wow domestic and foreign policy? domestic and foreign policy. Flashcards
Bismarck launched a program called? to attack Catholic elements in Germany.
This Pope passed the Syllabus of Errors in 1864 and Papal Infallibilty 1870?
Pope Pius IX
Germany used war payments from this nation to help build new infrastructure in the 1870’s?
Bismarck allied with political party during the 1870’s:
National Liberal Party
This political party saw an increase in seat totals in the Reichstag in the 1880’s?
Social Democratic Party
The League of Three Emperors was made up of three nations - Germany, AH, and…?
May Laws saw the expulsion of this religious group in Germany?
The War in Sight Crisis occured after an article in this nations newspaper was published in 1875?
The Eastern Crisis saw these nations at war with the Ottomans:
MisteR BullShit :D
The Eastern Crisis was initiated when the Ottomans introduced?
New taxes on the Christian population of the Ottoman Provinces
This nation wanted a larger share of territory in Bulgaria region after the Ottomans were expelled?
The “April Uprising” that initiated the Eastern Crisis occurred in this future nation?
The Treaty of San Stefano 1877 was worded so that it benefitted this nation?
The Congress of Berlin 1878 saw this nation received Bosnia as a territory gain?
AH (Austria-Hungary?)
The Dual Alliance signed in 1879 was a treaty between Germany and?
The Triple Alliance included:
The May Laws attacked this specific group of Germans?
The Exceptional Laws attacked this specific group of Germans?
By 1885, Germany had ??? overseas colonies?
Great Britain was interested in ensuring the Russians stayed out of the Mediterannean Sea due to ownership of?
Suez Canal
The Reinsurance Treaty 1887 was signed between Germany and?
The focus of the Congress of Berlin 1885 was centered on?
Within Reinsurance Treaty, if Russia attacked AH, Germany would?
Support AH militarily
Within the Reinsurance Treaty, if France attacked Germany, Russia would?
Remain neutral
Bismarck was fired in 1890 by this new German Kaiser?
Wilhelm II
The Russian Tzar who signed the Reinsurance Treaty in 1887 was:
Alex III
The Papal Govt. in Vatican City/Rome is called?
Holy See
Throughout the 1870’s this political party in the Reichstag increased their seat totals?
Catholic Centre Party
Bismarck’s larger foreign relations goal was to isolate this nation:
overal goal of Domestic Issues
to make new German nation as “Prussian, Junker, conservative, officialdom-loving as possible
- so, he set out on a “cultural struggle” or what he called a Kulturkampf
what are the 2 domestic Challenges?
the Catholic Church and the Workers/Socialists
the cultural struggle
CC vs Bismarck
why were the Catholics Bismarck’s first target?
Papal Influence (Papal Infallibility)
- large Catholic Church population in S.W. Germany
- Bismarck fears that their loyalties will lie with CC/Rome rather than to the German state/Wilhelm I monarchy
the 2 edicts that Pope Pius IX had passed
1864 - Syllabus of Errors
list of behabours that good catholics should and shouldnt do
1870→ Papal Infallibility
Divine Right of Kings
Pope!!! is most right! because they close to god!
direct challenge to Wilhelm/Bismarck
Dialectic creation of opposites
the more you try to stomp on them, the stronger they become
happens with Domestic Policy
idea created by German Philosopher: George Hegel who also came up with officialdom
Measures that went into place due to the May Laws
- Jesuits throughout Germany are expelled
- Jesuit schools closed
- Education, syllabus all need approval by German government (including Catholic Church schools)
- Education becomes very SECULAR!
J (Jesuits) S (Schools) G (Government) S (Secular) Jesus Send Godly Strength (please for this test)
who is the religion minister that passes the May Laws with Bismarck?
Adalbert Falk
problem regarding the May Laws?
- In the Reichstag, the Catholic Centre Party grew in popularity and in the number of seats in Reichstag
- Bismarck also worried that Catholic France/Catholic Austria-Hungary would form an alliance, therefore encircling Germany
- Bismarck had a larger issue evolved as the 1870s moved along–> UNIONS, the socialist movement
what did Bismarck end up doing about the May laws?
In 1878, he ordered the repeal of the May Laws, in hopes that the CCP and its conservatism would support him in the Reichstag
Who wrote the Communist Manifesto and when?
Karl Marx, 1849
Social Democratic Party
the popular and growing political party in the Reichstag that represented the working class and socialist movement
“enemies of the state”
Bismarck considered the socialist movement to be this
catalyst (Cassus Belli) for him attacking the socialists
In 1878, two assasssination attempts on Wilhelm! (well, more than 2, but there are 2 that ppl get nailed for)
- Max Hodel and Karl Nobling - Hodel shoots himself, Nobling gets national razored - both people actually had only loose connections with the Socialist party
- Bismarck declares this an open/overt threat to German authority!
the Exceptional Laws
in October 1878, aimed at the workers/socialists
- Banned Unions
- Banned meetings of Socialists
- Banned socialist Newspapers
- Censorship
- bad, because it’s supposed to be a Constitutional monarchy—democracy
Banned socialist… N (newspapers) U (Unions) M (meetings) NUMbers
results of the Exceptional Laws
- socialist movement did not fade away
- grew in popularity, as did the Social Democratic Party in the Reichstag by 1890
- Dialectic Creation of Opposites
and so… he repeals them
he passes and adopts many of the socialist ideas/political platform
was Bismarck successful with his Kulturkampf program?
not…. really
Curbed to the wishes of the Catholics and the Socialists
what was Bismarck’s approach to war?
- Bismarck used war as an approach in the 1860s, he was a war monger
- Bismarck was an anti war dude from 1871-1890
- Great Peace Maker of Europe
Great Peace Maker of Europe
Bismarck’s title since he tried toa void war from 1871-1890
Bismarck’s 2 overall goals in Foreign Policy?
- isolate France, no allies or friends
- keep Austria-Hungary & Russia friendly—allows Germany to do what it wants inside its own country
Biggest Goal: make Germany super!! strong!! superpower in Europe!
- Drei (three) Kaiser (king) bund (group)
- An agreement between the three kings of Europe (Austria, Russia, Germany)
- diplomacy whenever there is a conflict between Austria-Hungary and Russia
- Breaks up in 1878 and then is reestablished in 1881 and then breaks off again in 1887
War in Sight
France 1870-1875
- France begins to update their military
- Bismarck fears another war with France!
- Bismarck writes an article called “War in Sight” (i.e. with france?) that is Published on Berlin post newspaper! under then name of another dude
goal of War in Sight Crisis
to put international pressure on France to stop rearming
results of War in Sight Crisis
GB and Russia specifically condemn Bismarck for heightening tensions in Europe! backfires for Bismarck
- GB/Russia indicate that they would support France in a potential war with Germany
- shows in WWI!
- results:
- bismarck learns that GB, RUssia, AH, would aid France in a potential war
- at least he knows who his enemies are!
Eastern Crisis
- 1875-1878
- Also called the Russo-Turkish war 1877-1878
- Wars between the Balkan provinces
- Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia vs the Ottomans in Europe (sick man of Europe)
Eastern nations are gonna rise up against the Ottomans, boot them out
Could lead to Austria-Hungary or Russia getting more land down south
Great Britain doesn’t want this!
leads to dispute between Austria-Hungary, Russia, Germany, and Great Britain
What do AH and Russia want from the Eastern Crisis?
- Austria Hungary wants the land in their empire
- Russia wants it so they can have access to the Mediterranean
Cassus Belli for the Eastern Crisis
- Ottomans are in heavy debt due to improvements to their infrastructure/military
- Foreign loans to pay for them
- By 1875, the Ottomans can’t pay, so they tax the Christians in the provinces and Balkans
the Baku uprising (April Uprising)
War breaks out between Bulgaria/Serb, Montenegro, Romania
Bulgarian slaughtered a lot of the Ottomans
Doesn’t go well for slavic countries until 1877 when Russia enters the war (Russia wants some of the Balkans!)
- after it’s over and the Balkans are open, Russia signs a treaty with the Turks
San Stefano Treaty
1st treaty after the Eastern Crisis
- Creates a “Big Bulgaria”—becomes a Russian state
- European world is not content!!
- changes the BOP
- Russia too much power!
Berlin Treaty (1)
2nd Treaty after the Eastern Crisis
- Bismarck hosts this
- Essentially rewrites the treaty… Russia loses territory
- each slavic country is independent (1877-1878)
- Montenegro, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia
- Austria-Hungary obtained Bosnia (Sarajevo) to “administer”
- Russia
conclusions of the Eastern Crisis!!
- Germany! loses a potential ally in Russia
- Russia pulls out of Dreikaiserbund in 1878
Why did Bismarck sign the Dual/Triple Alliance?
Bismark be like: If I can’t be friends with Russia, I gotta get closer to Austria-Hungary
who were in the Dual and Triple Alliances?
Dual (1789) Germany, Austria-Hungary
Triple (1881) Germany, Austra-Hungary, Italy
Inside countries!
why would Austria-Hungary have any interest in forming an alliance with Germany?
- they need FRIENDS!
- Germany is strong country and they speak German in Austria
Reinsurance Treaty
secret treaty Between Russia and Germany
- Promise to stay neutral if they have a war with another major power!
Exceptions to Reinsurance Treaty
- If Russia picks a war with Austria-Hungary, then Germany has to help out
- if Germany is an aggressor toward France, then Russia has to help out
Future of the Reinsurance Treaty?
- this treaty is NOT renewed and is cancelled by Wilhelm II in 1890
SIGNIFICANT! bc Leads to Russia looking for a friend (France and GB)
Leads to Franco-Russian 1892
Germany is encircled!! (later during WWI and stuff too!)
why doesn’t Bismarck want overseas land?
it’s not a focus for Bismarck — wants to focus on domestic issues
the four German colonies
- Cameroon — colony
- German South-West Africa — colony (Present-day Namibia)
- German East Africa — colony (Present-day Tanzania)
- Fourth colony = Port Moresby (capital of papua New Guinea)
Berlin Congress 1885 — Second one
- to avoid a potential war in Africa over ownership or title of a colony
sets up rules so ppl don’t have wars about who owns what land/colonies
rules for 2nd Berlin Congress
- you have to establish some kind of control over colony - how?
- Police or military
- put $$ into it - infrastructure
- establish a government - either run by a European leader or let locals have control (which is called a protector)
My Man Gerald (is creating colonies)
which 2 countries aren’t occupied by foreign power in 1860?
(Ethiopia and Libya)
the Scramble for Africa
the invasion, occupation, division, and colonization of most of Africa by seven Western European powers during a short period
they compete to see who’s got the biggest military, most overseas colonies, raw materials, resources…
1873 - investment scandals in railway industry did what?
Triggered a crisis in investor confidence that spread across entire German economy
Due to the economic crisis in the 1870s, national consensus now torn between?
- those who continued to advocate liberal trade policies of 1860s to early 70s
- those who saw in protectionism a cure for the depression taking place in Germany
policies that limit the access that foreign goods & services have to a country’s domestic market - adopted to protect development of a country’s own industries
National Liberal Party
1870s strongest party in Reichstag
why did Bismarck ally with the National Liberal Party?
strongest party in the Reichstag
- the liberals & Bismarck shared common goals
- they both wanted a more centralized & unified state
exclusive partisanship or attachment to one’s own nation, political party or other affiliated group
what had to be banished for a more united/stronger Germany?
- the economic, legal and political particularism had to be BANISHED
- therefore, it was easy for Bismarck & liberals to agree on the establishment of a national bank, adoption of a single currency & rationalization of commercial/criminal law across the Reich
disagreement between the National Liberal Party and Bismarck
- Bismarck firmly believed authority of the state shall remain with the Crown (chancellor & cabinet)
- Liberals believed the Reichstag needed to be strengthened
- Bismarck did not want to do that
what formed the backbone of the Conservative & Imperial Party in Reichstag
- bc of the worldwide depression, protectionism had become popular with both Germany’s major industrialists & increasingly among Junker agricultural interests
why and how did Bismarck form parliamentary alliances with the CENTRE PARTY and the Conservative & Imperial Party
- which two nations adopted protectionist policies?
why were Liberals opposed to any role for the church?
they saw it as infringing on natural individual rights