joint Capsule Contracture
1.Hold MCP slightly EX and try to FL a PIP
Differentiate b/w two causes, continue to test by
1. Slightly FL the MCP(relaxing intrinsic mm)
2. Attempt to FL PIP
★ PIP now FL- restriction of intrinsic hand mm
★ PIP NOT FL - PIP jt capsule contracture
Neurological Tests for Wrist and Hand
Peripheral nn patters
Nerve roots patterns (dermatome/ myotome)
Tinel’s Sign at the Wrist
Compression or Inflammation of Median nerve
Tap at Carpal tunnel
Tingling or parasthesia into thumb and first two and half fingers