Lumber Flashcards
4 Lumber Movements
Straight Leg Raise (SLR)
AKA Lasegue’s Test
Posterolateral herniation
Space occupying lesion in the lumber spine
Numbness/ Tingling/ Pain travelling down the leg
- Px - supine- passive hip FL with straight leg raise until pain/tightness behind knee- lowering leg
* positive- Pain and tightness behind knee - Bragard’s test
Px- passively foot Dorsiflex (Tibial nerve)
*positive - Pain - Brudzinski’s Sign/ Sotho-Hall test/ Hyndman’s test
If Dorsiflextion is - , Px actively Flex Neck
*Neck FL- ↑tension through meninges
(esp dura matter down through the sciatic n)
- Can not FL neck- meningitis!
Well Leg Raise
Posteromedial disc herniation
Reproduction of Symptoms
1.down the AFFECTED LEG at 40 degree Hip FL
2.less in the Unaffected leg
- Px- Supine- Passively FL UNAFFECTED hip with full knee EX
Slump Test
Herniated Disc ( affecting Dural Sheath of Spine)
Reproduction of S/S
1. Relieve with Neck Neutral/ Knee FL
- Px- High seated with hands behind back
- Slump forward at T and L spine
- Th Overpressure - Px C spine FL
- Px Knee EX
- Passively DorsiFL
*If Knee EX with Pain, EX C Spine (neutral)
With C spine Neutral - Can’t EX Knee- Positive
Bowstring Test
- Lumber disc herniation
- Sciatic n pathology
- Reproductive of symptoms
- N Braided cord-Severe and Chironic
- Px Supine - Hip FL with Knee EX till Pain or Parasthesia
- Knee FL (= Hip FL) Px leg on Th’s shoulder
- Th Strum the Tibial N (medial to Biceps tendon in popliteal fossa
- SLR- positive– Sciatic n may be palpated
Local pain and pain down the leg
Nachlas Test
Femoral Nerve Strech
Neural Tension Test by
- Stress Femoral N
- Mid Lumbar (L2-L4) Nerve Roots
Reproduction of Pain or Paresthesia over L2 &/or L3 &/or L4 dermatome area (Lower back and anterior thigh)
→ lesion or irritation to the Femoral N
- Px - Prone
- Th - passively EX hip (15 degree) with knee EX
- Passively and slowly FL the heel to Buttocks.
- Femoral N on Stretch
- Unilateral Pain on L2-4 dermatome (mostly L2,3)-if no contracture and lesion to Quads
- Feeling Parasthesia—- Formication (snake / Insects walk on skin)
Valsalva Test
Intrathecal pressure Test
- Herniated Disc
- Osteophyte
- Space occupying Lesion
Reproduction of Symptoms Locally in Spine/ Down the Leg
- High seated
- Px - take a breath and Hold 6 secs
- Thumb in mouth and blow
Milgram’s test
- Intrathecal (herniated disc)
- Extrathecal (soft tissue injury )pathology
- Pain
- Inability to raise or hold the leg on the table
- Px Supine - both legs off table- Hold 30secs
* Optimistic
Hoover’s Test
ウソ発見 (px malingering of LB pain)
1. No transferring of force
- Px - Supine
- Th - take Px’s each heel in palm - ask px raise each legs
- Th- feel a downward pressure in opposite leg
Kemp’ s/ Quadrant Test
↓ Intervertebral foramen of the L spine
- Facet jt Irritation
- Foramental stenosis
Localized Pain on ipsilateral side (Facet Pain)
*Localized pain on same side may also come from
- injured mm shorted position and SPASM
- pressure on Inflamed ILIOLUMBAR Lig
- compression of the jt surfaces of SACROILIAC jt
(Neurological Pain in Gulteal and Hip region)
- Facet - Closed pack position
Pheasant Test
Spinal Instability (L-spine)
1. Hyperlordotic in Lumber
2. Pain in Lowe limb
(* Achilles Tendon Reflex test at beginning and end of test)
- Px- Prone
- Th- one hand on Lumbar spine and compress
- Th- other hand grab px ankles and passively bring them to buttocks
Segmental Instability Test
Spinal Instability
- LB Pain with pressure when px is relaxed
- NO LB Pain when pressure is applied while active mm contraction
* NO PAIN= area of Instability protected by mm contraction - Px - Prone with legs on ground (Hip FL 90 degree)
- Th- Posterior and Anterior Glide segmentally over individual SPs
- Once Pain identified specific segment- PX lifts legs Up OFF floor by contracting hip and spinal extensor
Disc Herniation Tests
- Straight Leg Raise
- Well Leg Raise
- Slump
- Valsalva
- Milgram’s
- Bowstring
* Pain behind of legs
Spinal Instability / Ankylosing pondylitis (Bamboo spine)
- Pheasant
- Segmental Instability
- MM test
Facet Irritation Tests
- Kemps
- Myotone
- Dermatone
Nerve Compression (peripheral n)
- Straight Leg Raise
- Femoral Nerve Stretch / Nachlas
- Bowstring
- Myotone
- Dermatone
- Specific myotone
Degenerative Disc Disease
- Slump
- Valsalva
MM Tightness
- MM test
- Myotone
- Dermatone
Nerve Roots Compression
- Myotone
- Dermatone
- Kemps (SLR/ WLR)
Dermatone (specific nerve roots level)
L1- oblique band on the upper thigh below inguinal lig from iliac crest down to groin
L2- Middle anterior thigh
L3- Anterior Thigh immediately proximal to the patella
L4- Patella, Medial leg and medial aspect of foot
L5- Lateral leg and Dorsum of the foot, web space b/w first two toes
S1- Lateral malleolus and lateral and plantar aspect of foot
S2- back of leg and thigh
*Bilaterally /7-10times
*Weakness (w/o pain)- Spinal Nerve Root Impingement
L2- Hip FL L3- Knee Ex L4- Ankle Dorsiflextion L5- Big toe EX S1- Foot Eversion S2- Knee FL or Hip EX
Disc L3-L4
- Root
- Reflex
- Mms
- Sensation
- L4
- Patellar
- Tib An
- Medial leg and foot
Disc L4-L5
- Root
- Reflex
- Mms
- Sensation
- L5
- None
- Lateral Leg, Dorsum of foot
Disc L5-S1
- Root
- Reflex
- Mms
- Sensation
- S1
- Achilles
- Peroneals
- Lateral foot